[Fanzine Focus XXXVI] Tales from the Smoking Wyrm No. 3
Tales from the Smoking Wyrm No. 3 is another fine looking issue of the fanzine published by Blind Visionary Publications. As with the previous issues, it continues to provide long-term support rather than immediate support for use with the Dungeon Crawl Classics Roleplaying Game. This is not say that none of its content is not of use or even useless, for that is very much not the case, but rather that it requires a bit of effort upon the part of Judge to work it into her campaign. In fact, all of content is detailed, interesting, and worth reading. Published in August, 2021, following a successful Kickstarter campaign, where the previous issue, Tales from the Smoking Wyrm No. 1 strayed into the territory of the Mutant Crawl Classics Roleplaying Game – Triumph & Technology Won by Mutants & Magic, both Tales from the Smoking Wyrm No. 2 and Tales from the Smoking Wyrm No. 3 have stuck to a very similar format and remained in the territory of Dungeon Crawl Classics.
Tales from the Smoking Wyrm No. 3 opens with ‘Dor Nyvs’. This is a new Patron, one that is of the five Archomentals of the plane of earth and as much an individual entity as part of the landscape. It is described as being a surprisingly active patron rather than simply accepting the sacrifices and devotion of its worshippers. Its Invoke Patron spells include effects such as ‘Buoyant Pumice’ which reduces the target’s mass, doubling the encumbrance capacity, and if actually unencumbered, quintupling his jumping distance, ‘Tectonic Folding’, which causes the earth and stone to fold around the targets, inflicting damage and potentially entrapping them, and with ‘Timeless Stone’ turning the target into stone for a number of decades equal to the spellburn spent. Dor Nyvs actually allows its worshippers to choose a lesser effect than the one rolled, whilst its patron taint first pummels the spellcaster and anyone nearby with hot pumice and then subsequently forces the caster to take on aspects of the elemental plane of earth. Its spellburn causes a caster to cough up pebble and silt, weep crystal shards, and so on, whilst its spells consist of Find Familiar, Life and Death of Stone, Summon Minion of Dor Nyvs, and Earth’s Cradle. Of these, Life and Death of Stone enables the caster to feel the pain of stone—living or dead, and even heal it; Summon Minion of Dor Nyvs summons an earth-related minion or two; and Earth’s Cradle enables to sink into the earth, move through it, and listen to his surroundings. Overall, nicely thematic, although the idea of its being an active patron is not explored beyond its mention.
‘Cullpepper’s Herbal’ continues the regular feature begun in Tales from the Smoking Wyrm No. 1. Here there is a guide to creating concoctions and herbal restoratives, which includes descriptions, flowering times, astrology, shoots, and more. This time the entries are all fungi: Death’s Head Agaric, and Red Agaric, all illustrated and all very nicely detailed. In all cases, the individual parts of the mushroom are broken done and their use explained, such as the cap of the Red Agaric being poisonous unless boiled twice, and then very tasty in a stew, the stalk being useful as a thickener in stew, as a glue, and can be boiled down to make a covering for footwear that is waterproof, and the gills, if dried, work as an emetic, but good for flushing parasites out of the bowels! Not all of this information is necessarily going to be useful, but it great detail for a herbalist Player Character or NPC.
‘Rites & Rituals Part III’ continues the expanded use of magic and rituals in Dungeon Crawl Classics, begun in Tales from the Smoking Wyrm No. 1. Rituals are more powerful than normal spells, and their inherent power, unlinked to any god or deity, means that anyone can cast them. What this leads to is the creation of standardised rituals to achieve the same objective, but which are different from one cult or organisation to another. ‘Rites & Rituals Part I’ in Tales from the Smoking Wyrm No. 1 explained how they work, whilst cleric-related rituals were detailed in Tales from the Smoking Wyrm No. 2. ‘Rites & Rituals Part III’ suggests ways in which they can used to enhance game play and add roleplaying scenes and adds two more sample rituals. These are Homunculi Servant and Sky Citadel, extending the range available.
The monster detailed in Tales from the Smoking Wyrm No. 3 is the ‘Tentacular’. This is a weird combination of feline and tentacular monstrosity, essentially cat plus the Eye Tyrant of Greyhawk Supplement IV. It has the head and body of a cat, but instead of legs and tails, it has tentacles. It also has a beak through which it draws the souls of its victims and food. An Adult Tentacular has different powers in each of its eyes, such as being able to spot arcane spellcasters with one eye because they radiate a red aura, shoot blasts of corruption, or fires a beam of energy that rends armour in two! The Tentacular preys on wizards in particular, even needing to feed on their souls to undergo the change into a juvenile and into an adult. It is a fanatically, horrifyingly detailed write-up of a weird and wondrous creature, but the lengthy article does not suggest any ideas as to how the creature might be used in a game.
The companion piece to ‘Tentacular’ is ‘Tentacular kin – Fuzzies, Steelies, and Beakies’, inspired by an image which originally appeared in The Dungeoneer, Vol. 1, No. 2., accompanying the article, ‘Fuzzies & Steelies’ by Jennell Jacquays. If the Tentacular is the fanzine’s answer to the Beholder of Dungeons & Dragons fame, then as Fuzzies and Steelies were described as ‘beholderkin’, then it made sense for the Tentacular to have its own. These are the mutated result of a young Tentacular consuming the soul of a corrupted wizard or soul-eater. All three creatures live up to their singular names, the Fuzzie being a ball of stiff fur, the Steelie having a shell of hardened fur, and a Beakie a sharp beak capable of biting through armour and breaking bones! The Fuzzle and Steelie have sting attacks and can wield weapons with their tentacles, whereas the Beakie does not and instead has a sonic attack which can either be sleep-inducing purr or a piercing yowl. These are nice additions, but the article does not develop any of the three creatures beyond this.
In between, ‘You, Too, Can Gongfarm!’ offers a means of an Elf, Dwarf, or Halfling only rolling occupations particular to their races when creating Player Characters for a Character Funnel, the signature game style of Dungeon Crawl Classics in the players roleplay multiple Zero Level characters in the hope that some survive to advance to First Level. It is short and simple. Rounding out the issue is Joel Philips’ ‘Onward Retainer’. This continues the comic strip about the retainer in the fantasy roleplaying games begun in the first issue. It is nicely drawn and is a reasonable enough read, though not as funny as it is trying to be. Lastly, ‘Word Wyrms’ is another two pages of word puzzles. Great if you like word puzzles, otherwise, very much not. Unlike in previous issues, there is no editorial, just a listing of the contents on the back cover.
Physically, Tales from the Smoking Wyrm No. 3 is well written and the fanzine as a whole, has high production values. The artwork is good throughout, and the front cover again echoes the illustration from the Dungeon Master’s Guide for Advanced Dungeons & Dragons, First Edition, by Dave Trampier, which is based on the Street of the Knights on the Greek island of Rhodes. This is an illustration that the fanzine will return to again and again for its front covers.
Tales from the Smoking Wyrm No. 3 picks up where Tales from the Smoking Wyrm No. 2 left off. It is a very good-looking third issue, but none of the content is immediately useful or applicable to a game and the Judge will need to work it into her campaign. The other issue is the lack of application and the lack of advice on how to use any of the content, all of which would have made the fanzine of more immediate use. Tales from the Smoking Wyrm No. 3 contains good solid material, but it may not make to the table until after the Judge has decide what she wants to do with it.