Your Cypher Starter

The Cypher System Starter Set comes with two books, ten character sheets, a cheat sheet, a poster map, two mini-decks of cards, and two dice. The two books are the ‘Player’s Book’ and the ‘Game Master’s Book’, both thirty-two pages in length. The ten characters provide pre-generated Player Characters for the two scenarios included in the ‘Game Master’s Book’, one Science Fiction and one fantasy. The poster map provides maps of two locations, the cards—the XP cards and the GM Intrusion Cards—are for handling certain aspects of play, and the dice consist of one twenty-sided die and one six-sided die.
The ‘Player’s Book’ is marked ‘Read This First’. The starting point is an introduction to the Cypher System rather than roleplaying in general, but it provides an overview of what is in the box before leaping into an explanation of the rules. These begin with the eight basic rules, explaining in turn that there are four character types—Warrior, Adept, Explorer, and Speaker, there are three stats—Might, Speed, and Intellect that are pools of points which can be spend for various effects, that players make all the rolls, that the use of abilities can cost points, by spending points or ‘applying Effort’ an action can be made easier, damage suffered reduces the stat pools, but they can be recovered through rest, and any skill can be learned and both skills and assets can make actions easier. With this groundwork laid, the ‘Player’s Book’ expands on these so that in five pages, including how a GM Intrusion works on a roll of one, spending XP for rerolls, the benefits of high rolls, and the damage track, and the reader has a clear and simple explanation of how the rules work. This is followed by an example of play, which to be fair, is not a new example of play, but it works, illustrating how the game works for the reader after he has been told how it works. Having it this close to the rules is also more helpful than having it appear at the end of the book as in some rulebooks for the Cypher System.
This is followed by an explanation of the system’s namesake, the Cyphers, the one-use benefits or powers that can grant a Player Character in play, a list of arms, armour, and equipment for the fantasy and Science Fiction genres as well as the modern day.
Perhaps the biggest surprise in the Cypher System Starter Set is it includes rules for character generation. This is unheard of in any starter set which instead makes use of pre-generated Player Characters. It begins with explaining how the descriptive sentence at heart of every Player Character in the Cypher System works. This sentence has the structure of “I am a [adjective] [noun] who [verbs]”, where the noun is the character’s Type; the adjective a Descriptor, such as Clever or Swift, that defines the character and how he does things; and the verb is the Focus or what the character does that makes him unique. For example, “I am a Fast Warrior Who Needs No Weapons” or “I am a Clever Adept Who Command Mental Powers”. There is a guide for modifying characters, but the rules here, complete with explanations of what each character Type—Warrior, Adept, Explorer, and Speaker—can do along with options for both the Descriptor and Focus. This allows a player to create a wide range of characters, though they cannot advance beyond Tier 1 (the full rules take a Player Character up to Tier 6). Rounded out with a glossary, the ‘Player’s Book’ is a very good introduction to the Cypher System, which the players could refer to in play beyond the contents of the Cypher System Starter Set. It also provides a means of creating characters as well, one with limited options, but also one that does not threaten to overwhelm the prospective player like the Cypher System Rulebook might.
The longer ‘Game Master’s Book’ is marked ‘Read This Second’. It explains how to be a Game Master and handle the rules, including setting task difficulties, awarding XP, combat, and so on. There is an explanation of how Cyphers work in the game and a list of twenty or so Cyphers that can be used in either scenario contained in the ‘Game Master’s Book’. GM Instructions have been mentioned previously in both books, but here they are given a fuller explanation. They are designed to make a situation and the Player Character’s life more interesting or more complicated. For example, the Player Character might automatically set off a trap or an NPC important to the Player Character is imperilled. When this happens, the Game Master hands the character’s player two XP cards. He can keep one of these, but must give one to another player. The player can refuse the intrusion, but that means his character and someone else’s character do not earn any XP. Plus, it is not any fun. A GM Intrusion can also occur if a player rolls a one on any action. There is also a short bestiary in the ‘Game Master’s Book’, but the latter half of the book is taken up by two scenarios.
‘Creeping Ooze’ is the fantasy scenario. In it, the Player Characters are hunting for an Elf Necromancer when they are ambushed by a Necromantic Ooze (and the players’ first GM Intrusion) whose slime leads back to a vault known as the Shattered Seal. The scenario is short, but offers opportunities for combat, exploration, and interaction, including being able to deal with a threat without having to resort to combat. Notes and stats are given in the sidebars, including some inventive GM Intrusions. The Science Fiction scenario is ‘Xambit Station’. The Player Characters are accompanying their friend, Arbiter Jemsen, to Xambit Station where they are to act as his bodyguards and eyes and ears whilst he conducts some talks between the rival Crimson Conglomerate and Ranj Alliance factions. This adventure is more complex than ‘Creeping Ooze’, having a plot and requiring the players and their characters to be more proactive. Arbiter Jemsen directs the Player Characters to essentially snoop around and investigate the station and its personnel to determine if there is any plan or attempt to disrupt the talks. The relative complexity of the scenario means that the sidebars are much busier and there is much for the Player Characters to do, especially in technical and social terms. There is scope for combat in the scenario, but consists primarily of tavern brawls and fistfights in space. Overall, a decent little adventure. Of the two, the ‘Creeping Ooze’ will probably take a session to play through whilst ‘Xambit Station’ will probably take two.
Both scenarios are supported with a set of five pre-generated Player Characters each. The fantasy ones consist of a ‘Stealthy Explorer who Moves Like a Cat’, a ‘Learned Adept who Bears a Halo of Fire’, a ‘Clever Speaker who Works Miracles’, and an ‘Exiled Explorer who Masters Weaponry’, whilst the Science Fiction ones consist of a ‘Stealthy Explorer who Moves Like a Cat’, a ‘Sharp-Eyed Explorer who Pilots Starcraft’, a ‘Clever Adept who Talks to Machines’, an ‘Honourable Warrior who Fuses Flesh and Steel’. Effectively, there are only slight variations in terms of the Player Characters between the two scenarios and whilst that does showcase how very similar characters can work in different genres, it does mean that Player Characters do not make the fullest use of the options presented in the ‘Player’s Book’.
In addition, the poster map gives a map of the Sealed Vault in the ‘Creeping Ooze’ and a map for the scenario called ‘Entombed in Ice’. Which is odd, because that scenario does not appear in the Cypher System Starter Set. The cards in the Cypher System Starter Set consist of two types. The XP Deck is made up of just XP cards. These are nicely illustrated and come with tips for the players and Game Master. The Intrusion deck consists of ideas for GM Intrusions for combat, interaction, and miscellaneous situations that the Game Master can draw from for inspiration.
Physically, Cypher System Starter Set is very nicely produced. It is superbly illustrated and solidly written, so that anyone with some roleplaying experience can pick up the rules very easily.
However, the Cypher System Starter Set is far from perfect. The tuck-style box that it comes in is flimsy, more so given the current format for starter sets. There is probably too much similarity between the Player Characters for the different genres of the two scenarios and more than one Reference Card would have been useful. As would a map of the space station in ‘Xambit Station’, which is a major omission. And the players are definitely going to want more twenty-sided dice. One is not enough. Lastly, it would be nice to see further support for the content of Cypher System Starter Set, perhaps a book of scenarios that would allow the Player Characters in the two scenarios have further adventures.
Overall, the Cypher System Starter Set is a solid introduction to the Cypher System. It is well written and presented with character options aplenty to showcase some of the choices available, and if the scenarios are a little short, they do demonstrate some of the flexibility and possibilities of genre that the Cypher System is capable of supporting.