Jeu de guerre de Ornria — Postings from the Ornrian Wars

Encylopedia Ornia entry for Agog.

Agog reduced the number of serving troops to fewer than 100 active persons last year to economize, but short enlistments and and a semi mandatory militia reserve balances the low “on paper” numbers. The Prince Martial could call hundreds more to the colors instantly in a state of at least moderate training.


Officially the Holiest Protectorate Proproedrate of House of Gog Magosh. It is a Nation of the Ornrian Disk located toward the Hot Zone (Amatublassu Quarter) of the Westward Rim. It is located East of Yarkistan, and the Foo-EE prefecture. To the south it shares a short fortified land border with the Sumartrian Empire. The land is surrounded on the East, North, and West by seas; the Western Shore is considered the northern reach of the Mosasaur Coast of the Pearlfoam Abyss. Cape Jubjoobeegog is the Northernmost point of land, and marks the opening of the Tintub Strait. This is the origin of the mariner’s “Jub-jub Beak” in the old hornpipe song, and the site of a critical lighthouse guiding ships towards Takara and other harbors of the Tintub Strait. 

It’s principle and only official language is Agogite, with some minorites speaking Foo-Eish, Gopher and Goshite are are regional dialects more than actual independent languages, and are officially suppressed.


Climatically the country has small variation, but can be divided into four zones. The first zone is the cooler, humid Mosasaur Coast that enjoys relative comfort due to the cool draughts from the Great Titan Current of the Pearlfoam Abyss. Here the temperature in Winter scarcely dips below 70, and in Summer rarely climbs above 100.

The second zone is the Inland Zone.; A parched dusty dried mudstone desert of deep crevasses and low hard mesas, This zone sees one or two rainfalls per year from Pearlfoam storms, these storms last only a few hours at most, but can dump monsoon like rains that flash flood the deep aryos and canons and are extremely dangerous, loosed soils will slide and collapse, reshaping the strange yellow brown terrain into fantastic towers and toppling old forms into the canyons causing the muddy watercourses to shift and change. After the storm, very little water will remain, what does pool into basins makes precious temporary oasis that will, for a week or two, nurture such shrubbery and greenery as this zone will ever see, and becomes the haven for wild goats, vicunya, and the white desert panther. Temperatures in this zone can soar to 130 degrees, and the Westsmith Expedition claimed to have recorded 141 degrees in Swimuary.

Zone three is the Koonifer Plain beginning just north of Gulamesh and running south to Lotarsh, it’s an arid mudplain by nature, but millenia of human water management has turned it into an arid prairie. This carefully managed prairie is called the Brazen Granary and is among the most fertile land of the Ornrian Disk. Here some of the earliest known domestication of common vegetables occurred; the parsnip, the mustard plant, cucumbers, sunflowers, wheat, radish, lettuces, and many others. Three to four crops a year are commonplace.

The final Zone is the Tintub Shorewall. This is the rockiest and least habitable region of the land. A steep ridge or wall of rock curving around the western coast and blocking the cool zephyrs that blow out of Foo-EE, This wall-like ridge of rock is steep, unforgiving, harsh, but gives a view of nearly the entire Brazen Granery and has many ancient fortified sites upon it, and as they rise imperiously directly from the sea to the west they provide no haven for pirates or sea raiders in that direction, only the seabirds use these lonely rocky cliffs as nesting sites.


Agog has been inhabited by a multiplicity of ethnicities over the ages. Possibly Agog is the very cradle of civilization, for recently archaeologists of the Gulamesh University working with a team from Krautberg Kollege uncovered what is believed to be the earliest known town on Ornria, consisting of mud brick and reed structures and palm wood streets, but without pottery, and with stone tools of sophisticated workmanship. The site, located near Frogesh is called after the slight rise it was found under; Hooglehananany.

The oldest named people of the region were called the Beerberzerks, or “Beer guzzlers” believed to be cognate with the “Beerjar Culture Horizon. In their wake came Sasanazi, thought to have begun the waterworks on the Brazen Prairie, and the Toolish, a goat herding group out of the Yarking Lowlands of Yarkistan, entering by way of Kinalabash and Lulubele. Possibly these herders were driven north into the hot dry and inhospitable desert by the ancestors of the Bogumbele peoples of the Sombu Blackjungle of modern Sumartria. It is thought the Toolish first brought metalworking to Agog, and the fusion of Toolish and Sasanazi technologies created the rise of proto city states on the Brazen Prairie. These states warred with one another fiercely and drove a period of technological innovation that came to an end when Omgugle I called “the Surrite”, unified the cities of the plain in the first Goshite Old Kingdom.

Surrite Dynastic leadership enshrined, literally, the monotheistic worship of Gog, the Queen Mother of the Goshite People. Possibly amalgamting her with Geshgurgeshgul the Toolish war goddess and the old Beerberzerk Smooshyshesh, a cow or beer goddess (Dr. V Lobitoff speculates the confusion here may be from the use of fermented milk as a beverage, and the famous beer being in actuality a kefir like drink).

(see Religion).

The Goshites dwelt thousands of years in the hot dry lowlands, building mudbrick villages, digging irrigation systems and growing the fruits of Mother Gog, In those centuries three dynastic periods passed; the Old Kingdom of Gosh, a GolGosh interreignum, the Neogosh Kingdom dynasty, and the Late Gosh dynasty. The Late Gosh dynasty was able to subdue the highlands people (the Gollygush tribes) and even reached into Sumartria. Gosh Kings were Powerful, and dominated the Southern nieghbors, even influencing the lands across the Tintub Straight, until the coming of the Vus.

The Vus organized the first sea-empire, trading across the Pearlfoam, hazarding it’s massive predators in flimsy wooden bird-ships to make themselves rich trading ores and raw metals, foodstuffs, pottery, minerals, even live animals. This is when camels and horses were first brought to Agog.

Though the Vus were never a single polity, they dominated the Western Pearlfoam coasts in the period of Early Metals. Vus mercenaries participated in a series of Gogite civil wars that destroyed the Late Gosh Kingdom, fracturing it and opening it to rival powers.

The Vus built, or rather, rebuilt Ururtan, as a miniature Dogchewygrad in mudbrick and stone rather than wood of the original, and created it’s first wharfs, breakwaters, and the great quay.

The Vus were traders, intent of commercial exploitation rather than political control, and prospered as a people. In fact individual Vus traders were still ethnically distinct into the early modern era. Nonetheless in time new seafarers bringing larger better ships came on the scene, displacing the old, a people known as the Sea Albs.

The Sea Albs were tribes from the south of modern Yarkistan, more violent than the Vus, they quickly displaced them and drove them out of the Southern Pearlfoam. They then attempted a suppression of Gogite culture in favor of Albish, but this effort was both a failure, as the Albs took on more Gosh-Agog influence than the reverse (Agog script is still used in the Alb language), and was interrupted by the predation of Gu pirates from Foo-EE.

Gu Piracy culminated in a short-lived Gu-Foo Kingdom in central Agog, though lasting only a few decades before Gogites rose and pulled down nearly all elements of Gu culture. This rebellion opened the coast to the Yarks, bitter enemies of the Sea Albs, and in this free for all Agog became a wild no mans land with political control being in the hands of warlords, many unable to speak Gogite at all, and holding sway over territory as small as a village, town, or even neighborhood. In this chaotic environment the Agog priesthood quietly rebuilt it’s power, and stealthily nurtured the smallholdings of the ancient temple monasteries, and making important alliances with Warlord families.

In the wake of the Great Tintub War a century and a half ago, the Foo-Ee marched in again and set about an exploitation programme; building railways, opening modern universities, and running the state through the Yarkish Kings Brusa Bodadter, Bhogdotzu, and BodadterII. The assassination of Bodadter II nearly 15 years ago, and the rising of the Gogites in the last decade has seen the Foo-Ee driven out of the land, and the rise of Mustafa Moustache a Gogite strongman claiming the title of Proproedrate. Under this Proproedrate has occurred a renaissance of Gogish culture, and the re-establishment of a vigorous Gog-Gosh state.


Agog is a Developing country, a former colony of Foo-EE with some remaining ties in the major cities. It’s form of government is a theocratic Counciliar Pro-Proedrate. This means Agogite Temple Councils chose regional leaders called Proedrates subject to popular veto by bloc, and bound by certain ethical and religious expectations, with the chiefmost duty to elect and support a “high governor”, the Proproderate. These lesser proderates once held great power over local affairs but the traditional duties were eroded away under the Foo-Ee Colonization and the chaotic warlord period following. They are being replaced in that respect by the Zargovers, a sort of vizier-like local governor chosen by the Proproedrate. This has weakend the more conservative theocratic aspect of the local governments somewhat but has made room for modernization programs to reach the common folk. 

Proproedrate Mustafa Moustache

Mustaffa Moustache is the current Proproderate, and could be described as a strong man or dictatorial leader, but seems in the main to be a rather benevolent example of the type with a minimum of factional resistance to his rule in the boundaries of Agog.  Buslopbia is another matter, and will be covered there.  Little can be said for certain about Mustafa Moustache.  He is a shadowy figure, rarely seen or photographed.  His visage is uncommon in the towns of Agog, and only three or four definite photos of him are known to be used in Agogite Newspapers, many of which wind up cut out, and framed in prominant places in private homes, but rarely seen in public.  Many rumors swirl about the man as if to fill the vacuum. Some are quite wild, involving self mutilation, on one extreme, to fathering a dozen hidden children on the other.  some are unlikely; in the aftermath of the Rose festival Earthquake it has been claimed that he single-handedly saved a dozen people from death by lifting an enormous weight of rubble, or of vehicles.   Other people claim Mr. Moustache invented vaccination, cured the plague, even stopped bullets with the power of his voice.  It is safe to say the man has been raised to the mythical height of culture hero in his land.   One thing can be said certainly; he was a brilliant guerilla leader who was the certain archetect of the expulsion of the Foo-Ee from the country, and his comrades and assistants have been quite happy to allow his mythos to overshadow thier own fame.

Agog currently semi-occupies Buslobpia, mostly an economic domination that has it’s roots in clever manipulation by the Proedrate in Buslopian media and government. Strategic investments in powerful Buslopian politicians has allowed Agog to avoid a military effort so far. Buslopian exploitation is a source of increasing economic strength but is fraught with future dangers to the regime.

Agog is not signatory to any alliances at this time, but has a standing enmity with Foo-Ee, Oppressorbad, Sumartria, and strangely; Gross Montaine, over what slight it seems difficult to determine.

Primary School education is now mandatory for minors, though the schools in many places are open air and lacking the most trivial of supplies. This growth in schooling has lead to a skyrocketing literacy rate. And with it a new industry producing popular periodicals and books written in classical Gogite Cuneiform has ushered in a flowering renaissance of Gogite cuneiform.


The Official currency of Agog is the Ishminub, or “clay fish”. It is available in 1,6,12,180,and 360 Ishminub denominations. It is a small round clay coin roughly 10mm wide.

Industrialization remains limited, and efforts to build factories have previously come to naught due to the scarcity of raw materials for exploitation.

The Principle industry is food export. Fruits and Vegetables are shipped out daily in refrigerated bulk ships. The sea is source of much of the populations’ living. Free diving for pearl Oysters or Sponges provides a dangerous but lucrative occupation for the bravest coastal fishermen, while others seek Mosasaur Eggs, trawl for Xiphactines Minor, guide sportsfishers after big Arthrodires, and siene for shellfish, sardine and baitfish. Recently the Zargover of Gumph discovered a plastic mine, and inkwells sunk under the Foo-EE near Lotarsh have come under Agogite ownership, increasing the Agogite coffers enormously, and bankrolling several progressive initiatives. Agogite citizens now have universal health care, free education, new monastic libraries are building in all communities, and the new interlocking rail and bus mass transit system allows almost free personal transportation across the country. In addition the expansion of road and rail has included an expansion of the Agog Postal Service, complete with a modern railway mail car between Gulamesh and Astarte.

Modern rails and refrigeration plants bring iced fish from the wharfs of Ururtan to the great nationalized canning concerns Zushgug Inc. and Lalubablush Ltd. in Gulamesh. Agog tinned oysters, sea scorpions, sardines, and pickled mosasaur eggs are found under foreign labels in grocery stores all over the Ornrian Disk. Minor Factories in Astarte and Lotarsh produce canned, dried, and pickled vegetables and sauces. Mostly for domestic consumption, but a fair amount finds it’s way to tables in Guerat and Buslopbia. First class wheat is transported by rail to new grain towers in the port of Ururtan. The valuable Bulk Wheat of the lowland is finally raising farmers standards of living out of sheer peasantry, and underpins the new government’s campaign to end rural poverty.

Agog is the source of Crimzogite the special clay used by Foo Ee craftsmen for the production of world class pottery. White Chalk is found in abundance, and in the North are salt mines, still operated as a penal industry. Exploitation of the Ink Wells and the new Plastic mines might kickstart an Industrial boom, but only time will tell.

The Military.

The Agog Holy Army consists of the Land Army, Army Air Service and Army Marine Force, as well as Army State Provost (a state police). They are led by a Warpriest Prince Martial under the supervision of the Ministry of Defense and by the ProProedros as the supreme commander during wartime. In times of peace its powers are executed through the Prime Aldarate and the Defense Minister.

Prince Martial Bslam

The chief purpose of the armed forces of Agog is the defense of the independence, the sovereignty and the territorial integrity of the country, but it does include participation in humanitarian, non-combat and peace support operations. Military service was mandatory, with the age of 15 being the legal minimum age for duty but reforms are underway and the Army is transitioning to an all volunteer force.

 The head of the Army is the Prince Marital Oghrus Lith Bslam, the Lion of Lotarsh.  He is acclaimed for his successful defense during the siege of Lotarsh by Foo-Ee, and the clever sortie assault delivered with makeshift armor and sheer guts. It is rumored that he is a first cousin of Mustafa, but that is unconfirmed.

The military now consists mainly of a small fleet of obsolete aircraft and small sea vessels. The country recently scrapped enormous amounts of obsolete hardware captured from Foo-EE, such as light tanks, military goat carts, primitive breech loading field guns, and Takaran split breech rifles.

The remaining armor force is tiny, believed to number less than 10 medium tanks of near obsolete types dating to the Tintub War. And the rifle deficit has not really been made up. Anonymous agents have recently approached the Gumghuner Rifle Works of Heavy Flashing inquiring about placing large orders for rifles of modern type, and it’s believed these agents are a front for Agog.

Military spending has generally been low, last year only 1.5% of the country's GDP. This is however, up from the previous decade. It has been observed that Agogite Army Officers have been taking long leaves of absence and enlisting in foreign armies presumably to receive training and learn modern war techniques. In addition the state is constructing new warehouses believed to be Army depots and seems to be laying in Wheat and stockpiling medical supplies.

Lastly, the Agog army now occupies and is reinforcing the FooEe underground fortifications along the Southern border with the Sumartrian Empire. This line is quite formidable, and features a mix of breadth based defense with forward posts, obstructions and concentration points, deep underground bunkers, heavy guns, tank traps and fougasses, and lanes of overlapping fire fields. The majority of the nation’s remaining stock of machineguns and artillery are invested in this line, sometimes called Moustafa’s Ditch.

     In addition to Moustafa's ditch, every settlement hosts a caeserne, usually a small house, hut, or in the biggest towns an actual, if tiny, fort where the local garrison is housed.  This caeserne serves as police station, post office, telegraph office, and often fire brigade, animal control, and city maintenance service. and is usually rather sleepily manned; a single officer with a one or two enlisted men is not uncommon, and it's believed some are in operation with a single NCO filling all roles, sometimes with family and children pitching in.

Ethnicity and Demographics

Agogite Ethnicity is a tangled and sensitive subject. By law all who receive Agog’s Three Rites (see Religion) are Agogites. The Government claims 98 percent of the population is ethnically Agogite. Under Foo Ee rule the Agog ethnic group was only 57 percent, the remainder made up of 6 percent Yarkic, 12 percent Albish, 10 percent Gu, and a hodge podge remainder. How to account for the differences? How do ethnic minorities feel about the legalities? We simply cannot say, as no survey has been permitted.


Agog has a rich and ancient culture. It’s writing system was the first known, and as a consequence Agog has an incredible trove of ancient poetry, story, mythology, and letter writing, a richness that has influenced literature and myth over all of Ornria.

Agogite Cuisine is famous, and divided into two general types; the coastal cuisine is dominated by seafood, fresh vegetables , and acidic flavors from citron and lemons, while the highlands are famous for smoky goat and vicyuna dishes with flat-breads and yoghurt sauces.

Agogite music is distinctive; dominated by the Phorminx, a stringed instrument of great antiquity, the Crotalum, a sort of castanet, the Tibia, a very ancient double flute, the Cochillia, a seashell percussion instrument, the Salpix, a long trumpet-like bronze horn, and the sistrum. Percussion dominates, yet strangely, the drum is not represented classically, and even in modern Agogite music only the tambourine has made any headway. The music is quick, rhythmic, with a suppressed melody, especially in Shasshahaclavasha styles. This ancient form is well suited to the Temple and Festival dances which include whirling and jumping moves intended to bring on altered mental states in the participants.


Agog is monotheistic; shrines, temples and monasteries bejewel the country. The entire citizenry is dedicated to the worship of Gog Goshgog; perhaps best translated as “Gog; the grandmother of all things” a truly National Deity. Gog is believed to be incarnated in the Gogpubu, a unique Baetylus, or “magic” stone housed in the holiest part of the Royal Gubaban Temple of Gulamesh. On the other hand, there is a widespread folk belief that the stone is actually her coprolite and Gog herself lives in a secret temple hidden in the mountains of the West from which she rules her realm.

Agog’s preisthood ,the Ghula, is entirely transgendered, and several phases or steps of ancient techniques of feminization or masculization are required to sacralize the prospective acolytes who may be either male or female on entry to the cult. Special divine favor is attributed to persons born with intersex characteristics, and these individuals are seen as possessing the divine favor, and are singled out for service in an order of sybillic oracles. The primary functions of the priesthood are to perform the Three Rites which all individual Agogites must have. In additon, they must maintain the Oracle Sites; the 23 “divine” locations where an oracular Sybyl holds court and delivers Delphic answers to questions posed.

The THREE RITES are required of all Agog citizens, and, circularly, define a person as an Agog Citizen. The first rite is the Rite of Shulzk, in which the participant must disrobe before the altar and be ritually cleansed in incense. The Second Rite is Abgal, in which the first work of a person’s profession are burned at the altar, and the ashes used to mark the supplicant that Gog might see them and prosper their labors. The Third Rite is called Nidudubudu, glossed as “the return of the great gift” traditionally this is a tithe to the temple, but can take other forms, it is believed by many commoners that Mustafa Moustache made nidudubudu with the blood of his breast mingled with the flesh of his own genitalia, a ritual act that in Gogite context represents an ultimate priestly dedication.

Secondarily the priesthood opens the 7 festivals and 5 fasts with a parade of ecstatic dancing and music. They form the councils that select the local Proedrates, and enforce the 3 Proscriptions (against Murder, Theft, and “insanitary” behavior), originally this involved a trial-like Asseveration of Fact followed usually by a punishment, ideally some sort of amends; or in more serious cases heavy labor, corporal punishment, or in cases of capital offenses calling down a stoning upon the transgressor, but in modern Agog this has become a formal apprehension of the suspect and delivery to the law enforcement arm of the army.

In addition to the priesthood there is an Abbotry or Monastic service to Agog. These Agog Monks do not undergo the physical transformation peculiar to the priesthood, rather they remove all hair from themselves and adopt a special mode of dress, the Shyndyt, a sort of linen kilt. This ritual hairlessness traditionally involved plucking and beeswaxing, but in modern times the razor has been generally adopted. Though waxing is still ritually required on the 7 festivals and 3 Fasts. The chief-most occupation of this monastic wing is recovering, copying and preserving all materials written in the Agogite script. As writing is seen to be a gift of Gog, it is believed by Agogites to be intrinsically holy and it is a doom to the mortal soul to destroy any written thing. Thus everything written in even the most humble home of Agog, no matter how mundane, is turned over to the monasteries during the 7 festivals. As one can imagine the monks preside over vast libraries, libraries which they endeavor to maintain by copying the most ancient materials before they deteriorate, organizing all new materials into collections, creating indexes and curating every single character of Agogite writing. This enormous task requires an almost insupportable army of monks.

It is part of the governments modernization drive to control the numbers of workers bled off into monasteries, and to that end has bought a 200 specially engineered cuneiform typewriters from Dactyle Brothers, of Heavy Flashing in the 2nd Polyester Freestate. The Monastic establishment as can be imagined, is a heavy expense for the realm.

This labor drain is being somewhat offset by two monastic sidelines; government clerking, and monastic production of wheat beer under the Astartekas label. Since the monasteries are already a massive information processing system the government has turned over it’s bureaucracy to the care of this institution. Functions normally handled by a government agency in other states are a semi religious monastic interaction in Agog. For instance getting a driver’s license requires a trip to the local Army Caserne in the company of a local monk, to have the physical evaluation of skill, and then a trip to the local monastery to process the data and create the license proper.


As one might expect from so ancient a culture there are many important symbols indicative of Agog’s history, civilization, and beliefs. The colors Pink and Yellow are said to represent the evening sun and the golden grain. The traditional woolen kaunakes, a kilt like garment decorated with highly colored tufts of wool, is worn by both men (to the knee) and women (to the floor). The decorative tufting that gives a feathered appearance is thought to be a sort of textile prayer for rain. Men prize a Shoosh, a woven shawl decorated with embroidery and tassels, and a good fez. The Shoosh traditionally is crocheted by a mans mother, and contains in it’s knotted pattern stories of the man’s youth and his parents lives.

Both sexes wear the Opanak, a leather sandal like shoe with pointed toe, often decorated with colored wool tassels or pompoms. Each shoe’s arrangement of leather cording, tassel color, pom pom size, and tassel material can indicate marriage status, family, social rank, home neighborhood and even occupation.

The Wharse Rose is the national flower, a pink and ancient cultivar, intensely fragrant and used in spicery, perfumery, incense, candy, and attar making as well as simply being ornamental.

The National Standard of Agog features a ground of Wharse Rose pink, a color reckoned by Agogites to embody masculine strength and energy. With the twin figures of Agog herself, in her Horned Goddess form, representing the ascent of the Moon, meaning intelligence and wisdom, and depicted in the ancient malachite color blue-green, associated with water and with bronze making. Below Agog is Mudhibi the Gilish (scimitar) of Omgogle I. Mudhibi means something like smoking blood or steaming blood and is a mythological sword that burns liars and returns life to the dead. it’s a symbol of defense and royal protection. The swollow tailed pennant form of the flag represents the eternal fire Bilsugghar that burns before the Baelytus of Gog in the temple, and is in myth the origin and end of all earthly things, and the fate of all who are dishonest, unfaithful, and false. (the good being saved from this fate in the garden of Hoshgoshergolgargath.

Agog has a national motto, seen on it’s currency and on official buildings; “Gog Goshgog annûtu șalmū ēpišiya” meaning “Gog, Goddess of Creation, these are the figurines of my sorcerer” The opening line of the Epic of Zugajamaghosher. One of the great national stories.

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The National Museum

 the National Museum of Illustrious Arts has spent 750,000,000 zlotys this month acquiring the original Battle of Pidwiddle. 

 ABeLs Masterpiece will be on permanent display in the Historical Profiles gallery in the main building basement. The general public is encouraged to visit; the 3rd day of every month is Free Admission, however a special premier Evening Viewing will be given at 8pm on the First of Swimuary; the event to feature a question and answer period with the Curator of Historical Art, and a rare appearance by the Artist, who is famously reclusive. Refreshments will be served.  This Gala is limited in attendance; for tickets inquire with the Director's Office, Phone 555-2368.



The Plaster  and Plastic Worker's Union was formed at the end of the Silver Wars, and was important in overthrowing the Tyrant and establishing the events that led to the Modern Freestate with it's representative republican government.  The Plaster in the name is the resource from the Plaster Alps from which many Ornian items are manufactured...the Plastic Workers is the junior Union; being more recent... in former times the industry was larger, but it has dwindled these days as lead has become more available in Ornrian manufactures. 

     The Union is powerful in Polyesterine politics, especially in the Capital; Polyesterdelphia.  In Roach Harbor, however,  it often conflicts with the Brotherhood of Print, Paper, and Cardworkers; and the Gluemixers, Clayformers and Longshorefolk United Labor Front...sometimes leading to street battles in times of unrest.

      These unions are powerful in Roach Harbor because the Ship building Concerns and Port facilities are industries based in Paper ship-building, needing skilled paper-modeler labor.   Labor and Capital have made a mutually agreeable pact in Roach Harbor, which the Plaster and Plastic Workers have not quite emulated in the great factories of Polyesterdelphia and Bad Mouldings.  Plastic Worker strikes are a frequent feature in the Capital, since the beginning of the Chocolotl Crisis they are almost weekly.  Posters like this, however,  prove that the Union is nevertheless dedicated to patriotically supporting the Republican way of life.

There is one other major Union in the Second Polyester Freestate that has a major influence in the National Discourse; the Paintsloppers, Brushscrubbers, and Gluebrewers Chemical Labor Combination. The PBGCLC is in many ways the quietest Politically, with a great emphasis on workplace safety, education, and public works.  The large and united brotherhood  is  deeply embedded in managing Pactraplant's great amalgamation of chemical manufactures, blurring the lines between labor,  management, and capital to near indistinguishability.  However, though mostly a quiet bunch: a strike hasn't been seen in four decades, they carry enormous weight with the Pactraplant Metropolis political machine.  It's a classic case of being quiet but holding a gigantic stick.  Recently the GCLULF has become very active in Pactraplant with the recent government interest in upgrading harbor facilities on both 2PFS coasts.


I Return

 Sorry about the lack of posts in recent months, my computer went down and I had a devil  of a time getting it fixed.  That's past now.  will have something to post again soon.

Grimjaw, Chancellor of Oppressorbad.


Eustis Grimjaw sat glumly at the Onyx Desk and listened to the wind howling beyond the leaded panes of the Chancellery window. “The roar of the departed, my personal legion of ghosts, calling me to hell”; he mused. Thoughts of the bloody civil war that swept him to power felt oppressive this day. He downed a tumbler of Gojalhka, and spread the papers before him. Estimates, Reports, Requests, Reviews… before him was endless work. He should call in his secretaries to begin responding, they were just in the next room after all...but the darkly pensive mood held him back.

The largest stack were the Executions, enemies of the state, and on top of the pile, Ludis Grimjaw. His mother. Would the country see her death as he saw it? A strike at the heart of corruption, a proof that criminals, that dark traitors, would not be coddled by the State, no matter their class, rank, or distinction? That he was ruthless was already well known, that he was incorruptible was the message he must send. But, what if the public only saw naked ambition, the effort to erase all opposition to himself. Was sedition to the state, sedition to himself? Was he himself The State?

He poured another tumbler of the raw and fiery vodka, the flames in the fireplace reflected in his glasses. Flames, tongues of fire, rose in his memory, burning trains, burning bodies, burning cities, the cost of overthrowing the Moptic Theocracy that had ruled the land with an iron fist had been rivers of blood, seas of blood, waves and waves of it. Now those who had sided with The Superstition must be swept away to build a future. Well, so be it. They had chosen their fate.  Perhaps their gods would comfort them in the next world.  He rang the little bell and waited for his Secretaries.

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Air Service

Air Service Estimate is in, the Table of Equipment is of course, merely projected, at this time we have only one single plane in operation for training purposes.  But I've been organizing the acquisition of suitable
types.   The text of the Report is here;


The Table below projects what we hope to achieve before Case Orange or Case Puce open hostilities.

Chapter One; A smell of Ozone.


      The cold damp drilled into Sergeant Roquet Alexsndr's bones.  He shivered, he was always shivering these days, and tried to draw himself further into his overcoat, a useless enterprise lying prone in pre-dawn dew.  He hardly noticed the pain from his ankles, the ache of his feet, or the grumble of a stomach unfed for two days, no, these discomforts hid behind the refrigerated mists of late fall in Mantissippii.  

     He lifted his head, peering left and right to check that Wylum and Ahris were properly camouflaged and alert.   They were.  Then carefully, using his rifle, he slowly parted the bloody maroon leaves of the brush before his face to look down on to the road.  In the gloom of that misty morning it was more like a creek of blue gray mud than a place to associate with walking or driving, and the close thick bush of fireweed, brambleberry, goat roses, and reedy birch dripping with dew gave the place a sinister aspect, not improved by the reek of wet sweat-stewed wool and old canvas from his gear.  Nothing moved on that grim trail so far as he could see, which was good.

     The Sergeant was the sharp end of the spear for the Second Polyester Freestate's effort to help it's semi-autonomous Mantissippi province push back the incursion of  Ethnic Slobbians from beyond the border. Sadly, it was a very small and reedy spear. A century of world peace since the Silver Wars, and a cheery, quiet prosperity had left the Freestate with only a single infantry regiment, Roquet’s unit, the Anneglug Chasseurs. And to support it; the Brubberband Artillery, though much of that regiment wasn’t in this theater, being occupied with coastal defense on both shores of the nation. In fact, the Artillery only had one battery here; and the Chasseurs only had one battalion on the ground, it’s other was still training and equipping in the snug barracks of Ft. Grubbit, outside Anneglug. So there were barely 50 men to hold off all the Slobbians and protect the rich farms of the Mantissippian planters. A very thin pink and brown wall between the Mammoth herding barbarians and the city of Poxneedle a few hours in the rear.  But it was a Polyestrine wall, and that counted for something.

     The Sergeant startled, he heard the leathery scuff of boots kicking the sloppy leaf litter somewhere behind him. He rolled over a little, wincing at the chill, and snorted in relief, it was Garlomin, back from a detail, he was struggling with a steaming can that smelled heavenly of chocolotl. Stomachs rumbled in anticipation to the left and right, easily audible over the dripping leaves. A whispered “well done!” and “Scholar and Gentleman” broke out of the tired squad. They rattled and jangled and brought down a cascade of drippy leaves trying to free their tin cups for a sweet hot drink. Garlomin knelt low, portioning out the thin hot stuff into metal cups, cursing quietly and sucking on burned fingers. Soon the squad was silent again, bellies to the ground and senses keen for movement along the road.  

     It came around noon, the smell was first, strongly fecal with notes of fire smoke and wet dog. Then the breaking and crunching of vegetation, along with hushed barks from a mahout. The gray watery sun did not improve the look of the road track below, but the muddy stuff was no impediment to the creature that slowly hove into view around the bend. It was frighteningly enormous, with a grayish yellow woolly coat decorated with sticks and leaves, mud and massive tufts of shed undercoat. On it’s back, a wooden platform walled with sandbags and from which four dimly seen figures projected the business end of long rifles. The figures were very short, colorful, with red fez hats, Slobbian hats. 

      The Mammoth’s tusks swept the road before it, the tough trunk picking at spots and  occasionally lifting some morsel or other to it’s mouth. Words came unbidden to the sergeant's mind; Awe, Majesty, Fear. It took him an effort to pull his vision back and concentrate on signaling his section with silent gestures. They would let the front of the column go by, open fire on the last animal, and with some luck, the sergeants flare would be seen by the Artillery, which would then drop a freight train of destruction on the road, while his team pulled back out of the kill zone. Simple as plans go.

     The first animal passed them, dropping a great pile of dung in the road on it’s passing. “That’s Consideration right there, you Slobbian bastard.” thought Roquet. Then the next animal appeared, this one, smaller, fewer tree branches entangled in it’s heavy coat, and from it’s howdah platform of split logs and sandbags rose a small brass bedpost in office of a flagpole with a banner; a bedsheet of blue stripes with a cross fitchee painted rudely in some reddish blackish stuff that Roquet sure hoped was paint, or food...but knew probably wasn’t.

      Finally, the last animal appeared. It was by far the largest. An Enormous monster, shaggy and matted, it’s trunk bare in places, burned on it’s legs, scarred all over, one ear seemed as if it had been torn off long ago. It’s howdah was not wood, or rather was, but was fitted with plates of iron, probably pulled from a steam engine, and nestled in it’s sandbags was the deadly muzzle of a machine gun. Three Slobbians rode this land kraken, whose shuffling steps came to a quick stop right in front of the fire team.

      It paused, unsure, as if it could sense the ambush about to close in on it. It swayed a bit, passing it’s weight from one foot to the other, it’s mahout leaned over to the good ear a moment, patted it lovingly, then turned around to speak to the men in the low walled bunker behind him. Roquet knew things were starting to go wrong, so he did the only thing he could, he fired his flare.

      To the right and left the popping of rifles were simultaneous with the clacking clatter of the Machine gun from the four legged bunker before them. Then the monster turned with amazing speed, it’s armored trunk reached Ahris first, and broke him instantly. Roquet put a bullet into the mahout, who screamed out and fell into the muddy road, probably still alive, but the sergeant had no time to be sure, he was already signaling a withdrawal, and trying to back out of range of the titanic, angry wall of hair before him. The Machine gun’s barking was dropping limbs and leaves everywhere,

     In the chaos of bullets, spraying mud, falling bark, whipping limbs, the trunks of birch were splintering before massive pillar legs, and Wylum died; split by bullets and splintered tree-trunk. Garlomin fared no better, his last act was to fling the empty Chocolotl tin at the beast, the three grenades inside it going off under it’s belly just as the first big whumping shell of the great guns behind them made a muddy volcano on the road below. 

      Then something strange happened to Roquet, a sensation of distance, of dizzy darkness clamping down on him, a bewildering sensation of being locked inside his own body as a great curtain of unconsciousness came down over the stage of his mind.

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The Problem.

 The Report has been finished, but the final page holds clear problems for the Freestate; our production of critical brown supplies is far below the need.  Clearly, to support our military establishment, as is, let alone grow it to war time needs we MUST produce far more food, paper, fabrics, fibers, and other dry goods.  Our force is also facing clear manpower shortages in the future.  My only suggestion is to find a way to increase the military eligability.  encourage military preparedness programs to increase the reserve, and push our citizens to procreate to build a population able to man the needed forces.  Another option is to reduce the establishment to single battalion regiments, leaving only a training company in depot, which would allow us to form roughly 121 regiments, in 60 brigades, 30 corps, 15 divisions, which would allow us to form approximately 7 Army Corps.  This means our forces could field some 3-5 full Armies for service.  I'm worried.  I need more intelligence of the adversarial nations army establishments. 

A report submitted this morning

Warplanning and Intelligence units have complied with a request from the Secretary to the Consul and developed an inventory of warfare related assets of the Freestate.  It's an important document, and will guide the parameters of the modernization program.  Now for a long stretch out and some hot tea...

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1 Freezeuary

Polyesterdelpia Tribune

PROFESSOR BUBBLEBE LOST AT SEA! Monster Sea Reptile Suspected!
          The celebrated Bathyologist and Deep Sea researcher Professor Willis Bumblebee of the Roach Harbor Oceanographic Society has been reported as missing and presumed dead. Along with Galois Galoshglug his partner, the professor explored the deep seas in his famous Benthosphere, recording his adventures in numerous popular books.  His research vessel the Goggle II reports his last transition as
"Observing a large shape like a...oh, oh dear... Gal, I think those are teeth, monstrous huge...uh oh" 
     The expedition's Captain, Whiskerbush McNottlegussy, has stated he made all efforts to recover the spherical diving craft, but the end of it's cable was parted as if cut.  Drag netting produced some animals, even large fish, but the Captain claims nothing large enough to endanger the little globe was caught.  Some crewmen allege large reptile sightings in the area in recent years.
     The Steamer Albatrosaur caught a prodigious 22 foot arthrodire 3 years past in these waters off the Sumatran Coast and Dr. Shrugespy of the Polyesterine Zoological Academy is of the opinion that such a beast could be responsible, though he warns of the dangers of jumping to conclusions.
     Mrs. Bubblebee kindly informed us her husband hoped to find evidence of a monstrous beast of Sumatrian legend, described as a finned serpent of great size, like a giant mosasaur perhaps, 30 foot specimens being common in these waters, and accounted the origin of the natives wild fish tales.  Perhaps the good Professor had his wish?  Unfortunately it seems we'll never know.  The editors wish to add they will be taking a collection to assist Bumblebee's widow meet the somber expenses before her.  Inquire at our office.

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Short Boxing Day entry.
Our Holiday was pretty good as we hope yours was also.  Not really had time for a proper entry, just a few quick notes to keep the posts coming.  
The infantry Uniform has been updated and begins issue next month, new features include eliminating the old wool heavy coat in favor of a tunic style, and most importantly an Adrianne splinter helmet. Putees and Trousers are retained and the Mustard webgear. begining next month all new recruits will enter service in the new uniform style.

Meanwhile the latest from the Fabulouth Armee Aerofleet of the Freestate is another attempt by Dr. Brigham Baccalov to breach the rampart of the Ouroboros Range, the vast ring of mountains that encircles the Ornrian diskworld.  Using an army air team, Dr. Bacalov reports having reached dizzying heights of hundreds of meters and still no sign of the barrier relenting.  He also reports the mysterious destruction of one aircraft, and the discovery of large footprints in the snow around the wreckage.  An Abominable Snowman?
we hope for the safety of the expedition, and eagerly await important discoveries.
