Character Creation Challenge, Kickstart Your Weekend style
Something a little different today. I am interrupting my regularly scheduled Character Creation Challenge posts with a Kickstart Your Weekend style review.
The Kickstarter for SURVIVE THIS!! Dark Places & Demogorgons Class Compendium has begun and Bloat Games offered me a sneak peak. I am providing a review of their new book, and a link for their Kickstarter.
The Kickstarter
I am a huge fan of Dark Places & Demogorgons.
As of this writing the Kickstarter has made their initial goal. They are now heading to the next Stretch Goal of new art. After this more stretch goals will be announced. The lowest level to get in $6 and that gets you the PDF. Not a bad deal really.
The Book
The current version of the book is all complete with layout and art. Stretch goals will replace some of the art, but right now it looks great.
The book is digest sized, 210+ pages, color cover and black & white pages. If you are familiar with any SURVIVE THIS!! book you have a good idea of how it looks on the inside.
The book contains all the classes that have appeared in every Dark Places & Demogorns book, all in one place. The new classes include Archery Enthusiast, Badger Scout, Horror Connoisseur, Hot Shot, Snoop, The Source, Sweet Baby, Thespian, and new psionic classes, Animal Wrangler and The Forgotten. So 56 classes and 10 new classes for 66 in total. There are also new spells for the magic using classes.
Most classes cover two to three pages. Everything you need to know about each class, but no rules for play. You still need the core rules for that. I am reading through and the classes do look expanded. For example the Goth in the core Dark Places & Demogorgons book tops of, as all classes do in that book, at 5th level. The Goth in the Class Compendium advances to 10th level, and there are archetypes of the "Mopey Goth" and the "Supernatural Goth."
The new classes are fun with the Horror Connoisseur toping the list of my favorites. Though I knew a lot of "Sources" back in High School and they would also be a fun class to play. Though the Magic Classes are still my favorite. So I am quite pleased to get a bunch of new spells.
Skills are also updated. The game moved up and out from the core book so new skills need to be defined and there are revised skills as well.
There is even some space given to fighting threats from "The Otherside." I'll try not to take that one personally! ;)
Really is a fun book and a must have if you are playing Dark Places & Demogorgons. It should even work for We Die Young to be honest.
So yeah, this is a Kickstarter worth backing.
The Character
Again, I think I need to go with my Drosophila melanogaster of playtesting magic classes and see what my dear little witch Larina was doing in the 1980s (1984 to be exact). She was my big experiment in my Modern Occult Horror RPGs post a bit back, but let's have a look at her in detail. I am also including my NIGHT SHIFT character sheet as well.
Click to see larger.
I love how these two games work well with each other. Each providing me a a detail I did not have before.