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Dracula, The Hunters' Journals: 30 July Log of the Demeter (Cont.)

The Other Side -

The Demeter nears England, but so few crew remain.

Dracula - The Hunters' Journals

30 July.—Last night. Rejoiced we are nearing England. Weather fine, all sails set. Retired worn out; slept soundly; awaked by mate telling me that both man of watch and steersman missing. Only self and mate and two hands left to work ship.


Moon Phase: Waxing Crescent

Dracula must be absolutely gorged at this point. 

The High Witchcraft Tradition

The Other Side -

The Magic Circle - John William WaterhouseI have been on a mini vacation to see my wife's family. They all moved down south. Personally, I dislike going south of Joliet, IL but that is me.  Anyway they are all huge card players staying up till the wee hours playing. That is cool, I got to watch the Olympics. You don't see me talking a lot about sports here though I am a life-long St. Louis Cardinals fan and a complete Olympics junkie. I am no expert by any stretch of the imagination, but I love the Olympics.

With some projects done, and others on hold (Basic Bestiary. Waiting for more art), I started a new project over my extended weekend.

The High Witchcraft Tradition

Well..."new" might be the wrong word.  

I have a lot of notes from other projects that didn't quite fit or didn't get developed enough to get added. Plus this is a book I have been picking at for a while and have been calling my "Last Witch Book."  If it is that remains to be seen, but I do have some great ideas.

Here is the shape of the book so far.

High Magic

It will include the use of High Magic, so magic that invokes spirits, demons, angels and the like. I would also like to include High Magic options for Magic-users. A bit like my Hermetic Mage Prestige class I did for 3.x.


This book will be my first "true" book for the Advanced era. So compatibility with OSRIC, Advanced Labyrinth Lord, and Old-School Essentials Advanced is implied. Originally this book was going to be part of my "Basic Witch" series and focus on how I mixed AD&D 1st ed with the Expert set back in the day. I still might do that. I have a lot of ideas for that sort of play, but this is not the book for that.

Plus I will freely admit I am not as enthusiastic for D&D's future as I once was. I will buy D&D 5R, I will even likely play it a few times. But as much as I love digital and online games, that is not my preferred mode. 

So instead of endlessly complaining about it, I am just going to focus my efforts into the types of games I DO enjoy playing. If you are looking for ragey click-bait, you won't find it here.

Best of the Old, Best of the New (Maybe)

I love my old-school games. I also am rather fond of new-school games as well. For me it has always been about maximum fun. So I would love to go back over some of the newer developments in games and see what can be ported back over. This one is not a guarantee. My focus first and foremost is a witch book from circa 1986.   

Cover Art

For this book I am going to commission some original cover art. I have already been sending out emails to artists I want to work with and ones I have worked with in the past for this. And as much as I love the Pre-Raphaelite covers I have used in the past, I have something specific in mind for this one.

Waterhouse's "The Magic Circle" above was one of the ideas I originally had. I am, of course, sad not to use it for this book, but I also want something new. 

I want this book to be really good. I want it to challenge my writing ability and game design ability. Plus I also want it to be able to cover any "so-called" witch written about in the "Advanced-era."  If someone else's book/game/adventure set in the same era with the same or similar rule system and they have a witch character, I want my rules to be flexible enough and comprehensive enough that you could play that character using my rules. Lofty? Maybe. Do able? Certainly.

Potential High Witches

I have been tossing this idea around for a few years now. I finally hit a critical mass of notes to make it a real book. For me as much as for you, here are my posts about it. 

Links to relevant posts

Dracula, The Hunters' Journals: 29 July Log of the Demeter (Cont.)

The Other Side -

The Demeter suffers more deaths.

Dracula - The Hunters' Journals

29 July.—Another tragedy. Had single watch to-night, as crew too tired to double. When morning watch came on deck could find no one except steersman. Raised outcry, and all came on deck. Thorough search, but no one found. Are now without second mate, and crew in a panic. Mate and I agreed to go armed henceforth and wait for any sign of cause.


Moon Phase: Waxing Crescent

Dracula is hungry, and he will make himself appear younger by using the blood and life of this crew. 

Dracula, The Hunters' Journals: 28 July Log of the Demeter (Cont.)

The Other Side -

The Demeter travels through storms.

Dracula - The Hunters' Journals

28 July.—Four days in hell, knocking about in a sort of maelstrom, and the wind a tempest. No sleep for any one. Men all worn out. Hardly know how to set a watch, since no one fit to go on. Second mate volunteered to steer and watch, and let men snatch a few hours’ sleep. Wind abating; seas still terrific, but feel them less, as ship is steadier.


Moon Phase: Waxing Crescent

These storms are caused by Dracula. Both to weaken the crew and speed his journey to England.

Dracula, The Hunters' Journals: 27 July Mina Murray's Journal (Cont.)

The Other Side -

 Still no news from Harker.

Dracula - The Hunters' Journals

27 July.—No news from Jonathan. I am getting quite uneasy about him, though why I should I do not know; but I do wish that he would write, if it were only a single line. Lucy walks more than ever, and each night I am awakened by her moving about the room. Fortunately, the weather is so hot that she cannot get cold; but still the anxiety and the perpetually being wakened is beginning to tell on me, and I am getting nervous and wakeful myself. Thank God, Lucy’s health keeps up. Mr. Holmwood has been suddenly called to Ring to see his father, who has been taken seriously ill. Lucy frets at the postponement of seeing him, but it does not touch her looks; she is a trifle stouter, and her cheeks are a lovely rose-pink. She has lost that anæmic look which she had. I pray it will all last.


Moon Phase: Waxing Crescent

The plot, unbeknownst to our heroes is moving forward. 

The Ring is the Holmwood Family estate.

1984: BattleTech: A Game of Armoured Combat

Reviews from R'lyeh -

1974 is an important year for the gaming hobby. It is the year that Dungeons & Dragons was introduced, the original RPG from which all other RPGs would ultimately be derived and the original RPG from which so many computer games would draw for their inspiration. It is fitting that the current owner of the game, Wizards of the Coast, released the new version, Dungeons & Dragons, Fifth Edition, in the year of the game’s fortieth anniversary. To celebrate this, Reviews from R’lyeh will be running a series of reviews from the hobby’s anniversary years, thus there will be reviews from 1974, from 1984, from 1994, and from 2004—the thirtieth, twentieth, and tenth anniversaries of the titles. These will be retrospectives, in each case an opportunity to re-appraise interesting titles and true classics decades on from the year of their original release.

BattleTech infamously began life as BattleDroids. Originally published by FASA Corporation in 1984, for the second edition it would be renamed BattleTech because George Lucas and Lucasfilm claimed the rights to the term ‘droid’. It was also infamously, the game of ‘big, stompy robots’, but as BattleTech, it would go on to be so much more. In the forty years since its publication, this has included numerous expansions to the core board game, numerous supplements adding rules and detailing the background to the game, several ranges of miniatures—both plastic and metal, over one hundred novels, a cartoon series, a collectible card game, and multiple computer games. These options have allowed fans to enjoy the setting in numerous ways, sometimes without even playing the core game, but the franchise has always been about the play of the boxed game that is BattleTech. This is a review of the second edition of BattleTech, published in 1985.

BattleTech is a turn-based multiplayer game, played on large maps marked with hexes and terrain with players fielding twelve-metre-tall humanoid armoured, fusion-powered combat units, weighting between ten and a hundred tons, called BattleMechs, or ’mechs. These are not robots, but are controlled by human pilots who will manoeuvre across the battlefield, exchanging fire from lasers, autocannons, missile-launchers, and the dreaded PPC or particle projection cannon. If close enough, they may even punch or kick each other, and if they have jump jets, launch a risky death from above attack. Over the course of a battle, a ’mech will build up heat due to movement and weapons fire, and if it cannot bleed off enough heat, the excess will impair its targeting systems, impede its movement, and potentially cause any ammunition it is carrying to explode or the ’mech to simply shutdown. Each unit is represented by one figure, an illustrated—front and back—cardboard piece that slots into a plastic base, and a record sheet. Each record sheet contains information about the amount of armour a ’mech has, how many weapons, and where the armour and weapons are located, as well as being used to track damage suffered and its location, ammunition used, and how much heat it builds up from one turn to the next.

BattleTech: A Game of Armoured Combat carries the description, “In the 30th century, life is cheap, but BattleMechs aren’t.” The box contains forty-eight playing pieces depicting the various BattleMechs, twenty-four plastic holders for them, one-hundred-and-twenty unit insignias for the game’s various armies and mercenary units, a forty-eight page rulebook, two full-colour card maps, and two six-sided dice. The forty-eight playing pieces are an inch high, whilst the maps measure twenty-two by seventeen inches, are marked in one-and-a-quarter inch-wide hexes, and are both identical. Each hex is roughly a hundred feet across. the game is designed to be played by two or more players, aged twelve and up. The basic unit in the game is a lance of four ’mechs, so with twenty-four plastic holders, it is possible for six players to field a lance each, two players to field three lances each, and so on. It is also possible for a player to control just a single battlemech depending upon the circumstances, such as a duel or a roleplaying situation.

The black and white rulebook covers everything that the players need to know about playing BattleTech. This includes its rules—going from basic training to advanced gunnery, expert and optional rules—as well details of fourteen different ’mechs. These range in size between 20 and 100 tons, and include the Marauder, Phoenix Hawk, Warhammer, Stinger, Locust, and BattleMaster. Many of these are regarded as classics even today, though lawsuits over who owned the rights to use their images, taken from various different Japanese anime, including Dougram, Crusher Joe, and Macross, would result in FASA Corporation withdrawing their original appearances and all art associated artwork from the game. These would be labelled as ‘the unseen’ by BattleTech fans, and were missing from the game for many years until a legal agreement was reached that allowed many of them to return.

The rulebook also contains the setting to BattleTech, which is explained in sidebars which run down each page. The setting is the Inner Sphere, a region of interstellar space surrounding Earth with a radius of roughly five hundred light years. It contains some two thousand settled worlds, reachable by both Faster-Than-Light travel and communication. Beyond the Inner Sphere lies the Periphery. In the thousand years that mankind has had Faster-Than-Light travel, no signs of sentient, alien life have ever been found. In the early thirty-first century, several hundred years after a civil war that saw the collapse of the Star League, the Inner Sphere is dominated by five Great Houses—the Capellan Confederation ruled by House Liao, the Draconis Combine ruled by House Kurita, the Federated Suns ruled by House Davion, the Free Worlds League ruled by House Marik, and the Lyran Commonwealth ruled by House Steiner. Each house claimed the right to be First Lord of the Star League, but none could agree as who was right, and in a series of Succession Wars, the houses have battled each other into technological decline. In that time, the battlemech has remained king of the battlefield, each house fiercely protecting the few battlemech manufacturing facilities each possesses and suffering from a decreasing capacity both to produce new ’mechs and repair them. A battlemech pilot is akin to a knight of old and many ’mechs are handed down through families. The last thing that any pilot wants to suffer is a loss of his mech and his becoming one of the Dispossessed. As well as presenting a history of the Inner Sphere and details of the five great Houses, the rule book also describes numerous mercenary units with their own histories and relationships to the Houses, plus the Bandit Kingdoms of the Periphery.

The background, essentially a ‘feudalist future’, provides reasons and rivalries in what is an age of continual war, that can explain the whys and wherefores of any battles that the players want to stage. If perhaps the rulebook is missing anything, it is some actual scenario ideas that the players can simply set up and play.

In terms of game, the players will roll for initiative and then alternate the movement of their battlemechs. A battlemech can walk, run, or jump—the latter requiring jump jets—which determines how many Movement Points it has to spend on crossing terrain. The terrain can be open or rough ground, cliffs and bluffs, light and heavy woods, and water. The heavier terrain costs more Movement Points to cross. Once movement has been completed, the players take it in turn to declare their attacks for their battlemechs and then roll for the attacks. Battlemechs are equipped with an array of different weapon types and sizes. Lasers can be small, medium, or large; short range missiles launchers fire volleys of two, four, or six missiles; and long-range missile launchers fire volleys of five, ten, or twenty missiles. Plus, there are an autocannon and the PPC. The different weapons have their own ranges, damage inflicted, and heat generated. Rolling to hit is based on the range and is modified by the gunnery skill of a battlemech’s pilot, the movement of both attacker and defender, terrain and cover, and lastly, any ongoing effects of heat for the attacker. The attacking player then rolls the dice, aiming to roll equal to or higher than the target number.

The location of successful hits is determined randomly as the targeting systems of the Inner Sphere are poor. This includes individual missiles for short range missiles, but groups of five for long range missiles. Damage is first deducted from armour in a location and when that is gone, from the internal structure. Critical hits on the hit location roll can bypass armour and automatically do damage to internal structure. Any damage to the internal structure has a chance to inflict damage to weapons or ammunition in a location, to the engine or gyro in the torso, to actuators in the arms and legs, and even the pilot himself on a headshot. Critical hits have severe consequences. Damage to a weapon will destroy it, ammunition will explode causing more damage, damaged actuators and gyro make the battlemech more difficult to operate, a damaged engine will increase its heat output and if it takes more damage cause it to explode and possibly kill the pilot, and head hits can also kill the pilot or knock out an important component. In the meantime, if damage exceeds the amount of internal structure, a leg or arm can fall off or be destroyed. Excess damage can also be transferred to other locations.

Lastly, as well as tracking ammunition use, a player must track the heat a battlemech generates from movement and weapons use as well as damage to the engine. Each battlemech comes with ten heat sinks which will bleed off a certain amount of heat, and more may be fitted, depending upon the design. Excess heat is retained until it is bled off via the heat sinks, meaning that a battlemech will probably need to firer fewer weapons and move a shorter distance to do this. One part of play is thus managing heat from turn to turn. Rushing into an engagement all guns blazing is likely to generate far too much heat, limiting tactical options in subsequent turns. Most battlemechs have an optimal range for its weapons so working within those parameters will also help in heat management. This is in addition to making the best use of the terrain to gain cover or if necessary, standing in the water to work off excess heat!

Rounding out the rulebook are expert rules that allow a battlemech to twist its torso as a reaction to change its firing arc, make physical attacks—including picking up a blown-off limb and using it as a club, charging, and setting fire to the wooded areas. There are also rules for battlemech design, enabling a player to create his own and then test them out on the field of battle. It is just four pages long, and even includes an example, but expands game play in a surprising direction, enabling a player to experiment beyond the fourteen official designs included in the game.

Physically, BattleTech: A Game of Armoured Combat is a good-looking game. It might only use cardboard standees, but they are attractive and they look decent on the very nice maps. The rulebook itself is in black and white and whilst packing a lot of detail into its forty-eight pages is easy to read and understand. This helped by examples of the rules throughout.

—oOo—Trever Mendham reviewed Battledroids in ‘Open Box’ in White Dwarf Issue 66 (June 1985). He said, “Overall, this is a well-written, easy-to-understand set of rules. Much of the design is clearly specific to robot combat and succeeds in capturing the flavour of this sort of battle. As it stands, Battledroids is a very good robot combat system, but very little in terms of ‘game’. The production value leads one to expect more.” before awarding it an overall score of seven out of ten.

In The Space Gamer Number 75 (July/August 1985), Aaron Allston reviewed the original game in ‘Featured Review: Battledroids’. His initial reaction was that the game was one of “…[G]iant
Japanese robot combat.” and was surprised to discover that it was not, feeling that its “…[F]uture-era “dark age”” was “…[F]leshed out far more than is necessary for a boardgame.” He then said, “But none of it feels like the Japanese cartoons. Rules such as beat buildup and weary campaign background are just wrong for the genre. It’s rather akin to designing a roleplaying game where the characters have superpowers and skintight costumes - and then run about performing political infighting and corporate takeovers a la Dallas or Dynasty. As the Japanese models and cartoons become more common over here, more and more buyers will be purchasing this game expecting something like the source materials, and they’ll be disappointed as I was. They’ll have a decent enough game on their hands – but they may not want to play it.” However, he was more positive in his conclusion: “My recommendation? Buy Battledroids if you'd like a giant-robots boardgame that has nothing to do with the Japanese cartoons. It’s a decent game. You won’t throw away any of your other games to play Battledroids fulltime, but you’ll be adequately entertained.”

BattleTech was reviewed in Adventurer: The Superior Fantasy & Science Fiction Games Magazine Issue #7 (February 1987), alongside the expansions, CityTech, which added urban terrain, infantry, and armour, and AeroTech, which added aerial and space combat. Ashley Watkins made some comparisons between BattleTech and some of the anime titles that were the source material for game and overall, had few reservations, concluding that, “Battletech has a real science fiction flavour, and it’s not often that the elements of playability and background come together in an SF game. So get Citytech for the combat rules, Battletech you want to design your own mechs, Aerotech only if you want the variable geometry mechs, or want to play the space game. This game could well become a cult classic and I highly recommend that you give it a look.”

Dale L. Kemper reviewed BattleTech and CityTech in ‘Game Reviews’ of Different Worlds Issue 45 (March/April 1987). He countered some of the criticism of the game not being Japanese enough by saying, “Battletech surpasses other “Japanese robot”-type games on the market for the simple reason that its universe makes sense. The Battlemech vehicles in the game (many which resemble those from such Japanimation shows as Macross and its Robotec U.S. variant) are piloted military units with strengths and weaknesses. They resemble walking tanks alot more than they resemble the shape-changing robots popularized in the latest cartoons. Certain tactics will aid Mechwarriors in various situations and others will not. Practice and skill outweigh luck in this game.” Before moving on to look at some of the expansions, he concluded that, “All in all Battletech is a good introduction to the universe of the Succession Wars. It should whet your appetite for more and FASA plans on giving it to you. With all the addon games and rules, Battletech will be around for some time to come.” and awarded it three-and-a-half stars.

Steve Wieck reviewed BattleTech in White Wolf Issue #7 (April 1987), continuing the trend of reviewing alongside the supplements Citytech, Aerotech, and MechWarrior. He awarded BattleTech a rating of eight out of ten and said that, “If the true test of any game is its playability, then Battletech is a good system. It is extremely easy to gamemaster and fun to play, at an hourly price that eventually beats the movies.”

Space Gamer/Fantasy Gamer Number 78 (April/May 1987) returned to BattleTech when Scott Tanner asked the question, “Feeling overwhelmed by the number of products for mechwarrior gaming? Here's
a survey of FASA Corps. BATTLETECH products.” in ‘Infotech on BATTLETECH’. He concluded his description of the core game with, “Battletech is a good game which stands on its own, but lacks
in two important areas which the next two supplements cover; warfare in an urban environment and air combat.” The article also contained descriptions of CityTech, AeroTech, and MechWarrior.

Battletech was reviewd in ‘Role-Playing Reviews: Tickets to the stars’ in Dragon Magazine Issue #131 (March 1988) by Jim Bambra alongside the MechWarrior roleplaying game. He said, “The BATTLETECH game is a brilliantly conceived and presented game of robotic combat set in the war-torn universe of the Successor States.” before concluding about the game, “The BATTLETECH game system requires tactical thinking and detailed combat resolution, without becoming too mechanically complicated. Add in the background which appears in sidebars throughout the book, and you have a very good game rich in depth and technical information.”—oOo—
From the basis of BattleTech: A Game of Armoured Combat has spawned a rich and detailed setting supported by numerous games and editions, as well as miniatures and more, but what has made the BattleTech franchise what it is today has to start somewhere. Returning to the original game and there is a pleasing elegance to BattleTech: A Game of Armoured Combat that is easy to grasp and play. What you might play is as another matter, for whilst the background is excellent, the issue with it is that not much is made it of in the rule book. There are no scenarios or suggested battles and had there been, that would have drawn the players into the game and setting. That said, there are hooks here and there in the background that can be developed in scenario set-ups, especially in the descriptions of the mercenary units and the bandit kingdoms. BattleTech: A Game of Armoured Combat is still a very playable and enjoyable game with flavoursome combat and a good background.

Solitaire: Gloomhaven: Buttons & Bugs

Reviews from R'lyeh -

One of the biggest board games in recent years has been Gloomhaven, a fantasy-themed, campaign-based tactical skirmish game which combined narrative campaign, almost one hundred scenarios, and seventeen different playable Classes. The box itself is huge, the extent of the campaign vast, and the playing time months. Published by Cephalofair Games, it offered a roleplaying-board game hybrid and it has been a huge success. Now there is an option which is a tenth the size. Not only a tenth the size, but a tenth the playing size, a tenth the set-up time, and definitely a tenth the playing time. This is Gloomhaven: Buttons & Bugs. This is a game in which everything—including the protagonist and the game components and the play time—have been shrunk down. Gloomhaven: Buttons & Bugs is a solo board game set in the dark fantasy world of Gloomhaven, designed for ages ten and over, and to be played in just twenty minutes per session. It includes six different characters or mercenaries and over twenty individual scenarios, plus variable difficulty levels, means a combination which offers plenty of replay value. This does though come at a loss of some of the expansiveness of Gloomhaven, but then Gloomhaven: Buttons & Bugs is designed to offer more self-contained play.

The tight little Gloomhaven: Buttons & Bugs contains a small, thirty-six page rulebook, a set of plastic cubes to use as markers and monsters, six tiny miniatures representing each of the characters a player can choose from, five dials for tracking Hit Points—for both those of the monsters and the character, and a single die. The die is marked with an ‘O’, a ‘+’, or a ‘—’ symbol. This is used to determine if the movement, attack, and defence values for a hero are lower or better in round, and if the initiative, movement, attack, and defence values for the monsters are lower or better in round. There are also a lot of cards. These start with the Character Cards. There are six of these and include a brawler, a fighter, a spellcaster, a tinkerer, magical manipulator, and an assassin. Each give the character’s Hit Points, Ability Cards—at both the base level and the improved level, and also a complexity indication. There are three low complexity characters and two high, but only one medium complexity character. There is a set of Character Ability Cards for each character. As well as indicating the Initiative value for that round, each one provides two actions, at their most basic, a move action and an attack action. Other actions might provide an area attack, an elemental spell effect, or a piercing blow that ignores part of the defending monster’s defence value. On a turn, a player will choose two of these cards from his hand. He will use the best Initiative value of the two cards and when it is his turn to act, he will use two actions. These cannot come from the same Character Ability Card of the two, meaning that the player will choose the one from the top of one Character Ability Card and the one from the bottom of the other Character Ability Card. This gives a player some great choices when mixing and matching the actions on the Character Ability Cards.

Character Ability Cards are double-sided. The abilities on the ‘A’ are played first and then the Character Ability Cards are flipped over and the abilities on their ‘B’ side can be used on subsequent turns. When the latter have been used, the Character Ability Cards are discarded. Some Character Ability Cards have the ‘Lost’ Icon, which means that when it is used, it goes into Lost pile. Some have ‘Active’ abilities, which remain in effect. Should a player be in danger of running out of Character Ability Cards, he can perform rests to restore cards. Resting also forces the player to lose one card into the Lost pile.

The Monster Ability Stat Cards give values for their initiative, movement, attack, and defence in three different columns. The middle column gives the standard values, the lefthand column the lower values, and the righthand columns the better values. At the start of a round, the player will roll the die. If the ‘—’ is rolled, the lower, lefthand column values are used; for a ‘O’ symbol; there is no change and the middle column is used; and for the ‘+’ symbol, better, righthand values are used. The Monster Ability Stat Cards are double-sided and have a different monster on each side. The Monster Difficulty Modifier Cards are used to make the monsters more or less challenging to defeat and are used in conjunction with the Player Modifier Tray. There are some counters to track the effects of elemental icons and conditions during play and there is also an Icon Reference Card, which is definitely needed as there are a lot of Icons in the game.
Then there are the Scenario Cards. There is a deck of twenty of these, which together make up the whole campaign in Gloomhaven: Buttons & Bugs. They are double-sided. One side is split into three parts. The top part is the introduction to the scenario and how to set it up, whilst the second is the outcome if the hero is successful. In between, there is a list of the monsters required. At the very top and bottom of the card are the rewards that the hero will earn if successful. The hero can only use the one at the top or bottom of the Scenario Card—not both! On the reverse is the actual play area, a grid of hexes five by hexes, each hex being a centimetre across. The grid is also marked with the starting position both the hero and the monsters, obstacles, and possible traps. Some may also include effects and goals specific to the scenario. Whilst the hero has his own miniature, the monsters are represented by coloured cubes. These are not sophisticated maps, but to be fair, they do not have to be. Each scenario is intended to be completed in roughly twenty minutes.

There are several thick cardboard trays. There is a Player Modifier Tray and several Monster Modifier Trays. The Player Modifier Tray has a slot to track the adjustments made to the character action from one turn to the next. At best, the adjustments will add a bonus, at worst they will completely negate the effect of the decided action that turn. Different cards be slotted into the Player Modifier Tray to represent a character improving. A Monster Ability Stat Card slots into a Monster Modifier Tray, which has a slot to track the column used on the card.

Set-up of a Gloomhaven: Buttons & Bugs session is easy. Once set up, play is mechanically very easy, with relatively few components for the player to keep track off, a light skirmish game in which the player focuses on the Character Ability Cards and keeps track of the various conditions and icons. Then when play starts, Gloomhaven: Buttons & Bugs really is fun to play. And what is even better is that the game does not outstay its welcome because the play time for a single scenario is so short, and then set-up and put away time is so short.

The events of Gloomhaven: Buttons & Bugs are set after those of the main board game. A would-be adventurer approaches Hail, the mysterious Aesther who lives in the Crooked Bone, a derelict tavern, and who is said to be capable of turning anyone into a hero. This is what the character wants, but as soon as he steps over the threshold of the Crooked Bone, things go awry! He is shrunk and quickly finds himself attacked in the first scenario. It appears that Hail has set a trap to dissuade people from following up on the rumours, so the would-be hero must strike out across the ‘Button Realm’ and into the Crooked Bone where he will both prove himself worthy and find a way of being restored to normal size. So not only has Gloomhaven: Buttons & Bugs been shrunk from standard Gloomhaven, so has the effective play area—across a street and into a building—and the size of each scenario!

Physically, Gloomhaven: Buttons & Bugs is small, but impressive. The production values are good and the artwork excellent. If there is an issue with the game is that out of the box, some of the cards are slightly warped. If there is another issue, it is that the rulebook in the box is really an introduction to the game rather than a full set of the rules.

The scale and size of Gloomhaven: Buttons & Bugs does come at some cost. The story is linear and progression in terms of the characters is limited. Nor does it have the expansiveness or the ability to unlock elements of play like its big brother. The rulebook which comes in the box only really covers lay of the first scenario. The player will need to download the full rulebook. Yet these are minor issues in comparison to what Gloomhaven: Buttons & Bugs does offer. A self-contained game with twenty scenarios and six different characters to play, easy to learn rules, and then constant choices in play as to which combination of Character Ability Cards and their actions to use from one turn to the next. It is also easy to set-up and once you have played through all twenty scenarios, there is still the option of return to play another character. The replay value is very high—as is the portability. Plus, there is certainly scope for expansion as well.

Gloomhaven: Buttons & Bugs is incredibly pocket-friendly and packs a lot of game play and a surprising amount of depth into that game play. Gloomhaven: Buttons & Bugs is proof is that tiny can be great.

Dracula, The Hunters' Journals: 26 July Mina Murray's Journal

The Other Side -

 Mina is getting increasingly worried about Jonathan.

Dracula - The Hunters' Journals

26 July.—I am anxious, and it soothes me to express myself here; it is like whispering to one’s self and listening at the same time. And there is also something about the shorthand symbols that makes it different from writing. I am unhappy about Lucy and about Jonathan. I had not heard from Jonathan for some time, and was very concerned; but yesterday dear Mr. Hawkins, who is always so kind, sent me a letter from him. I had written asking him if he had heard, and he said the enclosed had just been received. It is only a line dated from Castle Dracula, and says that he is just starting for home. That is not like Jonathan; I do not understand it, and it makes me uneasy. Then, too, Lucy, although she is so well, has lately taken to her old habit of walking in her sleep. Her mother has spoken to me about it, and we have decided that I am to lock the door of our room every night. Mrs. Westenra has got an idea that sleep-walkers always go out on roofs of houses and along the edges of cliffs and then get suddenly wakened and fall over with a despairing cry that echoes all over the place. Poor dear, she is naturally anxious about Lucy, and she tells me that her husband, Lucy’s father, had the same habit; that he would get up in the night and dress himself and go out, if he were not stopped. Lucy is to be married in the autumn, and she is already planning out her dresses and how her house is to be arranged. I sympathise with her, for I do the same, only Jonathan and I will start in life in a very simple way, and shall have to try to make both ends meet. Mr. Holmwood—he is the Hon. Arthur Holmwood, only son of Lord Godalming—is coming up here very shortly—as soon as he can leave town, for his father is not very well, and I think dear Lucy is counting the moments till he comes. She wants to take him up to the seat on the churchyard cliff and show him the beauty of Whitby. I daresay it is the waiting which disturbs her; she will be all right when he arrives.


Moon Phase: Waxing Crescent

So Lucy is walking in her sleep. Sleepwalking was of great interest to the Victorians both from the Spiritual and Scientific frames of mind. It was believed that the sleep walker was "between worlds" and had access to knowledge or wisdom. 

Debate goes on. Was Lucy sleepwalking because she was under Dracula's thrall already, OR was she more susceptible of Dracula because of her history of sleepwalking?  I believe it was the latter. Her father had it and Lucy represents the "Old World" of England vs. Mina's New World of England. So Lucy still has a foot in that other, older, and more spiritual world. 

This also hints at the duality of Lucy. The innocent bride to be now and later the horrifying "Bloofer Lady" to come. This too was part of Victorian pop-psychology of the time. See the "Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde" for a more developed example of this. 

There is a solid implication here. Lucy, in her innocence, makes her a "tasty" target for Dracula. We have seen in many movies that while Lucy is Dracula's appetizer, Mina is the meal. She is described by Van Helsing as being "remarkable" and having a "man like mind." All Victorian for Mina is smart and shrewd.  So. What sort of Vampire would Mina have been? Terrifying to be sure. I think this is a bit that Alan Moore grabbed onto in "The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen."

We are really just getting introduced to Mina still. But she is, as I'll show, the real star and the real hero of this tale.

Propping Up Your Pocket

Reviews from R'lyeh -

From the moment you see the words “Gleason’s Department Store. Arkham, Mass.” on the lid of the patterned box you know that you have something special in your hands. Open it on the inside of the lid it says “Arkham Leather” above the wallet itself, wrapped in red tissue paper. There is a ‘User Guide: Read Me First’, but honestly, you are not going to read that first. You might look at the ‘Automobile Bail Bond Certificate’ or the ‘Operator’s License’ as issued by the ‘State of New York—Bureau of Motor Vehicles’, with actual headshot photograph attached, but what you are really looking at is the wallet. The brown, real vintage-style leather wallet is also marked with the ‘Arkham Leather’ stamp and inside can be found an embarrassment of riches. There is a ‘Motor Vehicle Registration Card’ issued by The Commonwealth of Massachusetts Dept. of Public Works Registry of Motor Vehicles, a ticket to the ‘Miskatonic University Exhibit Museum’, membership cards for both the ‘Arkham Historical Society’ and ‘The Eye of Amara Society’, a card for the ‘Grafton Diner’, a ‘Locker Rental Assignment—Men’s Gymnasium’ for the local YMCA, a ticket for the ‘Northside Line’ of the ‘Arkham Transit Company’. There is matchbox* for a restaurant, amusingly called ‘The Red Herring’. There are coins and tokens, and even a genuine period key, as well as several dollar bills, and a ‘Prescription Blank National Prohibition Act’ so that the holder can legally drink!
* This is a prop set. Of course, there has to be a matchbox.

The attention to detail is genuinely verisimilitudinous. For example, the card for the ‘Grafton Diner’ has loyalty program punches around its edges, whilst the card for ‘Fennel’s Roadhouse’ has the name ‘Betty’ handwritten on it. The fact that it says, “For Good Time ’Phone 8031’ suggests that this is more than a simple roadside stop offering fuel and lodging.

This then is the Arkham Investigator’s Wallet. It is stunningly stuffed full of things, prop after prop. Things that you and perhaps your players—if you ever let them get their grubby hands on it—are going to be amazed by what they find. Lastly, when you do get to the ‘User Guide: Read Me First’, it explains its use and more. On the back of it is the ‘Arkham Investigator’s Wallet Prop Inventory’, which lists all forty-seven items. Many of them are marked in green, indicating that they can be downloaded and printed out again.

The H.P. Lovecraft Historical Society is best known for servicing the great campaigns for Call of Cthulhu with amazing props and objets d’art, such as the Masks of Nyarlathotep Gamer Prop Set and Call of Cthulhu Classic Gamer Prop Set, but with the Arkham Investigator’s Wallet, it has done the reverse. It has provided the Arkham Investigator’s Wallet, not with a campaign, but a scenario which makes use of many of the items to be found within the pockets and folds of the wallet. This is The Dog Walker: A Scenario in 1920s Arkham, inspired by H.P. Lovecraft’s ‘The Shadow Out of Time’. As the title suggests, this takes place in Arkham, so you can make use of Chaosium, Inc.’s Call of Cthulhu: Arkham. It begins with Charlotte Foley, a precocious young dog walker and would-be detective, out walking one of her canine charges behind Christchurch Cemetery when she encounters a man acting strangely as if having some kind of a fit. Rushing to the nearest house—where the occupant, Madge Tomlinson and her friends are discussing plans for the neighbourhood’s annual Halloween party—for help, when she returns, the man has entirely disappeared. All that is left behind is a pair of spectacles and a wallet! What has happened to the man? Charlotte is determined to find out.

The Dog Walker is designed to be played with between two and six Investigators. Six pre-generated Investigators are provided in the book. They include a journalist, a history teacher, a retired cook, a retired professor of physics (with a drinking and gambling problem that may actually help the investigation in certain locations!), and a civil engineer, as well as young Charlotte. This is a nicely genteel selection of Investigators notable for the fact that all but one of them is unarmed, so the scenario is not one designed to be concluded through force of arms. That said, six Investigators does feel slightly too many for the scale of the scenario and perhaps some advice as to which of the six pre-generated Investigators to use with fewer players would have been helpful. The scenario is designed to be played solo, the player taking the role of Charlotte and using the ‘Solo Player PDF’ available to download. Alternatively, a Keeper can run The Dog Walker with the one player who can take the role of Charlotte. Lastly, the Arkham Investigator's Wallet Prop Set does require some customisation and set-up upon the part of the Keeper, removing certain props and adding details to others. The Dog Walker includes full advice for the Keeper as to what needs to be done as part of this set-up. An alternative option might be to combine the scenario with The Eldritch New England Holiday Collection and turn it into an all ‘kids-as-Investigators’ scenario.

The items in the wallet are all clues of course. Some, like the Bail Bond Certificate will hint at the missing man’s background, others such as the key enable easy entry to his nearby home, and still more grant access to otherwise closed locations, the Eye of Amara Society membership card granting the holder entry to the otherwise private members’ society. The clues will take the Investigators back and forth across Arkham, from dives such as Irish mobster Dan O’Bannion’s Lucky Clover Cartage Company to the Orne Library where they might meet Professor Henry Armitage. As the scenario progresses and the Investigators follow up clue after clue, location after location, The Dog Walker becomes a MacGuffin hunt as well. Ultimately though, everything leads back to the missing man and his home.

The Dog Walker is decently supported beyond the solidity of the props from the Arkham Investigator’s Wallet. There is a breakdown of all of the clues and how to prepare them for play—as well as a checklist for those that are pertinent to the scenario, the NPC stats, a timeline, and a map of the Lower Southside neighbourhood where the scenario begins. Physically, the scenario is cleanly laid out, very nicely illustrated (only one piece of artwork lets the look of the book down), and the props to be used in the scenario are also illustrated as well.

It is notable that Charlotte, the young girl and dog walker who makes the discovery of the lost wallet that triggers the mystery in The Dog Walker: A Scenario in 1920s Arkham is a fan of detective stories and Sherlock Holmes in particular. This is because the story itself is reminiscent of one of the best Sherlock Holmes stories, or rather one of the best pastiches. This is The Abergavenny Murder, the first episode in the second series of The Further Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, which continued the very fine BBC pairing of Clive Merrison and Andrew Sachs as Holmes and Watson—and Clive Merrison and Michael Williams before that—with stories based on cases mentioned by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, but never expanded upon. In The Abergavenny Murder, the duo are at home at 221b Baker Street with nothing to do and lamenting the lack of crime to investigate, when a man rushes into their sitting room and drops down dead. Holmes and Watson then have forty-five minutes in which to solve the crime entirely based on the man’s corpse in front of them and what is on his body. It is a delightful ‘ship-in-a-bottle’ style episode and two-hander, displaying all of the personalities of the two men and the author’s inventiveness.

The Dog Walker feels much like this, though much more expansive than four walls of the sitting room at 221b Baker Street, and of course, having a wallet of clues to go on rather than a corpse and the contents of its pockets. Quite so too, since it would hardly be the done thing for young Charlotte to discover a corpse! That though highlights an issue with the scenario in that how does the adult world react to the inquisitiveness of a twelve-year-old? Apart from one NPC whose reaction to Charlotte may play an important role in the scenario, the issue is not addressed.

The Dog Walker: A Scenario in 1920s Arkham is a charmingly parochial mystery, its revelations hinting at the true nature of the universe, rather than fully blasting the minds of the Investigations with its actual uncaring majesty and the insignificance of humanity’s place within it. In fact, the scenario is almost gentle by other scenarios’ standards, there being only the one possible Sanity check in its telling. Which, of course, is how it should be given that Charlotte Foley is just twelve. All of which is supported by the Arkham Investigator’s Wallet and its marvellous props—of which, it should be noted, The Dog Walker: A Scenario in 1920s Arkham uses barely half, enabling the Keeper to return to the wallet to create his own mystery or the author to write a sequel. Above all, together The Dog Walker: A Scenario in 1920s Arkham and the Arkham Investigator’s Wallet are a wonderfully crafted combination that will provide a thoroughly enjoyable and engaging evening’s worth of detective work that will introduce one young lady to the mysteries of the cosmos.

[Free RPG Day 2024] Across the Veil of Time

Reviews from R'lyeh -

Now in its seventeenth year, Free RPG Day for 2024 took place on Saturday, June 22nd. As per usual, Free RPG Day consisted of an array of new and interesting little releases, which are traditionally tasters for forthcoming games to be released at GenCon the following August, but others are support for existing RPGs or pieces of gaming ephemera or a quick-start. This included dice, miniatures, vouchers, and more. Thanks to the generosity of Waylands Forge in Birmingham, Reviews from R’lyeh was able to get hold of many of the titles released for Free RPG Day.


2024 Free RPG Day Module: Across the Veil of Time is Goodman Games’ only contribution to Free RPG Day 2023. It is a scenario for use with the publisher’s highly popular Dungeon Crawl Classics Role Playing Game and written by the author of the very good Dungeon Crawl Classics #101: The Veiled Vaults of the Onyx Queen (though it should be noted that this is the second scenario by the author to use the word ‘veil’ in the title, so either he should stop now or use ‘veil’ in the title of every scenario from now on as his motif). Across the Veil of Time is designed for First Level Player Characters and can be played through in a single session or so. It is thus a slight affair, though one in which the entirety of time is in danger.

The scenario begins with the Player Characters on their travels reaching a village only to find it devoid of inhabitants. It appears that the village has been abandoned, except for a note on the door of a local haberdashery, “ENTER THE SHOP”, written in the hand of one the Player Characters and on a scrap of his cloak too! What is going on and how did the strange note appear on the door of a shop that the Player Characters have never seen before, in a place that the Player Characters have been to before? This is only the start of the strangeness in Across the Veil of Time. The Player Characters are thrown back in time again and again before they can gather enough clues to have any idea as to what is going on. The scenario ramps up the weirdness and will see the Player Characters racing along a bridge over the Sands of Time, trying not to fall in or be knocked off, and then up the ‘Clock Tower at the Centre of Time’, which of course, looks like a grandfather clock, though one with a cosmically horological mechanism at its heart rather than a simple clockwork. Here they will battle the ‘Time Lord’, the temporal demon, responsible for the situation, hopefully avoid blows from his nasty ‘grim’ Reaper, and save both the other person responsible and the universe!
Time [sic] constraints mean that Across the Veil of Time is a linear adventure. After all, it is designed to be played in a single session. However, it is really a series of puzzle-locked locations. Solve one puzzle and the Player Characters can move on to the next location. It is also very action and combat orientated, and there is very little scope for anything else. For a scenario with such tight playing time constraints, that really is the primary issue with Across the Veil of Time—no room for interaction or roleplaying. There is potential for expansion, especially early on in the scenario, if the Judge wanted to develop it, adding to its time and horological themes, and perhaps adding that the missing interaction and the NPCs necessary for that. Then, if the Player Characters are successful, then everything resets itself, the universe is safe, and all they will be left with is a slight sense of déjà vu… Appropriate, but paltry in terms of reward for having saved the universe.
Physically, Across the Veil of Time is very well presented. Both maps and artwork are decent and handouts, a surprising number for a scenario as short as this, are also good.
2024 Free RPG Day Module: Across the Veil of Time is easy to set up and run, being better as a convention or demonstration scenario. Its theme of facing time running backwards is intriguing, but the format constraints of the scenario being designed for a short, single-session playing time means that it is not explored enough. Without those constraints, the them could have been explored to greater effect and the scenario could have been much, much better. 2024 Free RPG Day Module: Across the Veil of Time is full of thematic potential, but it is just not allowed to fulfil that and so it is just all too slight.

Dracula, The Hunters' Journals: 25 July Mina Murray's Journal (Cont.)

The Other Side -

 Mina has another encounter with the old fisherman and his friends.

Dracula - The Hunters' Journals

25 July Whitby*—I came up here an hour ago with Lucy, and we had a most interesting talk with my old friend and the two others who always come and join him. He is evidently the Sir Oracle of them, and I should think must have been in his time a most dictatorial person. He will not admit anything, and downfaces everybody. If he can’t out-argue them he bullies them, and then takes their silence for agreement with his views. Lucy was looking sweetly pretty in her white lawn frock; she has got a beautiful colour since she has been here. I noticed that the old men did not lose any time in coming up and sitting near her when we sat down. She is so sweet with old people; I think they all fell in love with her on the spot. Even my old man succumbed and did not contradict her, but gave me double share instead. I got him on the subject of the legends, and he went off at once into a sort of sermon. I must try to remember it and put it down:—

“It be all fool-talk, lock, stock, and barrel; that’s what it be, an’ nowt else. These bans an’ wafts an’ boh-ghosts an’ barguests an’ bogles an’ all anent them is only fit to set bairns an’ dizzy women a-belderin’. They be nowt but air-blebs. They, an’ all grims an’ signs an’ warnin’s, be all invented by parsons an’ illsome beuk-bodies an’ railway touters to skeer an’ scunner hafflin’s, an’ to get folks to do somethin’ that they don’t other incline to. It makes me ireful to think o’ them. Why, it’s them that, not content with printin’ lies on paper an’ preachin’ them out of pulpits, does want to be cuttin’ them on the tombstones. Look here all around you in what airt ye will; all them steans, holdin’ up their heads as well as they can out of their pride, is acant—simply tumblin’ down with the weight o’ the lies wrote on them, ‘Here lies the body’ or ‘Sacred to the memory’ wrote on all of them, an’ yet in nigh half of them there bean’t no bodies at all; an’ the memories of them bean’t cared a pinch of snuff about, much less sacred. Lies all of them, nothin’ but lies of one kind or another! My gog, but it’ll be a quare scowderment at the Day of Judgment when they come tumblin’ up in their death-sarks, all jouped together an’ tryin’ to drag their tombsteans with them to prove how good they was; some of them trimmlin’ and ditherin’, with their hands that dozzened an’ slippy from lyin’ in the sea that they can’t even keep their grup o’ them.”

I could see from the old fellow’s self-satisfied air and the way in which he looked round for the approval of his cronies that he was “showing off,” so I put in a word to keep him going:—

“Oh, Mr. Swales, you can’t be serious. Surely these tombstones are not all wrong?”

“Yabblins! There may be a poorish few not wrong, savin’ where they make out the people too good; for there be folk that do think a balm-bowl be like the sea, if only it be their own. The whole thing be only lies. Now look you here; you come here a stranger, an’ you see this kirk-garth.” I nodded, for I thought it better to assent, though I did not quite understand his dialect. I knew it had something to do with the church. He went on: “And you consate that all these steans be aboon folk that be happed here, snod an’ snog?” I assented again. “Then that be just where the lie comes in. Why, there be scores of these lay-beds that be toom as old Dun’s ’bacca-box on Friday night.” He nudged one of his companions, and they all laughed. “And my gog! how could they be otherwise? Look at that one, the aftest abaft the bier-bank: read it!” I went over and read:—

“Edward Spencelagh, master mariner, murdered by pirates off the coast of Andres, April, 1854, æt. 30.” When I came back Mr. Swales went on:—

“Who brought him home, I wonder, to hap him here? Murdered off the coast of Andres! an’ you consated his body lay under! Why, I could name ye a dozen whose bones lie in the Greenland seas above”—he pointed northwards—“or where the currents may have drifted them. There be the steans around ye. Ye can, with your young eyes, read the small-print of the lies from here. This Braithwaite Lowrey—I knew his father, lost in the Lively off Greenland in ’20; or Andrew Woodhouse, drowned in the same seas in 1777**; or John Paxton, drowned off Cape Farewell a year later; or old John Rawlings, whose grandfather sailed with me, drowned in the Gulf of Finland in ’50. Do ye think that all these men will have to make a rush to Whitby when the trumpet sounds? I have me antherums aboot it! I tell ye that when they got here they’d be jommlin’ an’ jostlin’ one another that way that it ’ud be like a fight up on the ice in the old days, when we’d be at one another from daylight to dark, an’ tryin’ to tie up our cuts by the light of the aurora borealis.” This was evidently local pleasantry, for the old man cackled over it, and his cronies joined in with gusto.

“But,” I said, “surely you are not quite correct, for you start on the assumption that all the poor people, or their spirits, will have to take their tombstones with them on the Day of Judgment. Do you think that will be really necessary?”

“Well, what else be they tombstones for? Answer me that, miss!”

“To please their relatives, I suppose.”

“To please their relatives, you suppose!” This he said with intense scorn. “How will it pleasure their relatives to know that lies is wrote over them, and that everybody in the place knows that they be lies?” He pointed to a stone at our feet which had been laid down as a slab, on which the seat was rested, close to the edge of the cliff. “Read the lies on that thruff-stean,” he said. The letters were upside down to me from where I sat, but Lucy was more opposite to them, so she leant over and read:—

“Sacred to the memory of George Canon, who died, in the hope of a glorious resurrection, on July, 29, 1873, falling from the rocks at Kettleness. This tomb was erected by his sorrowing mother to her dearly beloved son. ‘He was the only son of his mother, and she was a widow.’ Really, Mr. Swales, I don’t see anything very funny in that!” She spoke her comment very gravely and somewhat severely.

“Ye don’t see aught funny! Ha! ha! But that’s because ye don’t gawm the sorrowin’ mother was a hell-cat that hated him because he was acrewk’d—a regular lamiter he was—an’ he hated her so that he committed suicide in order that she mightn’t get an insurance she put on his life. He blew nigh the top of his head off with an old musket that they had for scarin’ the crows with. ’Twarn’t for crows then, for it brought the clegs and the dowps to him. That’s the way he fell off the rocks. And, as to hopes of a glorious resurrection, I’ve often heard him say masel’ that he hoped he’d go to hell, for his mother was so pious that she’d be sure to go to heaven, an’ he didn’t want to addle where she was. Now isn’t that stean at any rate”—he hammered it with his stick as he spoke—“a pack of lies? and won’t it make Gabriel keckle when Geordie comes pantin’ up the grees with the tombstean balanced on his hump, and asks it to be took as evidence!”

I did not know what to say, but Lucy turned the conversation as she said, rising up:—

“Oh, why did you tell us of this? It is my favourite seat, and I cannot leave it; and now I find I must go on sitting over the grave of a suicide.”

“That won’t harm ye, my pretty; an’ it may make poor Geordie gladsome to have so trim a lass sittin’ on his lap. That won’t hurt ye. Why, I’ve sat here off an’ on for nigh twenty years past, an’ it hasn’t done me no harm. Don’t ye fash about them as lies under ye, or that doesn’ lie there either! It’ll be time for ye to be getting scart when ye see the tombsteans all run away with, and the place as bare as a stubble-field. There’s the clock, an’ I must gang. My service to ye, ladies!” And off he hobbled.

Lucy and I sat awhile, and it was all so beautiful before us that we took hands as we sat; and she told me all over again about Arthur and their coming marriage. That made me just a little heart-sick, for I haven’t heard from Jonathan for a whole month.


The same day. I came up here alone, for I am very sad. There was no letter for me. I hope there cannot be anything the matter with Jonathan. The clock has just struck nine. I see the lights scattered all over the town, sometimes in rows where the streets are, and sometimes singly; they run right up the Esk and die away in the curve of the valley. To my left the view is cut off by a black line of roof of the old house next the abbey. The sheep and lambs are bleating in the fields away behind me, and there is a clatter of a donkey’s hoofs up the paved road below. The band on the pier is playing a harsh waltz in good time, and further along the quay there is a Salvation Army meeting in a back street. Neither of the bands hears the other, but up here I hear and see them both. I wonder where Jonathan is and if he is thinking of me! I wish he were here.


Moon Phase: Waxing Crescent

*Note. The text of Dracula lists this day as August 1 and the next day as July 26. I have corrected it here.

**Another misprint. This should be 1877. I kept it here to make it clearer.

Swales argues that most of the graves here are empty since he knew some of the sailors they belonged too and he knows they are at the bottom of various seas. 

Mina is getting worried about Harker. She was supposed to have heard from him by May 16 and it is now July 25.

Dracula, The Hunters' Journals: 24 July Mina Murray's Journal & Log of the Demeter

The Other Side -

 Mina and Lucy have an odd encounter with an old fisherman. The Demeter continues on. 

Dracula - The Hunters' Journals

Mina Murray's Journal

24 July Whitby.—Lucy met me at the station, looking sweeter and lovelier than ever, and we drove up to the house at the Crescent in which they have rooms. This is a lovely place. The little river, the Esk, runs through a deep valley, which broadens out as it comes near the harbour. A great viaduct runs across, with high piers, through which the view seems somehow further away than it really is. The valley is beautifully green, and it is so steep that when you are on the high land on either side you look right across it, unless you are near enough to see down. The houses of the old town—the side away from us—are all red-roofed, and seem piled up one over the other anyhow, like the pictures we see of Nuremberg. Right over the town is the ruin of Whitby Abbey, which was sacked by the Danes, and which is the scene of part of “Marmion,” where the girl was built up in the wall. It is a most noble ruin, of immense size, and full of beautiful and romantic bits; there is a legend that a white lady is seen in one of the windows. Between it and the town there is another church, the parish one, round which is a big graveyard, all full of tombstones. This is to my mind the nicest spot in Whitby, for it lies right over the town, and has a full view of the harbour and all up the bay to where the headland called Kettleness stretches out into the sea. It descends so steeply over the harbour that part of the bank has fallen away, and some of the graves have been destroyed. In one place part of the stonework of the graves stretches out over the sandy pathway far below. There are walks, with seats beside them, through the churchyard; and people go and sit there all day long looking at the beautiful view and enjoying the breeze. I shall come and sit here very often myself and work. Indeed, I am writing now, with my book on my knee, and listening to the talk of three old men who are sitting beside me. They seem to do nothing all day but sit up here and talk.

The harbour lies below me, with, on the far side, one long granite wall stretching out into the sea, with a curve outwards at the end of it, in the middle of which is a lighthouse. A heavy sea-wall runs along outside of it. On the near side, the sea-wall makes an elbow crooked inversely, and its end too has a lighthouse. Between the two piers there is a narrow opening into the harbour, which then suddenly widens.

It is nice at high water; but when the tide is out it shoals away to nothing, and there is merely the stream of the Esk, running between banks of sand, with rocks here and there. Outside the harbour on this side there rises for about half a mile a great reef, the sharp edge of which runs straight out from behind the south lighthouse. At the end of it is a buoy with a bell, which swings in bad weather, and sends in a mournful sound on the wind. They have a legend here that when a ship is lost bells are heard out at sea. I must ask the old man about this; he is coming this way....

He is a funny old man. He must be awfully old, for his face is all gnarled and twisted like the bark of a tree. He tells me that he is nearly a hundred, and that he was a sailor in the Greenland fishing fleet when Waterloo was fought. He is, I am afraid, a very sceptical person, for when I asked him about the bells at sea and the White Lady at the abbey he said very brusquely:—

“I wouldn’t fash masel’ about them, miss. Them things be all wore out. Mind, I don’t say that they never was, but I do say that they wasn’t in my time. They be all very well for comers and trippers, an’ the like, but not for a nice young lady like you. Them feet-folks from York and Leeds that be always eatin’ cured herrin’s an’ drinkin’ tea an’ lookin’ out to buy cheap jet would creed aught. I wonder masel’ who’d be bothered tellin’ lies to them—even the newspapers, which is full of fool-talk.” I thought he would be a good person to learn interesting things from, so I asked him if he would mind telling me something about the whale-fishing in the old days. He was just settling himself to begin when the clock struck six, whereupon he laboured to get up, and said:—

“I must gang ageeanwards home now, miss. My grand-daughter doesn’t like to be kept waitin’ when the tea is ready, for it takes me time to crammle aboon the grees, for there be a many of ’em; an’, miss, I lack belly-timber sairly by the clock.”

He hobbled away, and I could see him hurrying, as well as he could, down the steps. The steps are a great feature on the place. They lead from the town up to the church, there are hundreds of them—I do not know how many—and they wind up in a delicate curve; the slope is so gentle that a horse could easily walk up and down them. I think they must originally have had something to do with the abbey. I shall go home too. Lucy went out visiting with her mother, and as they were only duty calls, I did not go. They will be home by this.

Log of the Demeter

24 July.—There seems some doom over this ship. Already a hand short, and entering on the Bay of Biscay with wild weather ahead, and yet last night another man lost—disappeared. Like the first, he came off his watch and was not seen again. Men all in a panic of fear; sent a round robin, asking to have double watch, as they fear to be alone. Mate angry. Fear there will be some trouble, as either he or the men will do some violence.


Moon Phase: Waning Crescent

We are treated to picturesque Whitby on the North Sea.

So who is this guy? We will learn later he is named "Swales." A version of this character appears in the 1979 John Badham "Dracula" played by the late Teddy Turner. He does make an appearance in the 1977 BBC mini-series closer to the character here. 

He is nearly 100 years old by his tale, and claims to have been at the Battle of Waterloo in 1815. So if he was in his late teens or younger 20s then he would be close to 100 now in (my suggested) 1892. 

His language, supposedly a Doric dialect, almost needs a translation guide. 

"I wouldn’t fash masel’ about them, miss." = "I would not trouble myself about them, miss."

"Feet Folks" = "Tourists"

"I must gang ageeanwards home now." = "I must be getting home now."

"for it takes me time to crammle aboon the grees, for there be a many of ’em" = "it takes me time to hobble (move) about the graves because there are so many of them."

"I lack belly-timber sairly by the clock." = "I am very hungry according to the clock" = "It's dinner time."

For the steps? There are 200 of them, according to many Dracula scholars.

Meanwhile the Demeter makes it slow and inventible way to where Mina now sits. 

Adventure Week: The Mosidian Temple

The Other Side -

The Mosidian Temple Here is another one I have been waiting for for a bit. The Mosidian Temple is from David Flor of Darklight Interactive. With this you actually get three products. There is the The Mosidian Temple, OSRIC version, the "Developer's Cut", and the original 1983 version.

The Mosidian Temple

by David Flor, 50 pages, color covers, black & white interior art.  Art and maps from David Flor, Dean Spencer, and Dyson Logos.

So, there is a lot to love about this adventure. First, I LOVE that it is an update of something David wrote in 1983. I wish I had saved some of my adventures from then. 

You don't need all three to run the adventures, but the original and the developer's cut are so much fun. 

The adventure is a dungeon crawl, pure and simple. Don't go looking for deep plots or characters; that is a "feature" and not a "bug."  There is a background here that is reminiscent of B1 In Search of the Unknown and T1 Villiage of Hommlet. An ancient temple, set up by some former adventurers, falls into ruins. A Macguffin hunt. Evil cults. There is nothing *new* here but that is fine, in fact that is great.  

Like all good adventures of the 1980s, this one features new monsters, new magic, and plenty of interesting locales. 

Monsters are given brief stats with notes to their page numbers in the Monster Manual. Not 100% sure that is fine with the OGL, but that is just me nickpicking. There are a LOT of monsters here too. This adventure will challenge the characters. It is listed for character levels 6 to 10, and I believe it. 

Half the fun of this adventure is reading the original version and the developer notes. 

The regular and developer editions are currently $5.99, and the Original 1983 edition is PWYW. So the price is quite good really.

How I Plan to Use This

Not quite sure just yet. It has a lot of potential but mostly it is just a fun adventure. No plot, no over arching narrative, just rolling dice like it is 1983. And honestly, what more do you need?

Miskatonic Monday #295: A Sliver of Starlight

Reviews from R'lyeh -

Between October 2003 and October 2013, Chaosium, Inc. published a series of books for Call of Cthulhu under the Miskatonic University Library Association brand. Whether a sourcebook, scenario, anthology, or campaign, each was a showcase for their authors—amateur rather than professional, but fans of Call of Cthulhu nonetheless—to put forward their ideas and share with others. The programme was notable for having launched the writing careers of several authors, but for every Cthulhu InvictusThe PastoresPrimal StateRipples from Carcosa, and Halloween Horror, there was Five Go Mad in EgyptReturn of the RipperRise of the DeadRise of the Dead II: The Raid, and more...

The Miskatonic University Library Association brand is no more, alas, but what we have in its stead is the Miskatonic Repository, based on the same format as the DM’s Guild for Dungeons & Dragons. It is thus, “...a new way for creators to publish and distribute their own original Call of Cthulhu content including scenarios, settings, spells and more…” To support the endeavours of their creators, Chaosium has provided templates and art packs, both free to use, so that the resulting releases can look and feel as professional as possible. To support the efforts of these contributors, Miskatonic Monday is an occasional series of reviews which will in turn examine an item drawn from the depths of the Miskatonic Repository.

Name: A Sliver of StarlightPublisher: Chaosium, Inc.
Author: Daniel Chadborn

Setting: New York State, 1983Product: Weird Haunted House One-Shot
What You Get: Forty-five page, 7.19 MB Full Colour PDF
Elevator Pitch: “If you want to see an endangered species, get up and look in the mirror.” – John YoungPlot Hook: A haunted house (or inspiration) attracts the all too curious.Plot Support: Staging advice, two NPCs, four pre-generated Investigators, and twelve handouts.Production Values: Decent
Pros# Multiple set-up options# Decently done clues and events# Easily shifted to other locations# Staged, step-by-step plot# Easy to adjust to other eras and locations# Oikopobia# Eisoptrophobia# Trypophobia
Cons# Maps could have been better and clearer# Needs an edit# Staged, step-by-step plot
Conclusion# Clues and events engagingly unsettle the investigation# Staged, step-by-step haunted house plot that leads elsewhere (and back again)

Miskatonic Monday #294: The Assignment

Reviews from R'lyeh -

Between October 2003 and October 2013, Chaosium, Inc. published a series of books for Call of Cthulhu under the Miskatonic University Library Association brand. Whether a sourcebook, scenario, anthology, or campaign, each was a showcase for their authors—amateur rather than professional, but fans of Call of Cthulhu nonetheless—to put forward their ideas and share with others. The programme was notable for having launched the writing careers of several authors, but for every Cthulhu Invictus, The Pastores, Primal State, Ripples from Carcosa, and Halloween Horror, there was Five Go Mad in Egypt, Return of the Ripper, Rise of the Dead, Rise of the Dead II: The Raid, and more...

The Miskatonic University Library Association brand is no more, alas, but what we have in its stead is the Miskatonic Repository, based on the same format as the DM’s Guild for Dungeons & Dragons. It is thus, “...a new way for creators to publish and distribute their own original Call of Cthulhu content including scenarios, settings, spells and more…” To support the endeavours of their creators, Chaosium has provided templates and art packs, both free to use, so that the resulting releases can look and feel as professional as possible. To support the efforts of these contributors, Miskatonic Monday is an occasional series of reviews which will in turn examine an item drawn from the depths of the Miskatonic Repository.

Name: The AssignmentPublisher: Chaosium, Inc.
Author: Marco Carrer

Setting: Cthulhu InvictusProduct: One-on-One Scenario
What You Get: Ten page, 310.87 KB Full Colour PDF
Elevator Pitch: Sometimes a femme fatale lives up to her namePlot Hook: A Finder doesn’t always want to find what he’s looking for
Plot Support: Staging advice, one pre-generated Investigator, four NPCs, one handout, floorplans, and one Mythos creature.Production Values: Plain
Pros# Scenario for The 7th Edition Guide to Cthulhu Invictus: Cosmic Horror Roleplaying in Ancient Rome# One Keeper, one Investigator one-shot# Short, one session noir-style investigation# Plot could be adapted to a Noir-style setting# Strigiformophobia# Necrophobia# Teraphobia
Cons# Needs a good edit# Familiar noir-style plot
Conclusion# Short and bloody noir-style investigation# Serviceable and easy to use

Numenera’s Destiny

Reviews from R'lyeh -

Numenera Destiny changes the way in which Numenera Discovery is played and the why it is played. Set billions of years into the future after multiple, highly technological and advanced civilisations have risen and fallen, Numenera is a Science Fantasy roleplaying game of exploration and adventure in the very far future of the Ninth World. In the course of this adventure and exploration, the Player Characters discover secrets, protect communities, and recover and make use of the technologies of the past—Artifacts, Cyphers, and Oddities—to continue to learn and explore. Numenera Destiny, the companion volume to Numenera Discovery, provides a core motivation for the Player Characters, the means to support that motivation with new Character Types and mechanics, new Foci and Descriptors, rules for creating, supporting, and developing Communities, breaking down Cyphers and rebuilding them to new purposes, plus new organisations and creatures, and lastly four scenarios. This motivation centres on the Community. Where in Numenera Discovery it might be a place that the Player Characters simply pass through or come to rescue of, with Numenera Destiny, the Player Characters become part of that community. They protect it. They lead it. They develop it. They build a better future for themselves and the other members of the community, and in the process, they create rather than just scavenge.

Numenera Destiny begins with the new character options. The three new Character Types are the Arkus, the Wright, and the Delve. The Arkus is a natural leader, potentially head of a community, an army, or even a faith, but ultimately a charismatic and social Character Type. The Wright builds and crafts, able to interpret plans and devices found in the ruins of the past, and using ‘Iotum’, scavenged components, design and create cyphers, artifacts, and installations. They are more than mere scholars—they are doers. The Delve is the ultimate explorer of the ruins, but also highly skilled in extracting the ‘Iotum’ that the Wright needs to build. The Arkus begins play with ‘Demeanour of Command’ which forces others to listen to him when not in combat and is naturally a ‘Community Leader’, which increases a community’s rank when he is present. He has precepts which grant him an advantage when dealing with others, such as telling an uplifting ‘Anecdote’ or having a ‘Connection With an Organisation’. Later on, an Arkus can gain followers. The Wright is Trained in Crafting Numenera, and when actively working as a ‘Community Builder’, it improves a community’s infrastructure, is ‘Always Tinkering’ and can create new random Cyphers. He has Inspired Techniques like ‘Right Tool for the Job’, crafting temporary tools from Iotum, gain ‘Extra use’ from an installation or artifact without triggering a depletion roll, and ‘Scramble Machine’ for devices nearby. The Delve spends less time in a community than the other Character Types, and is Trained in ‘Salvaging Numenera’ and as a ‘Community Explorer’, improves its capacity to find resources, open new trade routes, and so on. He has ‘Delve Lore’, which includes ‘Find the Way’ when he is lost and ‘Familiarise’ which enables him to study a region and gain temporary benefits whilst there. Of the three new Character Types, Delve is actually the least interesting, especially at Tier One. Fortunately, the Type gets more interesting at higher Tiers.

It is notable that all three new Character Types have core Community abilities that get better as they improve in Tier. However, Numenera Destiny goes further by providing Community abilities for the three core Character Types from Numenera Discovery. Thus, the Glaive has ‘Community Defender’, the Jack has ‘Community Fixer’ which improves a community’s health or infrastructure Ranks, and the Nano has ‘Community Scholar’, which also improves a community’s health or infrastructure Ranks. Together this balances the old Character Types with the new, though the additions are not as interesting as those for the new Character Types, especially as the Community abilities for the Jack and the Nano are identical.

Numenera Destiny adds thirty-five new Descriptors. The majority of these are designed to support the three new Character Types. Thus, the ‘Articulate’ aids the Arkus who emphasises speech, ‘Beneficent’ is for the Arkus who wants to help, and ‘Civic’ is about working with the community. ‘Curious’ is for the Delve who wants to know more and ‘Risk-Taking’ if he pushes his luck. ‘Imaginative’ and ‘Industrious’ both suit the Wright. Of them all, it does feel as more of them support the Arkus rather than the other Character Types. Similarly, there are over thirty new Foci, and again many support the community and leadership aspect of Numenera Destiny, like ‘Imparts Wisdom’, ‘Shepherds the Community’, and ‘Wields Words Like Weapons’. There are fewer which specifically support the roles of the Wright and the Delve, though ‘Builds Tomorrow’ is exception for the Wright, whilst others such as ‘Adjures The Leviathan’, giving a character control over one of the horrors to be found in the ruins, ‘Dances With Dark Matter’ which grants substance and control of shadows, and ‘Emerged From The Obelisk’ which changes the character’s body structure from flesh to crystalline all support the strangeness to be found beyond the walls of the community in the Ninth World.

Not all of these character options presented in Numenera Destiny are necessarily new. For example, the Arkus and the Delve are similar to the Glint and Seeker Character Types respectively from Character Options 2, whilst several of the Foci and Descriptors originally appeared in Gods of the Fall and Expanded Worlds and other supplements. However, they have been adjusted and redesigned to fit the new edition of Numenera Discovery and the companion volume, Numenera Destiny. It is still possible to play using the earlier iterations or concepts of these Character Types and Foci and Descriptors, but the updated and redesigned versions are more interesting and supportive of the emphasis in Numenera Destiny.

Specifically for the Wright, Numenera Destiny provides detailed, but surprisingly simple salvaging and crafting rules. Anyone can engage in salvaging as they explore the Ninth World, but in the main, the Wright will be at an advantage over other Character Types when he does so. In addition to gaining Cyphers and shin (the catch-all currency of the Ninth World), a successful Salvage Task check will yield ‘Iotum’. This is the catch-all term for scavenged parts, which might be, “silvery canisters filled with colourless goo, or bubbling fluid contained within etched stronglass canisters the size of small houses.” Iotum are then used to construct all manner of devices and installations. ‘Iotum’ can be random items—and there is a table for that accompanied by descriptions of each ‘Iotum’ type—or they might be something that the Wright is looking for. This is particularly likely if the Wright is attempting to construct something from a specific plan. Determining if the scavenger has found the ‘Iotum’ he wants requires a second Salvage Task check. That then is all there is to the salvage rules with more detail devoted to the salvage found than the mechanics of finding it.

The crafting rules are more complex, but not by much. Whether an object or structure is commonplace or numenera, the latter meaning it will have abilities like a cypher or an Artifact, it has as an Assessed Difficulty representing how difficult it is to construct and how long it will take to complete. However, if a numenera object or structure, the Assessed Difficulty is higher. To actually craft an object or structure requires multiple Crafting Task checks, that is, one subtask for each level of the Assessed Difficulty. So, for a Level 3 Cypher, the player has to roll a Crafting Task at difficulty one, then difficulty two, and so on. This can be reduced by a Wright’s Training and abilities, but not Effort as that has an immediate rather than a prolonged use. The same mechanics are used for repairing items, making modifications, and more. The rules are backed with numerous plans, from wooden walls and stone keeps to waterskimmer and windrider vehicles. (Rules for vehicle combat are included in the appendix.) The new Cyphers include several that will help a Wright when crafting, such as ‘Crafter’s Eyes’, thick lenses that when worn provide informative diagrams that help with a construction task or helps the community like the ‘Hiding Alarm Nodule’ that when attached to a building sends it out of phase if it is struck by sufficient force, such as that which might occur during a siege.

A community itself has a Rank and several statistics. These are Government, its leadership and organisational structure; Health, representing the number of able-bodied occupants; Infrastructure, its buildings, roads, and so on; Damage Inflicted, the damage it can do against another community or a horde—either NPCs or beasts; Armour, which protects attacks by other communities or hordes; Modifications are abilities particular to the community which might be a unique building, NPC, or skill; and Combat, which consists of abilities similar to Modifications, but combat-related. It is possible that the values for all will change over time due to circumstances internal and external, and once it is large enough, it can conduct Community Actions. This might be to open up trade with another community, send the militia to the walls to defend against a horde, dealing with disasters, and so on. Here again, Numenera Destiny keeps things simple. A community with a higher Rank wins, whether that is in negotiating a trade agreement, withstanding an attack by a horde, or surviving an earthquake. That though is if there are no Player Characters involved. If there are, the different Character Types enhance the various stats for a community, the Player Characters can undertake some of the community actions, and the Player Characters can invest themselves in the community’s future. The Arkus can lead and speak for it, the Wright can improve and repair it, the Glaive can protect it, whilst the Delve, the Jack, and the Nano can support everyone’s endeavours.

The advice for both Game Master and players is that a community—whether is one that the characters have adopted or founded—is not simply there for the characters’ benefit. (If it is, it more likely to be based occupied and run by the Player Characters.) Whilst the Player Characters do gain from living in a community, the other inhabitants will gain also, and the interaction with the inhabitants will not be all one way, even if the Player Characters’ fostering of community places them in positions where it can direct its future. There are suggestions too on the types of adventures that can be run based around the adoption or founding of a community, as well as how a community might be laid out, and a lengthy list of long-term tasks that the Player Characters can undertake. Some are general like building up food or water stores, enhancing a community’s happiness, or even raising a child, whilst many others are specific to a Character Type. An Arkus could ‘Demonstrate Grace Under Pressure’ or ‘Cultivate Followers’, whilst a Delve would ‘Prospect for Iotum’ or ‘Find Specific Iotum’. Add in the table of random events and Numenera Destiny provides the means to run a campaign grounded in a community which could last years, both in terms of play and in the setting itself. The advice to that end is excellent.

As well as rules for creating and running communities, Numenera Destiny describes several actual communities of varying sizes that the Player Characters might encounter in and around the Steadfast, the starting area for Numenera, and then in the Beyond. They include a nomadic community that rarely stays in one place for more than a few years as the inhabitants follow the shambling mountain-like Dream Titans; an arcology that migrates up and down the Sea of Secrets off the coast of Steadfast; and a mountain city over which floats an enormous artifact called the ‘Changing Moon’, the façade and interior of which constantly changes and is the subject of study by scholars. There are several descriptions of smaller communities too, less detailed and intended to be used as ‘Starter Communities’ that the Player Characters can adopt, protect, and develop. All come with their own stats and they can just as easily be used as locations to be added to the Game Master’s campaign. Added to this are details of various organisations, including notable members, facilities, and benefits of membership. They include the Amber Gleaners, a network of scholars, explorers, delves, and other travellers who share knowledge of the routes and locations they discover with each other; the Order of Healing, a relatively new offshoot of the Order of Truth, whose members travel the Steadfast and the Beyond, offering healing and medical aid; and the League, an organisation of envoys that foster communication between communities and the benefits of civilisation, though some wonder if it has an ulterior motive…

Besides providing an array of new Cyphers and beasts and NPCs, again all of which are designed to support stories and adventures around communities—whether as allies, enemies, or hordes, Numenera Destiny includes four scenarios. ‘The Door Beneath the Ocean’ is a community-starter scenario as the Player Characters come to the rescue of refugees fleeing both an active volcano and a cruel slave keeper, and then decide where to establish a new home for them. ‘Trefoil’ gives the Player Characters the opportunity to go and hunt for a particular type of iotum, but the situation where it can be found is more complex than the rumours say it is. In ‘Red Plague’, the player Characters come to the aid of the village of Glaww whose inhabitants are suffering from a deadly disease, but to save them, they will benefit from the skills of a Delve and then a Wright. Lastly, ‘Terminus’ scales up, being designed for higher Tier Player Characters with plenty of playing background behind them and the time to build up a stock of resources. These are necessary when they discover a dangerous threat that is first a problem for their community and then the world. This fourth scenario is the least immediately useful, as its requirements are much higher, but the others work as good set-up for a community-based campaign.

Physically, Numenera Destiny is very well presented and put together. Although it needs a slight edit in places, the book is well written, and everything is easy to grasp. Above all, the artwork is excellent and this is a great looking book.

Numenera Destiny is not absolutely necessary to play Numenera Discovery. Yet Numenera Destiny offers so many great options in terms of what you play and how you play, taking a campaign in a different, more involved direction, and giving scope for the players and their characters to become more invested in the Ninth World, that ultimately, it really does feel as if it is definitely going to be wanted.

Dune Dénouement

Reviews from R'lyeh -

If a licensed roleplaying game is based around a big story, the question is, how does its publisher address that story? Does it ignore it in favour focusing upon the setting instead? Does it incorporate it into the roleplaying game and make it a feature? The problem being that the events of the big story are inviolate and no matter what the players and their characters do, they cannot change them. Does this then undermine character agency? The One Ring: Roleplaying in the World of Lord of the Rings from Free League Publishing sets its stories between the two pillars of the intellectual property it is based upon, The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings, giving it a sixty-year window in which a campaign can be set. Similarly, Green Ronin’s A Song of Ice and Fire Roleplaying: A Game of Thrones Edition, based on George R.R. Martin’s epic fantasy series is set a century before the events of the books. Victory Games published multiple scenarios for James Bond 007: Role-Playing In Her Majesty’s Secret Service, most of them quite tightly based on a particular film, but written in such a way that if the players followed the actions of James Bond in the films, their characters would fail. Dune – Adventures in the Imperium: The Roleplaying Game, published by Modiphius Entertainment, does all of these—and more, for it has a more difficult path to tread.

Dune – Adventures in the Imperium: The Roleplaying Game enables the players to create characters who are members of a noble house and roleplay them as they work to improve the fortunes of their house. Those fortunes are bound up in Arrakis, the desert world that is the source of the Spice Melange that underpins the economy and structure of the Known Universe. Dune – Adventures in the Imperium: Agents of Dune began their story with a big ‘what-if?’. What if the Player Characters’ was appointed control of Arrakis instead of House Atreides and so supplanted House Harkonnen? The consequences and ongoing story were explored in Masters of Dune, but with the Fall of the Imperium Campaign Sourcebook, the players, their characters, and the campaign collide head on with the events of Dune—as depicted in the book and on screen—and ride that sandstorm all the way through to the unleashing of a great change. Their story will weave in and around the secret compact between the Emperor and House Harkonnen to unseat House Atreides, the rise of Muad’Dib, the fall of the Imperium, and the Jihad that followed. The Player Characters cannot change any of these events through their actions, but what they can do is explore some of the consequences to what happens on Arrakis that would otherwise take place in the background, participate in them, in the process tell their own story. That is their agency.

The Fall of the Imperium Campaign Sourcebook requires some set-up if run as a sequel to Dune – Adventures in the Imperium: Agents of Dune and Masters of Dune. The Herald of Change will come to the Player Character’s house and announce that the Emperor has awarded stewardship of Arrakis to House Atreides. This still sets up the events of Dune since House Harkonnen hates House Atreides and the Emperor can use that hatred to destroy a rival. The Player Characters will also maintain a presence on Arrakis, though no longer a major one, and will likely have formed a relationship with House Harkonnen—whether as allies or enemies—especially if their house replaced the Harkonnens in Dune – Adventures in the Imperium: Agents of Dune. The relationship between the Player Characters and House Harkonnen, and possibly with the Emperor himself, is important throughout the plot of the Fall of the Imperium Campaign Sourcebook. This is because it is one way in which the characters—and more importantly, the players—are forced to make choices that do not adhere to the plot of the novel as the characters are only aware of the obvious events rather than the secret events. So, what the Player Characters are aware of is that House Atreides has lost and House Harkonnen has won, and thus the question is—even though they as players know that Paul Atreides has survived—who does their house ally itself with? And then in the aftermath of the fall of House Corrino, how closely and openly do they ally with the new Emperor?

Fall of the Imperium consists of four parts which will take the Player Characters and their House from the Imperium through to the Ascension of Paul Muad’Dib. It opens with ‘The Gathering Storm’ with the replacement of House Harkonnen as the siridar governor of Arrakis by House Atreides and with the perceived weakening of the Harkonnens, House Ecaz seeks the Player Characters’ aid in taking its revenge for a past feud. Here, for the first time, there appears a theme that runs throughout the campaign—making alliances. There is always a choice of choosing between an alliance with or against House Harkonnen, but this like so many of the other choices throughout the campaign is never morally black or white. There are always advantages and disadvantages to any choice that the Player Characters have to make, which will extend from their dealings with House Harkonnen in the opening and middle parts of the campaign to their interaction with Emperor Shaddam IV in its climax and Emperor Paul Muad’Dib in the aftermath. Either way, the Player Characters will initially discover evidence of House Harkonnen’s stashing away Spice, but there is little that they can do with the information before events get out of control as the Player Characters trace a killer in the desert—with the unexpected help of the Spacing Guild—all the way to Kaitain. Yet before the Player Character can do anything with information they have gained, they return to Arrakis and get embroiled in the swirling mass of Harkonnen troops, backed up by the Emperor’s dread Sardaukar, as they assault House Atreides on Arrakis.

If ‘The Gathering Storm’ funnels the Player Characters down onto Arrakis in a maelstrom of death and destruction, ‘Muad’Dib’ opens up both the campaign and the Known Universe. As House Harkonnen takes control and then ever tighter control of Arrakis, the flow of Spice lessens and house after house is forced to look to other sources. In their hunt for a secure source, the Player Characters will find themselves visiting a variety of locations, such as a ski lodge, where when assassins strike, they will have to escape via ski bikes in James Bond style! The other way in which the campaign opens up is strategically, as play switches to Architect mode, the Player Characters directing house agents on a variety of missions. Although not discussed, these are easily expanded so that the players could roleplay these missions rather than handling them as straightforward dice rolls. After the Player Characters gain proof of how extensive House Harkonnen’s coverup of its Spice mining and reportage, they find themselves the subject of Imperial interest. This is nasty fraught situation and there is no option in terms of what to do with it, as the Player Characters find themselves entertaining the Emperor’s most dangerous representatives—Count Fenring and Lady Margot—and even negotiating with Baron Vladimir Harkonnen!

Events hurtle towards a climax as the flow of Spice from Arrakis dwindles and the Landsraad Council is divided over what to do about House Harkonnen’s growing mismanagement of Arrakis. The failure forces everyone to act, the Emperor coming directly to Arrakis and the Player Characters manoeuvred into intervening on their own. ‘Fall of the Imperium’ will culminate in the scenes in the Imperial throne room as Paul Maud’Dib confronts Emperor Shaddam IV and reveals himself as Duke Paul Atreides. The campaign takes an interesting change of tone as a regime change institutes a degree of uncertainty in how the Imperium works. Loyalties old and new are tested again and again as the old order faces a whirlwind of change, part of its fuelled by the new Emperor’s desire for revenge. In turn, the Player Characters are ordered to enact that revenge on an ally, scour the old Imperial capital in search of art, secrets, or people—or a combination of all three before the jihad falls upon it, even clear their names. If the Player Characters have more choice in this last part of the campaign, then their actions have more consequences, potentially leading to their own deaths or even the destruction of their house.

Rounding out Fall of the Imperium is ‘Adventures in the Era of Muad’Dib’. This is guidance on running and playing Dune – Adventures in the Imperium: The Roleplaying Game in the era of the new Emperor. This includes advice on portraying Paul in this period, on what the altered priorities are of the Bene Gesserit and the Spacing Guild, and the role of Paul’s new faith. This is represented mechanically by a faction template for the Qizarate and a number of associated Talents. The advice for the Game Master highlights the dangers of the Jihad, the autocracy of Paul’s reign as Emperor, and the possibilities of conspiracy and counter-revolution. The advice short, but solid, and doubtless, a whole supplement could be devoted to this. There are also some scenario hooks for the Game Master to develop.

The is very much a book of two halves, one half consisting of acts one and three—‘The Gathering Storm’ and ‘Fall of the Imperium’—and other half acts two and four—‘Muad’Dib’ and ‘War Across a Million Worlds’. In ‘The Gathering Storm’, the Player Characters are being pushed towards history and then in ‘Fall of the Imperium’, they are riding its waves, whereas in both —‘Muad’Dib’ and ‘War Across a Million Worlds’, they have far more freedom to act. The consequences are greater, especially in ‘War Across a Million Worlds’, but they do have more freedom to act. Similarly, in ‘War Across a Million Worlds’ the writers have greater freedom in their writing, no longer quite hemmed in by the plot of the novel. Whereas in ‘The Gathering Storm’ and ‘Fall of the Imperium’, the Player Characters are constantly coming up against that plot, encountering events portrayed in Dune, but at a distance or being involved in events that take place offscreen. The latter are more effective then the former, but in places it feels as if the Player Characters are there to witness what was not explicitly written down. The worst example of this is the attack on the sietch by the Sardaukar in which Paul’s first son, Leto, is killed, which the Player Characters are forced to accompany. There is almost nothing that the Player Characters can do to change the outcome, effectively meaning their agency is undone by plot immunity. Fans of Dune may well enjoy having their characters present at many of these scenes, but too often they feel like exposition that only serves to highlight the difficulties of writing a campaign set in and around the events of a great novel.

Physically, the Fall of the Imperium Campaign Sourcebook is very well presented. The layout is clean and tidy and the artwork is excellent.

The Fall of the Imperium Campaign Sourcebook is an ambitious attempt to do the impossible—write a roleplaying campaign based on the events of the seminal novel that the roleplaying game is based upon. Fortunately, that ambition is fulfilled and the result is a campaign, that at its best, is often morally difficult and full of challenging situations, which takes the Player Characters through the events of Dune and beyond. At its worst though, are the situations with a lack of agency which relegates the characters and their players to the role of spectators. Nevertheless, if the Player Characters and their House survive the events covered in the Fall of the Imperium Campaign Sourcebook, then they really will have awoken.

[Free RPG Day 2024] Second Contact

Reviews from R'lyeh -

Now in its seventeenth year, Free RPG Day for 2024 took place on Saturday, June 22nd. As per usual, Free RPG Day consisted of an array of new and interesting little releases, which are traditionally tasters for forthcoming games to be released at GenCon the following August, but others are support for existing RPGs or pieces of gaming ephemera or a quick-start. This included dice, miniatures, vouchers, and more. Thanks to the generosity of Waylands Forge in Birmingham, Reviews from R’lyeh was able to get hold of many of the titles released for Free RPG Day.


In 2017, Paizo, Inc. published Starfinder: First Contact, a preview of and teaser for its then forthcoming Starfinder, the Science Fantasy roleplaying game which takes the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game forward thousands and thousands of years and to the stars. So it is most appropriate that as a preview of and teaser for the forthcoming Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Second Edition, Paizo, Inc. has released Starfinder: Second Contact for Free RPG 2024. Where the task of Starfinder: First contact was to introduce the new roleplaying game and highlight some of the differences between it and the Starfinder Roleplaying Game, the task of Starfinder: Second Contact is to reintroduce us to the Starfinder Roleplaying Game and highlight some of the differences between it and the Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Second Edition as seen in the Starfinder Playtest Rulebook.

The introduction highlights how the Starfinder Roleplaying Game is going to evolve to be in line with Pathfinder, Second Edition, before jumping straight into ‘What’s New?’. These start with elements and skills that appear in the monster descriptions given in the booklet’s following pages. For example, the ‘Integrated Weapons’ appears in the entry for robots and new skills include Computers and Piloting used by both the Asteray and the Glitch Gremlin. Similarly, several of the spells are used by those creatures. They include Delete, a spell used to remove a limited amount of data, whilst the cantrip, Recharge Weapon, reloads a weapon with a round’s worth of ammunition upon a touch. The new weapons are a couple of laser guns, whilst the rest of the Starfinder: Second Contact is really all about the monsters. These start with the Asteray, Fey Tricksters born where the void and the First World overlap, they wander space looking for distractions and starship crews to consume, and end with the Cybernetic Zombie, which might have an arm cannon or a shriek module or repair nanites! In between, there are Security Robots, Glitch Gremlins—which of course, want to cause mayhem, Laser Wolves, and Ferrofluid Oozes, sentient puddles of ferromagnetic fluids that interfere with technological devices of all sorts. Every creature is given a full page description, stats, and an illustration.

Like the earlier Starfinder: First Contact, there is little to the background of the Starfinder Roleplaying Game to Starfinder: Second Contact. There is mention that Golarion, the setting for Pathfinder, is missing, that rumours arose during the Drift Crisis of super-size versions of Ferrofluid Ooze, capable of consuming whole ships, and that the AbadarCorp is responsible for the manufacture of most robots in the Pact Worlds, becoming a byword for guaranteed quality, but making their weakness commonly known so that criminals and spies can take advantage of them.
Being a release from Paizo, Inc., it should be no surprise that Starfinder: Second Contact is a slickly produced and well-presented booklet. Much like with Starfinder: First Contact for Free RPG Day 2017, Starfinder: Second Contact is very technical in nature in comparison to the other releases for Free RPG 2024. Nevertheless, Starfinder: Second Contact is a solid introduction to the technical elements of the roleplaying game, one aimed more at fans of the roleplaying game rather than the general roleplayer.

[Free RPG Day 2024] Death Out of the Stars

Reviews from R'lyeh -

Now in its seventeenth year, Free RPG Day for 2024 took place on Saturday, June 22nd. As per usual, Free RPG Day consisted of an array of new and interesting little releases, which are traditionally tasters for forthcoming games to be released at GenCon the following August, but others are support for existing RPGs or pieces of gaming ephemera or a quick-start. This included dice, miniatures, vouchers, and more. Thanks to the generosity of Waylands Forge in Birmingham, Reviews from R’lyeh was able to get hold of many of the titles released for Free RPG Day.


Death Out of the Stars is a scenario for Plague Bearer: Dark Fantasy Roleplaying. This is the fantasy version of Zombicide Chronicles: The Roleplaying Game. Published by CoolMiniOrNot and Guillotine Games, Plague Bearer: Dark Fantasy Roleplaying is the roleplaying adaptation of Zombicide: Black Plague, the medieval adaptation of the board game of Zombicide, 2nd Edition, which of course, is given its own roleplaying game with Zombicide Chronicles: The Roleplaying Game. The scenario is short, playable in a single session, and can be played using the Plague Bearer Quickstart Rules, which also has the six pre-generated adventurers needed to play. Death Out of the Stars can also be run as a sequel to ‘Blood and Wine’, the scenario in the Plague Bearer Quickstart Rules or simply be inserted into the Game Master’s campaign.
Death Out of the Stars begins en media res. The Player Characters—or Survivors—are on the run, being chased by a large horde of the undead, their only route forward being to cross a wooden bridge to Nahum Island. Fortunately, the wood of the bridge is rotten and collapses under the weight of the charging corpses, dashing them onto the rocks below. Unfortunately, the wood of the bridge is rotten and collapses under the weight of the charging corpses, trapping the Survivors on the island. The island is heavily wooded and with its steep cliffs and rocky shores, would be to be ideal holdout against the cadaver cavalcade which has arisen elsewhere in Wulfsburg. Unfortunately, the island too seems bereft of the living, although its undead strangely bloodless when compared to those of the mainland—grey of pallor as if drained of colour and wasting away to dust. Similarly, buildings are rapidly deteriorating and collapsing into piles of dust. Consequently, it looks like Nahum Island is not the refuge that the Player Characters might have hoped that it would be. They must face more zombies—even if they are different to the ones across the water—and discover what is happening on Nahum Island before making their escape, ideally after having dealt with the problem.
Horror fans may well recognise the reference in the scenario’s title and Death Out of the Stars certainly has a Lovecraftian feel to it. If one half of the scenario is the cosmic horror of H.P. Lovecraft, the other half is the corruptive influence of Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay, as if a lump of Warpstone had fallen from the sky. This gives the scenario an unsurprisingly grim tone, far less cartoonish than that of Zombicide Chronicles: The Roleplaying Game. Still, as befits a scenario set within a Zombicide setting, there is still scope for bloody—or in this case, dusty—action.
Physically, Death Out of the Stars is very well presented. The scenario is decently written and both the artwork and the maps are excellent.
Death Out of the Stars is a weird and creepy scenario in between the blasts of sword swinging, mace bashing action as the Survivors hold back the members of the cadaver cavalcade and try and work out what is going on on Nahum Island. It is a pleasing shift of tone from the often-cartoonish style of Zombicide Chronicles: The Roleplaying Game and is a solid addition to any Plague Bearer: Dark Fantasy Roleplaying campaign.

[Free RPG Day 2024] A Journey in Eana -1

Reviews from R'lyeh -

Now in its seventeenth year, Free RPG Day for 2024 took place on Saturday, June 22nd. As per usual, Free RPG Day consisted of an array of new and interesting little releases, which are traditionally tasters for forthcoming games to be released at GenCon the following August, but others are support for existing RPGs or pieces of gaming ephemera or a quick-start. This included dice, miniatures, vouchers, and more. Thanks to the generosity of Waylands Forge in Birmingham, Reviews from R’lyeh was able to get hold of many of the titles released for Free RPG Day.

Fateforge: A Journey in Eana -1 is an introduction to Fateforge: Epic tales in the World of Eana, the epic, swords & sorcery, high magic setting for use with Dungeons & Dragons, Fifth Edition. Published by Studio Agate—best known for Shadows of Esteren, the award-winning dark, horrific, and low fantasy roleplaying game—this introduction looks at the game line itself and what it offers, each of the four core books, the setting and its cosmology, and a scenario, ‘Super Digger 12000’. It opens though, with an introduction to the line and what marks it out as different, in particular its modularity in terms of atmosphere, the Game Master and her players having choices such as ‘Action’, ‘Dark’, ‘Gritty’, ‘Intrigue’, and ‘Mystery’, so that they get the type of game that they want to play. There are new archetypes keyed to the twelve base classes of Dungeons & Dragons, Fifth Edition, optional rules such as sparing and wounding, background creation, geomagic where the flow of magic can vary from location to location, and more. Noted also is how Wizards of the Coast’s decision to end the OGL in 2023, since retracted, affected the future of Fateforge: Epic tales in the world of Eana as an ongoing series, however, the first four books—Fateforge: Epic tales in the World of Eana 1. Characters, Fateforge: Epic tales in the World of Eana 2. Grimoire, Fateforge: Epic tales in the World of Eana 3. Creatures, and Fateforge: Epic tales in the World of Eana 4. Encyclopaedia—are still published under the terms of the OGL and Studio Agate has made all four ‘Pay What You Want’.
The description of the world of Eana focuses on the Fateforge, integral to the mythology of Eana. Said to be hidden in the depths of the world and at the centre of a massive maze, its most renowned ability is that of birthing gods of those that find it and use, though it is also said to grant wishes. Those that search for it are the ‘Fate-Chosen’, though not all ‘Fate-Chosen’ do go in search of it. The ‘Fate-Chosen’ are different from ordinary men and women, whether they have been chosen by the gods, are the descendants of the ancients known as the Travellers, driven by their own will, or simply lucky, they posses great powers and great skill. They are in turn looked upon with admiration, envy, or fear. The Player Characters are, of course, ‘Fate-Chosen’. In addition, there flavour and detail about the world of Eana, including a slight description of Geomagic, how magic can vary in intensity from one place to another and Canker, a corruptive force whose origins and nature are as much feared and discussed as the location of the Fateforge and the origins of the ‘Fate-Chosen’ are debated. Altogether, it feels like a series of snapshots and very much a potted overview of the setting rather than a coherent write-up. In fact, the descriptions of the four books and the differences in terms of mechanics are more accessible.
The scenario in Fateforge: A Journey in Eana -1 is ‘Super Digger 12000’. This highlights another aspect of the setting not covered elsewhere in the introduction—technology. The mercadin—or merchant—Nevrec, has hired craftsmen to create a revolutionary digging machine that he hopes will open up shorter trade routes underground! The Player Characters are hired to aid and protect the drill’s maiden voyage with its crew of Drow, Duergar, and Svirfneblin. As the unique magic and steam-driven vehicle drives down into the bowels of Eana, the Player Characters should begin to feel that it the journey is not going quite as planned. First, it pierces a kheg nest full of eggs and is then ambushed by a Duergar force! There are some other fun encounters along the way, including having to hunt rust monsters for enough chitin to repair the underground drill. The scenario is linear and short, and as written looks to be fairly combat heavy. Combat is not the only solution to every situation, though, and the Player Characters will also have to interact with the vehicle’s crew and leader. It is a decent enough scenario, although it feels rushed in places. The main issue is the lack of suggestion as to the Level of the Player Characters it is written for. From the monsters included, it should be for Player Characters of Seventh and Eighth Level.
Rounding out Fateforge: A Journey in Eana -1 is a bestiary of all of the NPCs and creatures that appear in the scenario. The NPCs are given as archetypes rather than named NPCs, which does mean that they feel underwritten. That said, the descriptions of their personalities and motives are given in the text of the scenario. The monsters are all decently done, many of them decently illustrated, such as the Rust Monster Matriarch.
Physically, Fateforge: A Journey in Eana -1 is very well presented and the artwork is fantastic. Yet as written, it is intriguing rather than informative, the details about the world given a very broad treatment. As a result, Fateforge: A Journey in Eana -1 is underwhelming as an introduction to the world of Eana and the reader may simply want to bypass this and download Fateforge: Epic tales in the World of Eana 1. Characters.


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