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#Dungeon23 Tomb of the Vampire Queen, Level 7, Room 13

The Other Side -

 Moving on from room #12 the party enters a large spherical room 50' in diameter.  The walls of the room are polished obsidian.  The center of the room features a large monolith of the same material. Stalactites and stalagmites break up the otherwise uniform blackness of this room.

Room 13
Free Art Assets - Grey Gnome Games - Jason Glover

This monolith radiates evil and necromantic energies. It doesn't take a magic-user to figure this out, all the characters can feel it.

Touching the monolith a character hears a voice. The monolith is known as the Monolith of Evil. It brags that it is 1000s of years old and was worshipped by 1000s of acolytes. Offerings of blood and lives kept it powerful. But now it is drained of all power, the Vampire Queen drained came and took all of its power.

It lets the characters know that if they could just kill their fellows it will be able to grant them the power to kill the Vampire Queen.  

The monolith has no idea is the Vampire Queen is still active or not. 

There is no magical compulsion here, save for being creepy it has no real power left. 

Wasted Lands Playtest: Superheroes in the Dreaming Age, Part 3 The Paragon

The Other Side -

The Paragon We are working our way up the power scale to tackle the Paragon. Now this guy (or gal) has Power, with a capital P. They are also a favorite of late for deconstruction or alternate attempts (The Boys, Brightburn) but I am not interested in that right now. I am interested in the one that has power, great power even, and wants to use it for the right things. But this is also the Dreaming Age, and life is pretty rough and dangerous. The Paragon of this world and time will also need to be a little rougher around the edges.

In D&D, they would be a paladin or some other knight in shining armor. They are the bright reflection of the Dark Avenger. Thankfully they both have the Amazon Warrior Princess to help balance them out.  One of many reasons why this unlikely trio works so well together.

The Paragon

Class: Warrior
Level: 14
Species: Human
Alignment: Light Good

Strength: 22 (+5) A
Agility: 17 (+3) 
Toughness: 17 (+2) N
Intelligence: 15 (+1) 
Wits: 15 (+1)
Persona: 16 (+2) N

Fate Points: 10
Defense Value: Plate (7)
Vitality: 75 (d8)
Degeneracy: None
Corruption: None

Check Bonus (A/N/D): +6/+4/+2
Melee Bonus: +5 (base)
Ranged Bonus: +3 (base)
Saves: +5 to all saves

Warrior Skills

Combat Expertise, Improved Defense, Increased Damage, Melee Combat, Master of Battle (90%), Ranged Combat, Spell Resistance (36%), Supernatural Attacks (Melee), Tracking, Extra Attack (x4)

Improve Defense: -4

Superhero (Divine) Archetype: Justice, Hope

Divine Touchstones
Level 1: Mystical Senses (as Sorcerer spell)
Level 2: +1 to combat rolls
Level 3: Additional Movement: Fly
Level 4: Increased Ability Score (Strength +2)
Level 5: Divine Smite 
Level 6: Gout of Flame (as Sorcerer spell), as Heat Vision (unique mode of attack)
Level 7: Divine Aura
Level 8: Damage Immunity from missile fire
Level 9:  Increased Ability Score (Strength +2)
Level 10: Half Damage from Mundane slashing
Level 11: Chill Breath (as Ray of Frost Sorcerer spell)
Level 12: Unique Attack, Heat Vision 60' line
Level 13: Down But Not Out
Level 14: Divine Recovery

The Divine Touchstones are really what separated the normal people from the heroes and the heroes from the legends. You likely will not use all of these on one character. I'll have some less-super examples coming up.

This one looks great. And don't tug on his cape.

Please check out and back the Wasted Lands Kickstarter.

#Dungeon23 Tomb of the Vampire Queen, Level 7, Room 12

The Other Side -

 Heading back to Room #2 and taking the next tunnel on the right. The party does not get very fare into the next chamber when they encounter a group (five) of large and piggish-looking orcs.

Room 12

These orcs are infected with the Wearboar Lycanthropy and are known as War Pigs. They stay in hybrid form but once wounded they can go into their berserk rage.

They have food and water for five for a week, but it is generally unpalatable and smells terrible. It is however completely edible. 

They also have Treasure type C x5.

Wasted Lands Playtest: Superheroes in the Dreaming Age, Part 2 The Amazon Princess

The Other Side -

The Amazon PrincessI am continuing my exploration of various superhero archetypes in the Wasted Lands.  Today's topic is the Amazon Princess. While this could be Wonder Woman or someone like Starfire, it can also be a character like Xena Warrior Princess. In truth, Xena would fit in quite well in the Dreaming Age.

This character's drive is not Vengeance (like the Dark Avenger) or even Justice (like the upcoming Paragon) but rather the most good possible.  In a lot of ways she is also an emissary of a more enlightened, but still warrior, culture.

In both the cases of Wonder Woman and Xena they have a relationship to the Gods, the Greek Gods in particular. In the Wasted Lands then she would come the same culture that the warriors Zeus and Ares come from. But godhood is not her goal.

The Amazon Princess

Class: Warrior
Level: 12
Species: Human
Alignment: Light Good
Background: Nobility

Strength: 20 (+4) A
Agility: 18 (+3) N
Toughness: 17 (+2) N
Intelligence: 16 (+2) 
Wits: 16 (+2)
Persona: 16 (+2)

Fate Points: 10
Defense Value: Studded Leather (7)
Vitality: 60 (d8)
Degeneracy: None
Corruption: None

Check Bonus (A/N/D): +5/+3/+2
Melee Bonus: +4 (base)
Ranged Bonus: +3 (base)
Saves: +4 to all saves

Warrior Skills

Combat Expertise, Improved Defense, Increased Damage, Melee Combat, Master of Battle (90%), Ranged Combat, Spell Resistance (36%), Supernatural Attacks (Melee), Tracking, Extra Attack (x4)

Improve Defense: -4

Stealth Skills

  • Open Locks: 15%
  • Bypass Traps: 10%
  • Sleight of Hand: 20%
  • Sneak: 20%
  • Climbing: 70%

Danger Sense 1-3 (d6)
Perception: 40%
Vital Stike: x2 damage +4 to attack

Superhero (Divine) Archetype: Justice, Truth

Divine Touchstones
Level 1: Unique mode of Defence, -1 vs. Missile attacks
Level 2: +1 to combat rolls
Level 3: Charm humans
Level 4: Increased Ability Score (agility +2)
Level 5: Level 1 of Renegade
Level 6: Unique mode of Attack (lasso) +1 and Detect Lie
Level 7: Ceases to Age (Natural)
Level 8: Divine Aura
Level 9: Signature Item, Lasso.
Level 10: Half Damage from Mundane slashing
Level 11: Transporation mode: Fly
Level 12: Restore Corruption

The Divine Touchstones are really what separated the normal people from the heroes and the heroes from the legends.

This one works out quite nicely, I think!

Please check out and back the Wasted Lands Kickstarter.

#Dungeon23 Tomb of the Vampire Queen, Level 7, Room 11

The Other Side -

 A secret door behind the statue leads to a small room.  The room is filled with steam.

Steam Mephits

Inside there are four small demons, Steam Mephits. 

Steam Mephit: HD 3; AC 5 [14]; THAC0 16 [+3]; Atk 2 claws (1d3); Move 120' (40') [Fly 240' (80')]; Save D12 W13 P14 B15 S16 (2); Morale 10; AL C;  Special: Breathe steam cloud (2d6, save for half), gaseous form.

The mephits are playing in the steam.  They attack the party.

Their morale is 10, but they are at 8 for this encounter. They were attracted by the energies from here to the elemental plane of fire.  

Wasted Lands Playtest: Superheroes in the Dreaming Age, Part 1 The Dark Avenger

The Other Side -

The Dark AvengerThe Dreaming Age is both very dark and very hopeful. 

Humanity (well...proto-Humanity) has cast off the yoke of the Old Ones and now lives in a time of unimaginable horrors. There are monsters, there are forces of evil, and their are even evil humans that are all too willing to take over where the Old Ones left off. It is post-apocalyptic in a very real sense. But also, humanity has the chance in the form of our (your) heroes to make a better world.

The characters will one day be remembered as the Gods and Heroes of yore. 

But not all of them are bright, happy people.

Making "superhero" characters for the Wasted Lands RPG really only takes a change of reference or point of view. If Superheroes are modern myths, then the Wasted Lands RPG can also make those. Though your character's origin story is not going to be one of being a young adult, and then BAM, your character is powerful. Legends are built over time, and legendary characters even more so.

The Archetype of the Dark Avenger is a great example. This character had a really bad day once and now spends a lifetime fighting against the forces of Darkness and Evil (yes capitalized) by donning the guise of evil.  In comics, these characters are usually just normal humans but have something special about them. They are unnaturally dedicated to their cause for example, or maybe even they have a bit of an edge. It should also be noted that many take on the guise of an animal or creature that strikes fear into others; the bat, the wolverine, and even devils.

For these Superhero Archetypes, I will present them at higher levels to get a feel for what their legends will be like. I will also add the various Divine Touchstones to make the character a bit more "super."

The Dark Avenger

Class: Renegade
Level: 10
Species: Human
Alignment: Dark Good
Background: Nobility

Strength: 18 (+3) N
Agility: 20 (+4) A
Toughness: 17 (+2)
Intelligence: 16 (+2) N
Wits: 16 (+2)
Persona: 16 (+2)

Fate Points: 10
Defense Value: Studded Leather (7) (See below for mods)
Vitality: 36 (d4)

Check Bonus (A/N/D): +5/+3/+2
Melee Bonus: +3 (see below)
Ranged Bonus: +9 (+4, +5)
Saves: +5 to Death attacks and area effects

Improved Defense: -6 to attackers

Stealth Skills

  • Open Locks: 110%
  • Bypass Traps: 115%
  • Sleight of Hand: 125%
  • Sneak: 125%
  • Climbing: 100%

Danger Sense 1-5 (d6)
Perception: 95%
Vital Stike: x4 damage
Read Languages: 85%

Superhero (Divine) Archetype: Vengeance, Justice

Divine Touchstones
Level 1: +1 to Melee Combat
Level 2: Additional Vitality Points
Level 3: Level 1 of Warrior
Level 4: Level Two Spell: Invoke Fear
Level 5: Auto Success (once per session)
Level 6: Gains +1 to all attacks and +5% to all skills
Level 7: Servant: Ward of Vengeance
Level 8: Signature Item: Batarang (+5 to hit, +5 to damage, -3 DV, 1 fate point)
Level 9: Down but Not Out
Level 10: Hop and Skip

This is not a guy you want to meet in a dark alleyway.

The Divine Touchstones are really what separated the normal people from the heroes and the heroes from the legends.

Please check out and back the Wasted Lands Kickstarter.

Miskatonic Monday #205: The Colour of Cattle

Reviews from R'lyeh -

Between October 2003 and October 2013, Chaosium, Inc. published a series of books for Call of Cthulhu under the Miskatonic University Library Association brand. Whether a sourcebook, scenario, anthology, or campaign, each was a showcase for their authors—amateur rather than professional, but fans of Call of Cthulhu nonetheless—to put forward their ideas and share with others. The programme was notable for having launched the writing careers of several authors, but for every Cthulhu Invictus, The Pastores, Primal State, Ripples from Carcosa, and Halloween Horror, there was Five Go Mad in Egypt, Return of the Ripper, Rise of the Dead, Rise of the Dead II: The Raid, and more...

The Miskatonic University Library Association brand is no more, alas, but what we have in its stead is the Miskatonic Repository, based on the same format as the DM’s Guild for Dungeons & Dragons. It is thus, “...a new way for creators to publish and distribute their own original Call of Cthulhu content including scenarios, settings, spells and more…” To support the endeavours of their creators, Chaosium has provided templates and art packs, both free to use, so that the resulting releases can look and feel as professional as possible. To support the efforts of these contributors, Miskatonic Monday is an occasional series of reviews which will in turn examine an item drawn from the depths of the Miskatonic Repository.

Name: The Colour of CattlePublisher: Chaosium, Inc.
Author: John LeMaire

Setting: Illinois, 1885
Product: Scenario for Down Darker Trails: Terrors of the Mythos
What You Get: Sixty-three page, 142.09 MB Full Colour PDF
Elevator Pitch: Colour Out of Space drains the colour out of cattle!Plot Hook: A cattle drive takes a short cut to death
Plot Support: Staging advice, three handouts, six pre-generated Cowpokes, four maps, twelve NPCs, one creature, one bad bear, and one Mythos monster.Production Values: Unworldly.
Pros# Scenario for Down Darker Trails: Terrors of the Mythos
# Can make use of Get Along, Little Dogies
# The snake oil turns out to be the balm needed# Mostly a physical and combative investigation# Plenty of extra background material provided# Includes bonus encounter# Chromophobia# Arkoudaphobia# Bovinophobia
Cons# Needs a slight edit# More a change of genre than a change of story# Can make use of Get Along, Little Dogies
Conclusion# Solid, slowpoke of a scenario as the cowpokes try to drive the Colour from the region in order to drive their cattle through # Brings a fresh approach to dealing with a Mythos threat which really cannot be dealt with and offers limited story use.

Wasted Lands Playtest: Superheroes in the Dreaming Age, Part 0

The Other Side -

 I have been thinking a lot about gods, monsters, humans, and demons in these pages lately. Between my One Man's God, my ideas for Deities & Demigods II, and playtesting The Wasted Lands gods and their relationship to humankind have been on my mind a lot.

This has also got me thinking about how in today's society, the role of the hero of myth is now played out by comic book superheroes and maybe even more so by their movie counterparts. 

Christopher Nolan quote
Rick Riordan
Edna Mode

And there are more.  So this week I am going to make some modern "gods" and recraft them as Wasted Lands heroes. 

As is my nature, I am going to lean in on DC Characters, or at least their archetypes.

So come back later today and all this week for some humans as superheroes as gods in the time of the Dreaming Age for Wasted Lands.

And don't forget to checkout and back the Wasted Lands Kickstarter too!

Miskatonic Monday #204: To The Tolling of The Bell

Reviews from R'lyeh -

Between October 2003 and October 2013, Chaosium, Inc. published a series of books for Call of Cthulhu under the Miskatonic University Library Association brand. Whether a sourcebook, scenario, anthology, or campaign, each was a showcase for their authors—amateur rather than professional, but fans of Call of Cthulhu nonetheless—to put forward their ideas and share with others. The programme was notable for having launched the writing careers of several authors, but for every Cthulhu Invictus, The Pastores, Primal State, Ripples from Carcosa, and Halloween Horror, there was Five Go Mad in Egypt, Return of the Ripper, Rise of the Dead, Rise of the Dead II: The Raid, and more...

The Miskatonic University Library Association brand is no more, alas, but what we have in its stead is the Miskatonic Repository, based on the same format as the DM’s Guild for Dungeons & Dragons. It is thus, “...a new way for creators to publish and distribute their own original Call of Cthulhu content including scenarios, settings, spells and more…” To support the endeavours of their creators, Chaosium has provided templates and art packs, both free to use, so that the resulting releases can look and feel as professional as possible. To support the efforts of these contributors, Miskatonic Monday is an occasional series of reviews which will in turn examine an item drawn from the depths of the Miskatonic Repository.

Name: To The Tolling of The BellPublisher: Chaosium, Inc.
Author: J. Michael Arons

Setting: United KingdomProduct: Scenario
What You Get: Nine page, 3.13 MB Full Colour PDF
Elevator Pitch: For Whom the Grounded Bell TollsPlot Hook: When an unmounted bell rings, ghosts walk the streets
Plot Support: Staging advice, one handout, two NPCs, and one Mythos monster.Production Values: Plain.
Pros# Underplayed, but decent small village mystery# Potential priests in peril# One-session investigation# Leans towards Pulp Cthulhu: Two-fisted Action and Adventure Against the Mythos# Needs development, but can be slotted into an ongoing campaign# Could work with one or two Investigators# More Hammer Horror than Cosmic Horror# Easy to adjust to Cthulhu by Gaslight or the modern day# Kampanaphobia# Ecclesiophobia# Religiophobia

Cons# Needs a slight edit# Undeveloped set-up for the Investigators# The NPC has his own Investigator sheet?# Unclear if the NPC is an NPC or an Investigator# No pre-generated Investigators# No maps# More Hammer Horror than Cosmic Horror# Leans towards Pulp Cthulhu: Two-fisted Action and Adventure Against the Mythos
Conclusion# Underdeveloped, but promising ecumenical horror, which with work, would slot easily into a campaign# More Hammer Horror than Cosmic Horror

#Dungeon23 Tomb of the Vampire Queen, Level 7, Room 10

The Other Side -

 The large alcove at the end of Room 9 opens to what appears to be a large worshipping area.  There is a large bronze statue of some sort of demonic lord.

Room 10

The statue is a Bronze Golem, but it is somewhat immobile now as its bottom half has melted to its dias. It can, however, still attack anyone that gets within 15 feet of it. 

It is difficult to determine if this "melting" was something that happened later or was part of its original design. 

There is a treasure hoard behind the golem. It is largely made up of gems, in particular rubies. There are 10d20+10 gems here each worth 10d20x5 GP each. (or 120 gems worth 500 gp each on average).

Universal Hammer Horror

Reviews from R'lyeh -

The city of Spireholm stands at the southern tip of Karanthia, a country on the coast of the Balkans known as Europe’s Fang. Its isolation and its surrounding savage landscape has made it a feared target for any would-be conqueror, but that is not the only reason. In an age of modernity, industrialisation, and enlightenment, Spireholm and Karanthia are the last refuge of monsters and horrors, cast out from the rest of the continent. In Spireholm and Karanthia, myth and legend are real, and monsters walk the streets, let alone stalk the night, some welcome, others not. Constructs and creations given form and life. Shapeshifters and werewolves and the invisible. The Mad Genius. Vampires and warriors cursed with immortality. The Lucky fools who have made Faustian pacts and deals with dark patrons. The undead and those who would deal with the undead. The Monster Hunter as well as the biologist more concerned with cataloguing such creatures rather than killing them. Yet there are those in the city who do look to the outside world and trade has begun to flow readily through Spireholm’s harbour as the city’s four great families vie for power, influence, and money, the watch and the militia keep the temporal peace, the Divine Order the ecumenical and moral peace, and the Ragged Lords run crime and protect the poor in the city’s worst districts. All of which takes place behind Mayor Blumquist, who despite his wheedling and grovelling, keeps all of the city’s factions happy. As social and economic change comes to Spireholm, there is another faction, one that dates all the way back to the city’s foundation and has remained hidden since, which plots to reclaim what once belonged to it. If this faction succeeds, it will turn the clock back centuries and unleash monsters the likes of which not even the good folk of Spireholm have seen on their streets!

This is the set-up for SHIVER Gothic: Secrets of Spireholm, a supplement for Shiver – Role-playing Tales in the Strange & the Unknown. Published by Parable Games, Shiver is a generic horror roleplaying game, designed to do a variety of subgenres, from modern slasher and cosmic horror to zombie outbreaks and Hammer Horror melodramas, using easy to build Player Characters archetypes and the Doom Clock as a device to ratchet up tension and push the story to a horrifying climax combined with its own dice mechanics. It is great for one-shots, especially ones inspired by horror films. If that seems limiting, SHIVER Gothic: Secrets of Spireholm shows how Shiver can do more—a lot more. SHIVER Gothic: Secrets of Spireholm is a guide to the Gothic for Shiver, highlighting the subgenre’s sense of isolation, decaying old order versus the new, hidden secrets, and transgressive urges. SHIVER Gothic: Secrets of Spireholm is a guide to roleplaying the monsters of the Gothic subgenre. SHIVER Gothic: Secrets of Spireholm is a guide to the city of Spireholm. SHIVER Gothic: Secrets of Spireholm is a complete campaign within the city of Spireholm. SHIVER Gothic: Secrets of Spireholm introduces a new mechanic that tracks Doom, not in hours, but days. Thus, SHIVER Gothic: Secrets of Spireholm provides an array of new Player Character archetypes, city where they are accepted—for the most part, and a complete ten-part campaign for them to explore the city, its politics and its secrets.

To be fair, SHIVER Gothic: Secrets of Spireholm does not dwell on the nature of the Gothic for very long and nor does it provide an extensive guide to the city, but it is sufficient in both cases. Arguably then, its main focus is on playing as monsters and the campaign. The idea behind playing as monsters is that it grants the Player Characters access to supernatural powers that they will in turn use to fight the supernatural, but at the same time, they must constantly struggle with the light and the dark within themselves as well as their inner demons, and they must always be societal outcasts. What makes them monsters makes them untrustworthy. This will come into play through role playing rather than a given mechanic. If there is a disappointing aspect to SHIVER Gothic: Secrets of Spireholm, it is this lack of mechanical means of handling the monstrous side to roleplaying these monsters. Their inclusion would have at least supported the players’ portrayal of their characters and their characters’ darker side.

SHIVER Gothic: Secrets of Spireholm provides seven Archetypes. These are Construct, the Changed, the Mad Genius, the Immortal, the Lucky Devil, the Oddly Undead, and the Slayer. For example, the Construct has the Paths of Flesh, Machine, and Stone; the Mad Genius, the Paths of the Creator and the Alchemist; and the Immortal, the Paths of the Endless and the Vampyr. Each Archetype also has access to ten abilities, from Tier One to Tier Ten. Some of these are common to each of the Paths within an Archetype, but others are specific to a Path. Then there are over twenty Backgrounds particular to the subgenre, including Sentient Machine, Coach Driver, Regal Beast, Taxidermist, Gourmet, and more. Each provides an Ability and a Flaw. For example, the ‘Person in the Portrait’ has the Ability of Cumulative Inheritance, which provides the Player Character with plenty of wealth and an opulent home that serves as a Sanctuary to hide his secret, whilst the Flaw is ‘The Aging Artifact’, which the Player Character cannot look at, lest he be Slowed, lose Hit Points, and become Cursed. He can recover, but if ‘The Aging Artifact’ is destroyed, the Player Character dies.

With seven Archetypes, fourteen Paths, and twenty-one Backgrounds, SHIVER Gothic: Secrets of Spireholm provides the players with a wide array of build options and choices enabling them to create some classic monster types. Most of these are reinforced by the Archetypes and Paths, with the Backgrounds being used to emphasise or tweak the combination of Archetype and Path. For example, the Endless Path from the Immortal Archetype would work with the ‘Person in the Portrait’, ‘The Holy Knight’, or ‘The Regal Beast’. The end result is that the players can create characters in the style of The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, Penny Dreadful, or Hellboy.

The second part of SHIVER Gothic: Secrets of Spireholm is dedicated to the city and its associated campaign. It details the city itself, its history, factions, and districts in broad detail, dedicating roughly a page to each of its twelve districts. It does describe the world beyond the walls of Spireholm, if only a little, revealing that it is an alternative nineteenth century not too dissimilar to the Victorian era. It suggests ways of getting the Player Characters together, whether as members of the city watch or local militia, members or servants to the Four Families, monster hunters, or even ambassadors from abroad! Of course, the Director can just as easily mix and match these too to add further variety to the backgrounds of each of the Player Characters. SHIVER Gothic: Secrets of Spireholm also introduces the Doom Calendar. In Shiver, the Doom Clock starts at eleven o’clock at night and counts up minute by minute to Midnight and the Player Characters’ inevitable Doooommm(!), with events triggered at ‘Quarter Past’, ‘Half Past’, ‘Quarter To’, and ‘Midnight’. The Doom Calendar instead tracks this over a month rather than an hour. Each chapter in the campaign in SHIVER Gothic: Secrets of Spireholm has its Doom Calendar and as the days pass, the events—or ‘Doom Tolls’—on certain days will be triggered. This though, is on a day-to-day basis, but if in the course of a chapter, the Player Characters trigger the Midnight Doom Event on the Doom Clock, two days pass instead of one, hurrying the Doom Calendar towards the next ‘Doom Toll’. A Doom Calendar can be turned back, though this is challenging and done by performing certain deeds within the story. There are notes too for the Director to create her own Doom Calendar.

Almost three-quarters of SHIVER Gothic: Secrets of Spireholm is dedicated to a ten-part campaign. Each of the ten chapters is bookended by ‘What the Director Knows’ at the beginning and at the finish, ‘Exploring the Wider Mystery’ which suggests how the Director might expand the campaign and ‘Doom Events’ which are triggered on the Doom Chapter for the chapter. Between the start and the end is the meat of the scenario, which varies from one chapter to the next, but between the chapters are a series of interludes. Initially, they cover setting up a sanctuary for the Player Characters and dealing with an NPC who can prove to be a useful ally to the Player Characters if they remain on his good side. Later, they explore the backgrounds and details of the numerous factions within the threat facing Spireholm that the Player Characters will fight and investigate.

The opening two chapters of the campaign involve the city’s major families. First, the aristocratic and influential Pontwhistles, whose fortunes are on the decline, and then the extremely wealthy and surprisingly technocratic Silvarri. In ‘A Mournful Howl’, the heir to the Pontwhistle is found dead. Investigating with the help of the city’s leading information broker, the trail leads into an abandoned library and a nest of ghouls before turning back to where it all started. The Player Characters may cheated at its end, but at least learn there are dangerous foes abroad in the city. The head of the Silvarri family, a noted inventor, engages the Player Characters to test the security of ‘The Clockwork Vault’ by breaking into the clockwork maze. This presents the Player Characters with a series of technical puzzles and traps to overcome, but once in the vault gives them access, at least temporarily, to a number of artefacts and devices. In fact, the campaign is littered with these, ready to be found and used by the Player Characters, some of the most fun being suitable for a masked ball that they will attend later in the campaign. However, none of those in the Clockwork Vault can be removed unless the Player Characters are very careful. One is integral to the plot and reveals the first hints as to the nature of the threat the city faces.

The various factions threatening the city make their first moves in ‘On Strange Tides’ when rumours of disappearances and strangers draw the Player Characters to the city’s docks. Investigating one of the ships leads to a confrontation with vampires, but there are too many and the Player Characters are forced to escape from the docks in what should be an exciting carriage chase. A local detective from the Watch guides the Player Characters into the Stacks, the behest of one of the Ragged Lords, the city’s poorest district, which has been beset by a rash of murders and disappearances. Investigating again sends them to the docks, but not the official docks. These are the Smuggler’s Dock and beyond lies the Flooded District where the Player Characters will find themselves chased by pirates, before descending upon a nest, not of vampires or spiders, but spider vampires! This is a big creepy battle with another vampiric faction. It is followed by ‘The House on the Harrowed Hill’ when the Ragged Lords invite the Player Characters to a symposium to reward them and to discuss further action, but when another guest, Archbishop Orcini of the Divine Order, is found dead, they are perfectly placed to investigate. This is the most traditional of the chapters to date, but includes advice on the order of events and how to link the clues together.

The city begins to react in ‘Quarantine’. The Divine Order, in response to the monsters kept at Madame Mordeaux’s Arena being released to run wild in the Stacks, places the city in lockdown. This takes place whilst the Player Characters are solving the murder the house on Harrowed Hill, which of course, sits atop the Stacks. Somehow the Player Characters must get across the district and escape back into the city. Before them lies a district in which monsters are running amok and cultists dedicated to the vampires are moving openly on the streets. The Player Characters may be able to rest and resupply at their sanctuary, but ultimately, they are going to have to fight their way out. More paranoia is sewn in ‘The Reaper’s Letters’ as some of the city’s most powerful figures receive notes and promptly die afterwards. At the bequest of the wheedling Mayor Blumquist, the Player Characters investigate, a process made all the more difficult by the Divine Order’s patrols. Much of the action takes place in one of Spireholm’s few green spaces, first in the woods, then in exotic gardens and wetlands, before climaxing in a poison garden. The different environment is a radical change from the campaign to date, enabling the authors to present the Player Characters with a new range of challenges.

By the end of ‘The Masquerade Falls’, the Player Characters should have learned that every reward comes with two sides, though at least they get to dress up and go to the ball. The highlight is an auction for the benefit of the city’s poor, and the highlight of the auction is another artefact the vampires want. So, the Player Characters are not just going to the ball, they are going to a heist. This chapter switches the action so that the Player Characters are more active than reactive, but whether they succeed or fail, the vampires now make their move to remove what they regard as the real threat to their plans—the Divine Order. They strike in ‘The Divine District’, turning the Divine Order’s sacrament upon itself and thus making part of it a threat rather than an obstacle. Defeating the suborned members of the Divine Order potentially gives the Player Characters access to items that will help them in the final confrontation in ‘The Sunken Spire’. The campaign comes to a climax as the Player Characters descend below, discovering Spireholm’s darkest secrets and hopefully putting an end to the plans that the vampires have for the city.

In addition, SHIVER Gothic: Secrets of Spireholm includes the bonus Spireholm tale, ‘It Lives!’, which can be run early in the campaign. It does not actually relate to the campaign directly, but the scenario’s major NPC is the author of some of the background content given in the interludes. Playing this scenario would introduce her to the Player Characters and thus possibly give them access to this information.

SHIVER Gothic: Secrets of Spireholm is a big pulpy campaign built on a trough of archetypes. It is a horror campaign with vampires, so there are vampires on a ship, there is a masked ball, there is subversion of the blood, there is a murder mystery, there is a poison garden. The setting of Spireholm is a weird clash of archetypes too, that of Transylvania meets the fog-bound streets of London. On paper, it should not work, it is too much. Yet given that the starting point for the Player Characters is archetypal monsters and associated characters—Dorian Gray, Dracula, Doctor Jekyll and Mister Hyde, the Invisible Man, the Werewolf, Allan Quartermain—the players will already have accepted the premise for both setting and campaign by the time they have created their characters. However, the campaign is rough around the edges and as much as the players and their characters are expected to accept all of its archetypal elements, they should also expect some clichés when it comes to the storytelling. It is literally the nature of the beast.

Physically, SHIVER Gothic: Secrets of Spireholm is a decent looking book. The illustrations feel very much like the style of Mike Mignola and Hellboy, much like the core rulebook, so have a comic book look. The book does look busy in places with some pages feeling cluttered with various stats and details which need to be highlighted and placed in boxes of their own. Lastly, the book does need an edit as there is missing text and other errors in places.

SHIVER Gothic: Secrets of Spireholm showcases how Shiver – Role-playing Tales in the Strange & the Unknown can do more than one-shots, that with the introduction of the Doom Calendar, it can do longer stories and campaigns. Which is very welcome. Above all though, SHIVER Gothic: Secrets of Spireholm is a chance to play out a grand pulpy campaign of Gothic action in a horrifying alternate nineteenth century. It lets the players create characters like those of the Universal Monsters—and others, and then roleplay them in the style of Hammer Horror. Which is a delicious combination.

#Dungeon23 Tomb of the Vampire Queen, Level 7, Room 9

The Other Side -

 Moving on from Room 8, this opens up into a larger cavern. This room gives the appearance of some sort of temple dedicated to a god of fire or some unknown demon lord.

Room 9

Moving from the alcoves on both sides of this "temple" are four figures that appear to be made out of smoke and fire.

These creatures are Burning Ones and they are what is left of former high level victims of this demonic cult.  They are treated like Specters, but instead of draining life levels, these creatures drain Constitution at the rate of 2 points per touch. Each touch also removes 2d6 of the victim's maximum hp.

If a victim is reduced to 0 Con they burn up in a pillar of fire leaving only ash behind. They will rise the next night as a Burning One Wraith. 

These creatures are Turned as Spectres and take double damage from holy water and any cold-based magic. 

There is a huge alcove at the end of this room.

Quick-Start Saturday: Cohors Cthulhu

Reviews from R'lyeh -

Quick-starts are means of trying out a roleplaying game before you buy. Each should provide a Game Master with sufficient background to introduce and explain the setting to her players, the rules to run the scenario included, and a set of ready-to-play, pre-generated characters that the players can pick up and understand almost as soon as they have sat down to play. The scenario itself should provide an introduction to the setting for the players as well as to the type of adventures that their characters will have and just an idea of some of the things their characters will be doing on said adventures. All of which should be packaged up in an easy-to-understand booklet whose contents, with a minimum of preparation upon the part of the Game Master, can be brought to the table and run for her gaming group in a single evening’s session—or perhaps too. And at the end of it, Game Master and players alike should ideally know whether they want to play the game again, perhaps purchasing another adventure or even the full rules for the roleplaying game.

Alternatively, if the Game Master already has the full rules for the roleplaying game for the quick-start is for, then what it provides is a sample scenario that she still run as an introduction or even as part of her campaign for the roleplaying game. The ideal quick-start should entice and intrigue a playing group, but above all effectively introduce and teach the roleplaying game, as well as showcase both rules and setting.


What is it?The Cohors Cthulhu Quickstart Guide is the quick-start for Cohors Cthulhu, the roleplaying game of Lovecraftian pulp investigative horror and action set at the height of the Roman Empire. It is published by Modiphius Entertainment, which also publishes Achtung! Cthulhu, set during World War II.

It includes a basic explanation of the setting, its factions, rules for actions and combat, magic in the setting, weapon qualities, the mission, ‘Rude Awakening’, six ready-to-play, Player Characters, and a Quick Reference Sheet for Tests.

It is an eighty-three page, full colour 48.20 MB PDF.

It needs a slight edit in places.

The quick-start is illustrated with some excellent, full colour, painted artwork. The rules do need to be carefully read through as they are moderately complex, especially when it comes to both magic and mêlée combat. The Cohors Cthulhu Quickstart Guide and thus Cohors Cthulhu place an emphasis on mêlée combat over ranged combat.

The scenario, ‘Rude Awakening’, and of course, Cohors Cthulhu, do involve horror. They are suited for a mature audience. There is some safety advice included to take account of this.

It should be noted that Cohors Cthulhu is not the first roleplaying game or supplement to explore Ancient Rome through the lens of Lovecraftian investigative roleplaying. The 7th Edition Guide to Cthulhu Invictus: Cosmic Horror Roleplaying in Ancient Rome does that for Call of Cthulhu, Seventh Edition, but the tone of Cohors Cthulhu is Pulpier and more action orientated.

How long will it take to play?
The Cohors Cthulhu Quick Start and its adventure, ‘Rude Awakening’, is designed to be played through in one or two sessions.

What else do you need to play?
The Cohors Cthulhu Quick Start requires five twenty-sided dice per player, several six-sided dice, and twelve tokens, divided into two colours. The tokens will be used to represent Momentum and Threat throughout the scenario.

Who do you play?
The four Player Characters include a Germanic priest of Tiwaz (or Tyr)—he is the only Player Character who can cast magic, an Aegyptus scholar and occultist, a North African legionary, a Germanic archer and scout, a Greek courier, and a Gaulish smuggler and bandit. The priest is capable of casting traditional magic.

How is a Player Character defined?
A Player Character has seven stats—Agility, Brawn, Coordination, Gravitas, Insight, Reason, and Will. Stats are rated between seven and twelve, whilst the twelve skills in the roleplaying game are rated between zero and five. He has one or more Foci, each Focus being attached to a skill and representing greater specialisation, and one or more Truths. These are facts which when applied to a situation, can make a task easier or harder, or even possible, depending on the Truth and situation. Each Player Character also has a Fortune point. This is used to let a Player Character perform a heroic action or gain an advantage in a life or death situation.

How do the mechanics work?
Mechanically, the Cohors Cthulhu Quick Start uses the 2d20 System used in many of the roleplaying games published by Modiphius Entertainment, such as Achtung! Cthulhu 2d20 or Dune – Adventures in the Imperium. To undertake an action in the 2d20 System in Cohors Cthulhu, a character’s player rolls two twenty-sided dice, aiming to have both roll under the total of an Attribute and a Skill. Each roll under this total counts as a success, an average task requiring two successes. Rolls of one count as two successes and if a character has an appropriate Focus, rolls under the value of the Skill also count as two successes. In the main, because a typical difficulty will only be a Target Number of one, players will find themselves rolling excess Successes which becomes Momentum. This is a resource shared between all of the players which can be spent to create an Opportunity and so add more dice to a roll—typically needed because more than two successes are required to succeed, to create an advantage in a situation or remove a complication, create a problem for the opposition, and to obtain information. It is a finite ever-decreasing resource, so the players need to roll well and keep generating it, especially if they want to save some for the big scene or climatic battle in an adventure.

Where the players and their characters have access to Momentum, the Game Master has Threat. This can be used for similar functions as Momentum, but also to trigger NPC special abilities. She begins each session with a pool of Threat, but can gain more through various circumstances. These include a player purchasing extra dice to roll on a test, a player rolling a natural twenty and so adding two Threat (instead of the usual Complication), the situation itself being threatening, or NPCs rolling well and generating Momentum and so adding that to Threat pool. In return, the Game Master can spend it on minor inconveniences, complications, and serious complications to inflict upon the player characters, as well as triggering NPC special abilities, having NPCs seize the initiative, and bringing the environment dramatically into play.

Each Agent has a point of Fortune. It can be spent to perform cinematic feats such as ‘Critical Success’, ‘Re-Roll’, ‘Additional Major Action’, ‘Avoid Defeat’, and ‘Make It Happen’.

How does combat work?
Combat in Cohors Cthulhu uses the same mechanics, but offers more options in terms of what Momentum can be spent on. This includes doing extra damage, disarming an opponent, keeping the initiative—initiative works by alternating between the player characters and the NPCs and keeping it allows two player characters to act before an NPC does, avoid an injury, and so on. Damage in combat is rolled on the Challenge dice, the number of Achtung! Cthulhu symbols rolled determining how much damage is inflicted. A similar roll is made to resist the damage, and any leftover is deducted from a Player Character’s Stress. If a character’s Stress is reduced to zero or five or more damage is inflicted, then a Player Character is injured. Any Cohors Cthulhu symbols rolled indicate an effect as well as the damage. Damage can be deadly, but can be offset by the use of armour and shields.

How does magic work?
Magic in Cohors Cthulhu is divided into two disciplines—battlefield magic and ritualistic magic. The former consists of spells, curses, hexes, charms, and blessings, which are primarily used in combat. The latter is more complex and takes longer to cast, and is used to contact or summon the entities of the Mythos, travel to other planes of existence, and make lasting changes. Magic is also split into traditions, such as Runic and Oracular, or can be learned via Research. Spells are first bound into a spellcaster’s ‘mantle’, such as a staff or wand, and then can be cast from the mantle. Casting a spell has a cost in terms of mental damage to the spellcaster, whether successful or not, and if a damage spell, inflicts stress damage on the target. Momentum can be spent on ‘Cost Resistance’ for the spellcaster, ‘Bonus Damage’, and ‘Duration Increase’.

What do you play?
The setting for Cohors Cthulhu is the Second Century CE. A Hidden War is taking place behind Rome’s politicking and border expansion. The acolytes of the malign gods of the Mythos—Nyarlathotep, the God of a Thousand Forms, Sarthothus, the Shattered God, who infected the relics of lost Atlantis, and Mormo, Lord of the Woods—work in secret to subvert the temples and cults of the empire and beyond. Athena herself lends her wisdom in directing the activities of ‘The Temperari’, whilst an inner cabal within the temple to the Aurora, the Goddess of Dawn, called the ‘Fingers of Dawn’ dedicate themselves to defeating the forces of Mythos.

The scenario, ‘Rude Awakening’ begins en media res. The Player Characters are travelling with a caravan on the border with Germania which has just been attacked by bandits. The caravan master suggests travelling to a nearby village where help might be acquired. However, not all is well in the village, including a number of strange deaths. Investigation reveals the source might be a local farm on the outskirts of the village, and when the Player Characters go to look, they discover dark, horrific secrets. Overall, the scenario has the feel of a traditional fantasy adventure, but infused with the Mythos.

Is there anything missing?
The Cohors Cthulhu Quick Start is complete.

Is it easy to prepare?
The core rules presented in the Cohors Cthulhu Quick Start are relatively straightforward, but the Game Master will need to pay close attention to how both combat and magic works in the roleplaying game as they are more complex. The scenario, ‘Rude Awakening’, also requires a similar degree of attention and preparation.
Is it worth it?
Yes. The Cohors Cthulhu Quick Start introduces the Cohors Cthulhu roleplaying game and setting, which combines pulp with Lovecraftian investigative roleplaying. The result is more action orientated and more muscular in its approach to investigating the Mythos.
Where can you get it?
The Cohors Cthulhu Quick Start is available to download here.

Solitaire: Rad Zone Totality

Reviews from R'lyeh -

The apocalypse was as sudden as it was unexpected. The sun, whose light and radiation, had been the source of life and energy for time immemorial, changed. Its radiation spiked. Within days, billions were dying of radiation poisoning. Ecologies collapsed as flora and fauna perished. Governments rushed to impose martial law and ration clean food and water. It was too late. The world’s electronic infrastructure was fried, rendered useless, and with it, communication and so many devices that humanity had come to rely on. The lucky found refuge in underground fortified Rad Bunkers or heavy concrete buildings, leaving anyone outside to a life of irradiated banditry and lawlessness. Yet even those inside the bunkers needed more to survive. Materials, food, water, medical supplies, fuel, equipment, raw materials, and more. Ideally, survivors who can help ensure the long-term survival of everyone in the bunker, and maybe, even beyond. It means going out into the irradiated world on the other side of the bunker door. Always at night, and never longer than twenty-four hours, lest a bad dose of radiation is suffered. And for the same reason, never more than two excursions in a row. This is the future of Rad Zone Totality – The Print and Play, Roll and Write, 1-2 Player Game.

Rad Zone Totality – The Print and Play, Roll and Write, 1-2 Player Game is a post-apocalyptic, solo game of exploration and survival in which the player will direct the movement and action of his character across a series of maps. For each excursion, this is divided into three maps. The first shows the terrain to be covered on the journey to the city, the second a building in the city which the character will explore, and the third, the journey home to the Rad Bunker. Each of the three maps is marked with a square grid on which there are symbols for Low Levels and High Levels of radiation, Bandits, Car Wrecks, Survivors, and Peril. Some of these are worth investigating—Car Wrecks, Perils, and definitely Survivors, and some are definitely worth avoiding—the Low Levels and High Levels of radiation, and the Bandits. In fact, combat in Rad Zone Totality favours evasion rather than fighting. All of the maps come as print and play. The player chooses the three maps for his character’s excursion, whereas the various encounters and Missions are all randomly generated.

To play Rad Zone Totality – The Print and Play, Roll and Write, 1-2 Player Game, a player will need some colour pencils—red, green, and yellow work best, and three six-sided dice. Ideally, the dice should match the colours of the pencils. He will also need to be able to print out the various sheets required to play.

When play begins, a player has a team of ten characters who will go out on the Missions. He also has ten Survivors, who do not go out on Missions. A complete game of Rad Zone Totality is ten Missions. The player wins by surviving the whole campaign of ten Missions and preventing the Rad Bunker’s Survivor count from falling to zero or by increasing the Survivor count to twenty. If the Survivor count is reduced to zero, the player definitely loses. Although initially designed as a solo game, Rad Zone Totality – The Print and Play, Roll and Write, 1-2 Player Game includes rules for two players who work together rather than against each other. The solo roleplaying game is published by DR Games, following a successful Kickstarter campaign.

Rad Zone Totality begins with character creation. The base character is simply defined with just a name, a Trait, and four Fable Dice. A Trait is rolled randomly. For example, ‘Patient Watcher’ enables a player to re-roll three Radiation Scan dice per location or ‘Sprinting Burst’, which lets him run past an NPC before an encounter is triggered. Further Traits are gained for completing Missions. Fable Dice are used for rerolls of any die roll, but are a finite resource and do not regenerate. Essentially, when a character runs out of Fable Dice, he is out of luck. A character can have an animal Companion, such as a fox or a horse. An animal Companion provides an extra Fable Die and an extra ability. For example, the fox is particularly good at sensing radiation hotspots and so the character being accompanied by the fox ignores a Radiation Icon on a Journey Map, whilst the horse speeds up travel between the Rad Bunker and the city. A character can also have an Affliction, which might be a ‘Busted Foot’, which slows travel by hour, or ‘Scaly Skin’, which gives the benefit of long leather gloves (which prevent hand damage), but appear too scary to keep or gain an animal Companion.

A Mission is played out on an Episode Sheet. This has spaces for the Character Sheet in the middle, plus spaces for the ‘Journey To’ and ‘Journey From’ Charts as well as the ‘Mission’, ‘Equipment’, and ‘Gathered Resources’. There are tracks for the ‘Time Line’, twenty-four hours long and a ‘Radiation Slide’ to track the amount of radiation damage suffered. There is also space for the ‘Extra Vigilant Doubles’. These are four numbers, decided upon by the player, which if all four numbers are rolled as doubles during the Mission, will grant the character a bonus at the end of the Mission. To begin an episode, the player places the Character Sheet on the Episode Sheet and rolls for a Mission on the Mission Inbound Table. For example, ‘Water Leak’ states that the Rad Bunker’s water tank has a crack in it and water is running empty. The character has to gather six Water, but if the character fails, four Survivors flee! To this, a player can add a Side Mission, which makes the overall Mission more challenging and whilst out on the Mission, can also locate ‘Rumours to Confirm’. Doing so reduces the resources the characters need to scavenge on the Mission.

An Episode of Rad Zone Totality is played out over three stages. The ‘Journey To’ and ‘Journey From’ stages each have their Journey Chart. These are marked with the various Event Icons. Each hour is spent moving across the terrain, interacting with or avoiding the Event Icons as best they can, but if a character gets too close, he can trigger an Event Icon. These can be positive or negative, with the Survivor, Peril, and Bandit all necessitating further rolls on their own tables. Specifically for the Bandit encounter, is the ‘Combat Evasion Table’, which lists various means of dealing with the Bandit, such as using an animal Companion or the ‘Sacrifice Loot’ option. Rad Zone Totality – The Print and Play, Roll and Write, 1-2 Player Game includes some twenty small for the travel to and from the Rad Bunker.

The second of the three stages is the Locations stage when the character will explore one or more buildings. Some thirty or so floorplans include a church, factory, gym, large house, office, police station, retail centre, school, and more. These are done in an isometric view as opposed to the flat view of the Journey Charts, and are marked with doors, individual rooms, and radiation hotspots. Every location is different, including what can be found there, and is accompanied in an earlier section by the ‘Search Matrix’, which provides loot and encounter tables specific to the various locations. Before a character begins exploring a location, his player checks on the number of NPCs—and potential Survivors—that the character might encounter. From turn to turn, the character scans for radiation, his player rolling randomly to determine the radiation in the squares ahead of him. He then attempts to plot his way forward via the safest path possible. Sometimes he will find radiation hotspots, sometimes low spots. Naturally, he wants to find the latter, not the former. Eventually, either because he has explored sufficient locations or he has run out of time, a character will want to return home. Once the character is back at the Rad Bunker, the player can check to see if the mission was a success or a failure, whether or not Survivors were gained or lost, and so on, before preparing the next Mission and the next Episode.

The two-player option for Rad Zone Totality – The Print and Play, Roll and Write, 1-2 Player Game adds a new set of more challenging Missions and provides twenty large grids for the Journey Charts for the travel to and from the Rad Bunker to account for the two characters rather than the one. These are played separately in that Encounters are handled individually, rather than both characters dealing with them. The larger Journey Charts add an extra Encounter, the ‘Manhole Cover’, which enables a character to travel more safely underground. Similarly, the larger Locations are included for the two-player option, but there is nothing to stop both characters exploring a smaller Location. Other than this, the play of the game remains mostly the same. What it means is that the characters are not working directly together, although they can still communicate and pass information back and forth to enable them to progress together. So, this is more playing in tandem than together and whilst the option is perfectly playable, there is a slight disconnect between the two characters.

Playing Rad Zone Totality – The Print and Play, Roll and Write, 1-2 Player Game is very much a procedural game, but it balances the need to roll on its various tables, for everything from the nature of the Encounters on a Journey To and Journey From the Location to the radiation levels at a Location and the Resources found in a Location, with decisions as what direction to move in, what Encounters to have or avoid, and so on being entirely in the player’s hands. Similarly, the player is free to select what Journey Charts he wants to use on his Journey To and Journey From the Location, as well as the Location. It needs adjusting to upon first play, a player working through the procedure at the heart of the game and book itself, but actually learning to play as he goes. Once learned, there are enough Journey Charts and more than enough Locations with Resources and Survivors to be found, which together create enough variation for Playing Rad Zone Totality to be repayable.

There are other options too, Playing Rad Zone Totality, though these are not explored within its pages. Since it is primarily a solo game, it lends itself to Journalling, a player creating his Characters’ attempts to survive on their excursions from the Rad Bunker. This is helped by background information about the setting, including how the apocalypse came about and the irradiated threats the characters will face. Similarly, these elements could inform the basis of a more traditional roleplaying game, the Locations and their associated content in the Search Matrix forming the basis of places that a group of Player Characters can explore and scavenge. The tone of Rad Zone Totality is far less fantastic than the settings for most post-apocalyptic roleplaying games, but that means its content is easy to slip into the setting or the setting’s more fantastical elements be layered on that content.

Physically, Rad Zone Totality is cluttered, with a lot of tables and elements that at first, makes it a daunting prospect to read through. However, it takes the player through the game step-by-step on a learning curve that is actually far from difficult. It just looks more difficult than it is. Otherwise, the artwork, mostly black and white, is decent, and both the tables and maps are clear and easy to read.

Playing Rad Zone Totality – The Print and Play, Roll and Write, 1-2 Player Game is a challenging game in which the player can explore a world radically altered from what it was just a few months ago and work—rather than fight—for the future of the Survivors in his Rad Bunker. It is grimmer than most post-apocalyptic settings, but the use of maps and floorplans gives the game a real sense of exploration, of what might be found, and what has been lost.

#Dungeon23 Tomb of the Vampire Queen, Level 7, Room 8

The Other Side -

 Going back to Room 2 and taking the center passageway this leads to an area where lava is flowing from somewhere above.  The floor is covered in lava and only a thin walkway of stone is visible. 

Room 8

A Thief my use their Move Silently skill to cross, but since they are not trying to stay silent, only step carefully, they can add a +40% to their chance of success.

Other characters can move across only by being careful. Their base chance of success is their Dexterity score times 5%. So a character with a Dex of 10 has a 50% chance of success and one with an 18 has a 90% chance. Characters wearing metal armor have a -15% penalty.

Falling into the lava causes 4d8 hp of damage. 

There is another passageway on the other side to Room 9.

Kickstart Your Weekend: Wasted Lands, now with FREE content

The Other Side -

This one is still going on, and I really want to see it get funded!

Wasted Lands: The Dreaming Age Role Playing Game

Wasted Land Playtest

A tabletop RPG of cosmic horror, swords, and sorcery in a savage lost epoch, 1000 years after the Old Ones fell to their eternal sleep.

 The Dreaming Age Core Rules The Dreaming Age Campaign Guide


I have been talking about this Kickstarter a lot and will continue. Please check it out and give Jason your support.

Both books are written. Both have gone through edits and playtest notes. Jason is doing the layout now. 

It looks great, and I see it as replacing D&D on my table for the foreseeable future. You really need to check it out. 

PLUS there is now FREE Quick Start rules with a brand new adventure ready for you to download. All you have to do is click on the link!

If you can't pledge please share the word of this great game.

Friday Fantasy: Violence for Votishal

Reviews from R'lyeh -

Dungeon Crawl Classics Lankhmar #4: Violence for Votishal is a scenario for Goodman Games’ Dungeon Crawl Classics Role Playing Game and the third scenario for the Dungeon Crawl Classics Lankhmar Boxed Set. Scenarios for Dungeon Crawl Classics tend be darker, grimmer, and even pulpier than traditional Dungeons & Dragons scenarios, even veering close to the Swords & Sorcery subgenre. Scenarios for the Dungeon Crawl Classics Lankhmar Boxed Set are set in and around the City of the Black Toga, Lankhmar, the home to the adventures of Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser, the creation of author Fritz Leiber. The city is described as an urban jungle, rife with cutpurses and corruption, guilds and graft, temples and trouble, whores and wonders, and more. Under the cover the frequent fogs and smogs, the streets of the city are home to thieves, pickpockets, burglars, cutpurses, muggers, and anyone else who would skulk in the night! Which includes the Player Characters. And it is these roles which the Player Characters get to be in Dungeon Crawl Classics Lankhmar #4: Violence for Votishal, small time crooks trying to make a living and a name for themselves, but without attracting the attention of either the city constabulary or worse, the Thieves’ Guild! The job in this scenario is a night spent prowling around a temple on a murder investigation.
Dungeon Crawl Classics Lankhmar #4: Violence for Votishal is a longer, location-based scenario which should take between two and three sessions to play. Designed for two to three Player Characters of Fourth Level, it opens with them being approached by a gagged priest. The priest passes them a message to go to the temple of Votishal the Silent—a god dedicated to silence, self-improvement, discipline, and getting what one deserves—on the Street of the Gods. Worship of the god has been on the increase of late and so it has come to occupy the second-best temple on the street. However, its priests and worshippers have been driven out of the building due to their high priest having been murdered, followed by other priests on subsequent nights. The Player Characters are hired to enter the temple and catch and deal with the murderer when he returns that night. The priest—who only has a few minutes to speak according to the tenets of his faith—promises to pay well, but not before presenting the Player Characters with their first problem. The temple is now locked to prevent robberies with it now being vacant and non-priests cannot have a key. So, the Player Characters will have to break into the building in order to investigate and stop the murderer. This being Lankhmar and the Player Characters being thieves, this is not really a problem, but it must be a first, being paid by a client to break into his own building!

Dungeon Crawl Classics Lankhmar #4: Violence for Votishal is all about the temple to Votishal. This is a large, two-storey building with connected sewers and catacombs below. Over half of the scenario is dedicated to describing the building and its contents, including the floorplans for each storey. Numerous means are given for the Player Characters gaining access to the building, including via the sewers, and once inside, they find a baroque building dedicated to silence. They will also find that someone has got their before them and like them, is taking advantage of the quiet and the fact that nobody else is meant to be in the temple. There are thieves and assassins—and given that is the City of the Black Toga, their presence should be anything other than a surprise—skulking in the halls and rooms of the temple in their search for valuables and victims respectively. Yet, there is also something else, something whose presence suggests that the temple and worship of Votishal is more fractious than their gagged and silent façade suggests. It all lends itself to an eerie atmosphere, the hallowed silence inside the temple walls contrasting with the hubbub that the Player Characters are used to out on the streets outside.

As the Player Characters explore and investigate the temple, the Judge is provided with some great set pieces that she will definitely want to include if she can. For example, an attempt to garrote a Player Character from the floor above, which is not intended to kill the Player Character, but provide a fraught cinematic scene. There is also an encounter with the main threat in the scenario where breaking the silence will get the Player Characters into deadly danger and lastly with the ratfolk of Lankhmar, also seen in previous scenarios for the Dungeon Crawl Classics Lankhmar Boxed Set. Primarily an exploration and investigation scenario, there is relatively little roleplaying in Dungeon Crawl Classics Lankhmar #4: Violence for Votishal in comparison to earlier scenarios, such as Dungeon Crawl Classics Lankhmar #1: Gang Lords of Lankhmar and Dungeon Crawl Classics Lankhmar #3: Acting Up In Lankhmar. Thieves will be in their element, especially as the Player Characters explore the building and begin to discover some of the secrets that the priests of Votishal have been hiding within the walls of the temple.
Unfortunately, Dungeon Crawl Classics Lankhmar #4: Violence for Votishal does have a quite complex background, not all of which may become apparent during the scenario. However, for the Judge, the back story becomes more apparent as she reads deeper into the scenario. The description of the temple of Votishal is quite detailed, so the Judge will need to pay careful attention to these details as part of her preparation. There is advice for the Judge in terms of hooks for getting the Player Characters involved, roleplaying the primary antagonist for the scenario, and adjusting the scenario to be run with four or five players rather then two to three. The scenario ends with an epilogue listing possible adventure ideas based on the discoveries that the Player Characters might have made in their exploration of the temple and expulsion of the various intruders.
Physically, Dungeon Crawl Classics Lankhmar #4: Violence for Votishal is as decently presented as you would expect from Goodman Games. It is well written, the handouts nice and clear, and the cartography decent. The floorplans of the temple would work very well on a virtual tabletop with their secrets and numbers excised.

Dungeon Crawl Classics Lankhmar #4: Violence for Votishal is a solid edition to the Dungeon Crawl Classics Lankhmar Boxed Set. It is not as exciting or as fun as the earlier Dungeon Crawl Classics Lankhmar #1: Gang Lords of Lankhmar and Dungeon Crawl Classics Lankhmar #3: Acting Up In Lankhmar, instead a situation that owes much to the traditional style of play of Dungeon Crawl Classics Role Playing Game. However, mix in the religious and criminal elements of Lankhmar—and Votishal, in particular—and what you have in Dungeon Crawl Classics Lankhmar #4: Violence for Votishal is an eerie, even creepy ‘temple crawl’.

Friday Filler: Scout

Reviews from R'lyeh -

You have been put in charge of the circus and are determined to put on the best series of acts and performers possible in order to wow the audience and make your circus the best. However, the running order has already been set, but you might be able to pull the performers you have out of that order knowing that they will outperform the previous act directed by a rival circus. If that is not possible, then you can scout the previous act and hire its best performer to join your circus, slotting into the running order you already have. Sometimes, you can even scout the previous act, hire its best performer, slot them into your running order, and have them perform immediately to really outdo the previous act. Do all of that enough times, and your circus will undoubtedly be the best!

This is the set-up for Scout, a quick-playing card game from Oink Games. Like nearly all of the Japanese publisher’s games, the game is small, tightly packaged, and comes with simple rules, but delivers terrific game play. The game was a Spiel des Jahres nominee in 2022 and won the Origins Award for Best Card Game in 2023. It is designed for two to five players, aged nine and up, and can be played in about twenty minutes. It is also easy to teach, plays quickly, and it can be enjoyed by the casual gamer as much as the veteran. In fact, its simplicity makes it a good family game whilst still providing a challenge for the experienced gamer. Plus, it is incredibly portable. That said, its theme is about as thick as the canvas on a worn circus tent, but then every card is named, such as ‘Anthony the Clown’ or ‘Jennifer the Bicyclist’. So, there is a personal touch to the game—just about.

Scout consists of forty-five cards, twenty-three Scout Tokens, thirty Score Tokens, five ‘Scout & Show’ Tokens, a Starting Player Marker, and a Game Manual. The forty-five, brightly coloured cards are numbered from one to ten, not once, but twice—at the top or bottom of the cards. In fact, the cards do not have a top or a bottom as such, because they are intended to be played with one number at the top. Notably, the numbers at either end of a card are never the same. This is important because a player can choose which way a card is orientated and thus which number is on display at certain points in the game. The game consists of a number of rounds equal to the number of players. Once the round have been completed, the player with the highest score is the winner.

The game’s key mechanics are ‘Hand Management’ and ‘Ladder Climbing’. Unlike other card games, Scout limits the degree of hand management a player can conduct—adding or playing cards in his hand, but not arranging the order of the card. ‘Ladder Climbing’ has the players attempting to play better cards or sets of cards than those currently on the table. In Scout, this is sets of the same value or runs of sequential number.

At the start of the round, adjustments are made for the number of players and the cards are shuffled and dealt out so that everyone has a hand the same size. A player also receives a ‘Scout & Show’ Token. Here appears the first wrinkle in the play of Scout. When a player receives his hand, he looks at it in order to see the numbers at the top or the bottom. Having done so, he choses one or the other. What he cannot do is change the order of the cards in his hand. The order will not change throughout the whole of the round unless he either plays cards or adds a card to his hand. This has two effects. It constrains what he can play, but it also gives him the foundation of something he can build upon to create a better hand and hopefully outscore his rivals.

On a turn, a player has a choice of three actions— ‘Show’, ‘Scout’, or ‘Scout & Show’—of which he must do one. To ‘Show’, he plays a set or run of cards. A set is multiple cards of the same number, whilst a run is a sequential series, but when played that set or run must be better than the cards in play on the table. If this replaces the current set or run of cards on the table, the player picks them up and adds them to his score pile. To ‘Scout’, the player takes one card from those on the table, which come from either end rather than the middle and adds it to his hand. When he does so, it can be added to anywhere in his hand and with either number. With careful or lucky choice of a card from a ‘Scout’ action, a player can begin to build a bigger set or run of cards in his hand that will hopefully be better than that on the table in another turn. A ‘Scout’ action also scores a ‘Scout Token’ for the player who played the current set or run of cards on the table. The ‘Scout & Show’ combines both actions and is the most powerful action in the game. Each player begins a round with a ‘Scout & Show Token’ which is turned in once a player decides to do a ‘Scout & Show’ action. Once handed in, a player cannot do another ‘Scout & Show’ action, so it is a one-use action.

Play continues until either a player has played all of the cards in his hand or a player plays a high enough set or run that no-one else can do anything else except the ‘Scout’ action and play passes back to the player who played that set or run. Each player determines his score for the round. This is equal to the number of cards in his score pile and ‘Scout Tokens’ he earned in the round, minus the number of cards in his hand. The player who played the last set or run does not have to deduct points for the cards in his hand. Play continues like this until a number of rounds equal to the number of players have been completed.

Scout is simple to play, but it has a surprising amount of depth and requires a bit more thought than at first glance. The inability to rearrange a player’s hand is frustrating, but it presents a player with a challenge as he is forced to ‘Scout’ over and over in search of the right cards that will enable him to create the best set or run that he can. The double and differently numbered cards make this less of a challenge and add some flexibility in the choices available to the players. Also, as a round progresses and better and higher sets and runs are played, the players will potentially—as long as they are on the end of a set or run—have access to the better and higher cards that they need and can acquire via a ‘Scout’ action. Playing a good set or run early on in the game can be devastating as the other players are likely to be unable to outdo it with the hands they have, forcing them to ‘Scout’, and if they all ‘Scout’, the round is over, forcing them to score negative points because they have been unable to play cards from their hands. However, the right card from a ‘Scout’ action or the right card and then cards played with the ‘Scout & Show’ action can be devastating when done at the right time. Plus, a player can benefit when it is not his turn, because if another player does the ‘Scout’ action and takes from the set or run of cards he played, he scores points for doing nothing. So, there is balance between the luck of the cards a player begins a round with and the choices he makes as round progresses.

Where Scout suffers is in the number of players. It is designed for two to five players, but at two players, the players do very little more than ‘Scout & Show’ actions most of the time. It is not as engrossing or as challenging as games played with more participants. It is thus better with three players, but with four or five, it becomes a great game. Then there is the theme, which is really neither here nor there.

Physically, Scout is, for the most part, well presented. The card quality is decent, but it is definitely worth sleeving the cards for repeated play. The Scout Tokens, Score Tokens, and ‘Scout & Show’ Tokens, plus the Starting Player Marker are all bright and cheerful and on good stock cardboard. The rulebook though, is a bit small and a bit flimsy.

Scout is great game. It would be an almost perfect game were it good to play with two players. It is not, so it is merely great. Easy to learn, easy to play, challenging enough to win at its play length, and easy to transport, Scout is a great addition to any games collection and a great go to filler game.

#Dungeon23 Tomb of the Vampire Queen, Level 7, Room 7

The Other Side -

 The far right corner of room 6 has another lava tunnel that leads to a bright light.  It is also getting hotter as the party moves down.

room 7

The tunnel ends in another one of the magical portals that plagued the upper levels. This one leads to firey Hell-scape that appears to be the Elemental Plane of Fire. The heat is becoming so great that even if the characters have magical protection, they can feel the effects.

Fire creatures can be seen on the other side, Fire Nymphs, Burning Bunnies, and mephits mostly, but none appear to want to come over any more than the characters should feel like they can enter.

This Old Dragon: Issue #87

The Other Side -

Dragon Magazine #87I mentioned the collection I got from my old DM and a few Dragons in it. As it turns out, this is the only one I had not done a "This Old Dragon" for. So. Let's go back nearly 40 years ago this month to a very different time. "When Doves Cry" by Prince dominated the airwaves, But I am sure I was listening to a lot of "Piece of Mind" by Iron Maiden. I was going through Module A1, mixed with a lot of Grimtooth's Traps. I had seen Ghostbusters about a dozen times by this point and wanted more and more horror in my D&D games. On the shelf was Issue #87 of This Old Dragon!

I am very certain that when this issue was new I was at my DM's house for his birthday (which is today by the way!) playing some D&D.  This might have even been the rather infamous session where I was carrying my D&D books in one hand, a large chocolate shake in the other and I tripped falling face first into and through their storm door. Made a huge mess. Thankfully (or maybe this was a sign), I did not have glasses yet.

On to the magazine at hand.

I will freely admit this is not one of my favorite covers. After seeing so many great covers from this time period, this one felt too "Cartoony" to me. Granted, it works with the article inside quite well, that is not something that can always be said about Dragon.

Kim Mohan's Editorial is up first. It covers the very dangerous ground of TSR's/Dragon Magazine's relationship with Tolkien Enterprises.  Basically saying there isn't one and they can't really say much more than that.

Letters section covers PBM and DragonQuest questions.  One of the great things about these older Dragons was how willing they were to cover other games. 

Nice big ad for the James Bond 007 RPG. Still, one I have never played. Another ad for Lords of Creation later on. I also never played that one but wanted too.

Forum asks questions about the Elemental Planes and Monty Haul campaigns.

Our first real article is from Dragon mainstay Katharine Kerr. Here we get Part 1 of her series Beyond the Dungeon, covering everything outside. She largely focuses on movement here for AD&D. But also what the characters should expect to find and what they are not expected to know.

Shaun Wilson is up with one of my favorite Ecology of articles, The Ecology of the Dryad. I do admit that after reading this article, I considered what it would take to have a Dryad PC race option. It lacks some of the style and personality of the Ed Greenwood articles, but it is still quite good. In fact when I had my own copy of this magazine, I cut this article out and stuck it into my AD&D Monstrous Compendium.

Ecology of the Dryad

Len Lakofka is back with the next installment of Gods of the Suel Pantheon. This time we get Kord and Phaulkon.

The Legacy of Hortus is our cover story. The author is the same as the cover artist, Jack Crane. This covers a wide variety of fantastic plants that honestly should be used in any addition of the game. Some are whimsical, like Beebalm (a plant we have in our garden), but this one grows its own bees and cowslip with the face and heads of cows. Others are bit on the nose, like Foxglove and Dandelion. But all are rather fun. 

The Legacy of Hortus

In Reviews, we get Jerry Epperson's opinion on the Tri Tac Stalking the Night Fantastic. Personally, I rather liked the game, but I am a fan of the source material. We both agree that the game's list of encounters is great. 

We get two centerfold sections here. The first is Whiteout, a Top Secret game adventure by none other than Merle Rasmussen himself. Like the James Bond RPG, I never played, or really even read over, Top Secret. I am no judge of this adventure but it does look fun. It is quite detailed and I could use it for other games. It is part three of a three-part series of adventures. Anyone who played it should let me know how it was/is.

Our other center section is the games listing for Gen Con 17. Lots of AD&D games listed but I am also seeing a lot of Car Wars. Some Chill, James Bond, Star Frontiers, and even some D&D.  Crazy that is all used to fit inside of Dragon.

Gen con 17
Gen con 17

John E. Stith has our fiction section, Simon Sidekick. Interestingly enough, it is a science fiction story about a personal AI assistant. Wow! Have you ever heard of anything so advanced Siri? How about you Alexa or Cortana?

This Dragon is early enough that we still get a proper Ares section.

Kim Eastland has Freeze! Star Law! for law enforcement officers in Star Frontiers.  Pretty good article to be honest.

Luna: A Traveller's Guide is another part of the "Luna" series Ares had been running. This one is naturally from Marc Miller. I think I need to go back sometime and collect all of these and do a special on them for Sci-Fi month. That could be fun. 

Jim Ward shows he is not be outdone and has A Field guide to Lunar Mutants for Gamma World.

Roger Moore answers some StarQuestions about the Universe game.

Nice big ad spread for the FASA Star Trek line. It is also old ads like this that make me realize how lucky I was. Illinois had, and still has some great hobby shops. They have 29 listed here. That is over 4.5 times what California had, and twice what all the neighboring states had combined. 

FASA Star Trek

Gamer's Guide covers the small ads. Always a treat to look at.

Couple of pages of Wormy. Dragonmirth has the short-lived Tal an Alan comic. A three pages of Elmore's Snarf Quest.

So a good issue, but more memorable for the time period rather than all the content. 


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