
Bri's picture

"Above Par" brand fell by the wayside...maybe the slogan; "It's Meh." Didn't draw in crowds. Still, along with "Barely Adequate Beef Stew", and "Mediocre Meat Melange (with jelly)" it defined an age.

Bri's picture

Here's a Heyde devil. The devil must have been a good seller as Heyde made numerous iterations of these red guys doing all sorts of mischief, often as inkwells, lamp bases, and other desktop ornaments.

Bri's picture

Lajos Kossuth is a nearly forgotten name nowadays, but he was quite a figure in the United States of the 1850s. After the 1848 democracy uprisings against the central European monarchies failed, many freedom-minded activists fled to America to continue the fight.

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Noble Night online game store is auctioning these original FASA concept art drawings. These were done for Renegade Legion.  I think they ain't bad for 1990, FASA was trying to push away from the "forehead alien", not quite so successful perhaps as Traveller 2300, (pentapods for the win), but pretty thoughtful...yes space lizards, space avians, and space bugs make a showing...but this is space opera after all. Frankly it's hard to do sentient aliens well, you have both biology and some kind of mental and material culture to account for.

Bri's picture

John Landis' 1991 film Oscar is one of my favorite screwballs...  Why audiences and critics hated it is beyond me.

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A maine lobsterman caught a "cotton candy" lobster, rare gene variant. Instead of selling her, (named her Haddie), they are fostering her until a permanent home can be found.   I find her blue irridescent shell mesmerizing.


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