Bri's blog

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So, I was able to aquire a PZL-11 polish gull wing fighter, and a Lublin XIII recon-bomber for the polyestrine air force, and check out this ground crew; 1940s dinky figures; sort of actual vetrans of the Battle of Britain...



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My first introduction to Science fiction as a child was seeing this copy of Heinlien on Dad's bookshelf.  It admired that cover for a couple of years before Dad would let me read it...

Bri's picture

welp, this is a first for me, I did not get enough corn starch worked into the caulk. The inside did not cure, and now I have a mess.  A skin of cured material, and a goopy inside. 

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This is the Robby Actionfigure from the 50th Anniversary Forbidden Planet tin.  his arms move, his torso twists.  head does not seem to move, but I'm not going to force it,


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