Bri's blog

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among the most venerable English wargaming figure makers Hinchcliffe has worn the crown for 4 score years now...

Here's a nice set of early 30mm Napoleonic English...

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Things that happened on the 13th July...

Alicia Garza posts a message on Facebook on July 13, 2013. Her post contains the phrase "Black lives matter,"

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Today happens to be both the release day of the first deep field image from James Webb, AND the birthday of George Eastman, who brought photography to the massess... 


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So a very strange archaeo find in england... a mass frog grave in association with a village and  house.  could this be the origin of the "diamonds and toads" fairy story?   Evidence of a strange Cuthulian rite, or maybe just a fondness for frog soup? prolly not.  perhaps the townsfolks were just over-run with frogs as sometimes happens in froggy habitats...

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Braddock lost the battle at Monongahela, keeping him from flanking Washington, and thus the Revolution was saved. 


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