Saturday, December 26, 2020 - 18:23
so, want to share a bit of the munificence I was showered with this year; so much care was lavished on me, and I am intensly grateful.
I got to do some online shopping, Amazon cards, and a debit card let me grab a protector for my switch. and a copy of Ni No Kumi; wrath of the white witch, a game for the Switch. An Avalon Hill game, and a Xiangchi set. also a few books. in addition I found a nice magnifier set, a hobby clamp set, a soldering iron, also some neat stuff like new sheets (baby yoda), clothes, my copy of Tin Army of the Potomac, and an enormous massive box of 168 crayola brand crayons...
wrath of the white witch is a Studio Ghibli game, which is why I picked it.