This was not a bad deal for a budding wargamer...

Bri's picture

This was not a bad deal for a budding wargamer in the 70s and 80s... less than 3 bucks gave two good large armies, with working artillery...  It wasn't very accurate historically as regards, well, any of it. It's hard to tell what era of Rome they were going for,  Cavalry appears to mix late imperial and 15th century armor.  Foot troops are mid Imperial-ish, but with spears which were no longer appropriate after the era of the Social Wars (mid Republican times)...though they work pretty good for later Greek phalanxes...  it's an ahistorical mismash...the chariot is bizarre, never mind that Romans NEVER used Chariots for warfare, they raced them,, but this doesn't depict a racing chariot, but more a triumphal chariot, but the rider is racing it (a job for slave jockeys), where a triumphal chariot was slowly drawn in a very stylized manner (see the miniseries ROME, where they've done an excellent representation of the Roman Triumph)... no matter, they were perfect for fantasy, and that's what they were used for by me...