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Miskatonic Monday #256: The True Housewives of Arkham

Reviews from R'lyeh -

Between October 2003 and October 2013, Chaosium, Inc. published a series of books for Call of Cthulhu under the Miskatonic University Library Association brand. Whether a sourcebook, scenario, anthology, or campaign, each was a showcase for their authors—amateur rather than professional, but fans of Call of Cthulhu nonetheless—to put forward their ideas and share with others. The programme was notable for having launched the writing careers of several authors, but for every Cthulhu InvictusThe PastoresPrimal StateRipples from Carcosa, and Halloween Horror, there was Five Go Mad in EgyptReturn of the RipperRise of the DeadRise of the Dead II: The Raid, and more...

The Miskatonic University Library Association brand is no more, alas, but what we have in its stead is the Miskatonic Repository, based on the same format as the DM’s Guild for Dungeons & Dragons. It is thus, “...a new way for creators to publish and distribute their own original Call of Cthulhu content including scenarios, settings, spells and more…” To support the endeavours of their creators, Chaosium has provided templates and art packs, both free to use, so that the resulting releases can look and feel as professional as possible. To support the efforts of these contributors, Miskatonic Monday is an occasional series of reviews which will in turn examine an item drawn from the depths of the Miskatonic Repository.

Name: The True Housewives of ArkhamPublisher: Chaosium, Inc.
Author: Keith DEdinburgh

Setting: Modern Day ArkhamProduct: One-Shot Scenario
What You Get: Forty-nine page, 2.37 MB Full Colour PDF
Elevator Pitch: The hell of other housewives is a whole other reality (television pitch).Plot Hook: Fame, fortune, and fabulous frenemies in ArkhamPlot Support: Staging advice, five pre-generated Housewives, three NPCs plus Mister Chow Wow, one  map, and three Mythos monstersProduction Values: Decent
Pros# Reality Television terror # Adds interesting social mechanics for inter-Housewife interaction# Plenty of scope for over-the-top roleplaying # Potential convention scenario# Vestiphophobia# Metathesiophobia# Scopophobia
Cons# The parody can tip over into the camp and vice versa
Conclusion# The horror of Reality Television becomes a reality# Housewife horror sets up plenty of scope for unreal roleplaying before the reality of the horror hits!

Character Creation Challenge: Keller the Silent for Wasted Lands

The Other Side -

 Working on moving to my Forgotten Realms characters for my upcoming deep-dive into all editions of the Forgotten Realms. I decided to try a few more of those this week. I have already done Sinéad, who will be my eyes and ears in the Realms, plus others that are likely to appear in my games, like NidaJassic, Kelek, and Skylla

Today, though, is something a little different. I wanted to do a monk character (or mystic if I was using the D&D Rules Cyclopedia), but I don't really have any I want to try! There was Kurtzen, the monk I made for AD&D 1st Ed way back when, but he isn't really all that interesting. Spoiler: I was trying for a Night Crawler (from X-Men)-like character, but I never got it to where I wanted. So instead today I will take on a character I "adopted" rather than rolled up. Keller the Silent.

Keller the Silent

I detailed Keller's story a bit back. She is a wood-elf monk (I said she was a Siswa from the adventure B7 Rahasia), and she joined my party in Baldur's Gate 3.

Now, I could do her sheets for a post-2000 game (3e, 4e, or 5e) where elves can be monks, but for now, I will stick to Wasted Lands and see what I get.

Keller the SilentKeller the Silent

Class: Mystic Martial Artist (from NIGHT SHIFT's Night Companion)
Level: 4
Species: Elf
Alignment: Light
Background: Elf (Wood Elf)

Strength: 16 (+2) N
Agility: 18 (+3) A
Toughness: 15 (+1) N 
Intelligence: 10 (+0) 
Wits: 10 (+0) 
Persona: 9 (+0) 

Fate Points: 1d8
Defense Value: 5
Vitality: 30
Degeneracy: 0
Corruption: 0

Check Bonus (A/N/D): +3/+2/+1
Melee Bonus: +2 (base) +3 (Agility) +1 (Heroic Touchstone)
Ranged Bonus: +2 (base) +3 (Agility)
Saves: +1 to magic and spells (elf), +2 to Toughness and Agility saves.

Mystic Martial Artist Abilities
Martial Arts, Agile (+3 to Agility), Melee and Ranged Combat, Lightning Fast (+1 to Initiative), Powers: Danger Sense, Supernatural Attacks

Stealth Skills
Climb, Hide, and Move Silent as 1st level Survivor/Renegade

Heroic/Divine Touchstones 
1st Level: +1 to Defence
2nd Level: +1 to bare-handed melee attacks.

Heroic (Divine) Archetype: Combat

Staff, Leather Armor, thieves tools

Wasted Lands Mystic Martial Artists

Now, this is a version of Keller I would have fun playing. The Mystic Martial Artist, while having its origin in Wuxa or Wire-fu cinema, makes for a great addition to my Wasted-Lands-as-D&D game. I admit I wish I could run my upcoming Forgotten Realms games using the Wasted Lands rules. It would be easier than moving through the various editions. 

I really had not considered using Keller in this at all, but this makes me want to. I have to figure out where she is from now and when she joins my little party of explorers. Also, I need to figure out how a character who has taken a vow of silence would work in my games.

On another note, I think I have settled on a Heroic/Divine Touchstone on every other level. It feels really powerful, but it also is a great way to customize characters. Maybe every three levels is also good.

You can get the Wasted Lands RPG and the NIGHT SHIFT RPG at Elf Lair Games.

Character Creation Challenge

Miskatonic Monday #255: The Drop

Reviews from R'lyeh -

Between October 2003 and October 2013, Chaosium, Inc. published a series of books for Call of Cthulhu under the Miskatonic University Library Association brand. Whether a sourcebook, scenario, anthology, or campaign, each was a showcase for their authors—amateur rather than professional, but fans of Call of Cthulhu nonetheless—to put forward their ideas and share with others. The programme was notable for having launched the writing careers of several authors, but for every Cthulhu InvictusThe PastoresPrimal StateRipples from Carcosa, and Halloween Horror, there was Five Go Mad in EgyptReturn of the RipperRise of the DeadRise of the Dead II: The Raid, and more...

The Miskatonic University Library Association brand is no more, alas, but what we have in its stead is the Miskatonic Repository, based on the same format as the DM’s Guild for Dungeons & Dragons. It is thus, “...a new way for creators to publish and distribute their own original Call of Cthulhu content including scenarios, settings, spells and more…” To support the endeavours of their creators, Chaosium has provided templates and art packs, both free to use, so that the resulting releases can look and feel as professional as possible. To support the efforts of these contributors, Miskatonic Monday is an occasional series of reviews which will in turn examine an item drawn from the depths of the Miskatonic Repository.

Name: The DropPublisher: Chaosium, Inc.
Author: Sean Liddle

Setting: Eighties Lake OntarioProduct: One-on-One Scenario
What You Get: Six page, 236.94 KB Full Colour PDF
Elevator Pitch: Just because you are a monster does not mean that you do not want your freedom to play
Plot Hook: Freedom from your parents... Just for a dayPlot Support: Staging advice and one mapProduction Values: Plain
Pros# Strange subaquatic scares off the shore# Outline to be developed rather than plot# Easy to adapt to other periods# Ichthyophobia# Thalassophobia# Androphobia
Cons# No pre-generated Investigator# Outline to be developed rather than plot
Conclusion# Hints at the strangeness of the sea off the shore# Mechanical development required

Character Creation Challenge: Liath Luchara for Wasted Lands

The Other Side -

 Yesterday I had the pleasure to introduce you to what I am now considering the Gold Standard version of Bodhmal. Today I want to introduce you to the what I think is the best version of Liath Luchara I have ever done. If I was happy yesterday, then I am ecstatic today. 

Briefly, Liath and Bodhmal are part of the Fenian Cycle of Irish myth and legend. They are foster mothers to a young Fion MacCumhail (Finn MacCool). They were a featured set of characters in my Dark Druid adventure.  

Liath Luchara sheets

Liath is a warrior woman, but she also has a bit of magic about her. Capturing her properly in D&D-like games has been a challenge. I have tried various mixes of warriors, rangers, and barbarians. Nothing has been a great fit. Barbarians have no magic (even the 5e Wild magic one), and Rangers really have too much or not the right kind. So what am I to do? Well, once again, Wasted Lands to the rescue.

Liath starts out simple enough. She is a warrior. That is her calling, and that is how she is always described in the myths and legends, so who am I to argue. But she does have a bit more going on. So I am going with Wasted Land's secret weapons, Backgrounds and the Divine Touchstones.

Again this post is for my late friend Rebecca Joanne Ashling. She would have loved this.

Liath LucharaLiath Luchara

Class: Warrior
Level: 10
Species: Human
Alignment: Light
Background: Barbarian

Strength: 16 (+2) A
Agility: 14 (+1) 
Toughness: 14 (+1) 
Intelligence: 10 (+0) 
Wits: 16 (+2) N
Persona: 14 (+1) N

Fate Points: 1d10
Defense Value: 5
Vitality: 72
Degeneracy: 0
Corruption: 0

Check Bonus (A/N/D): +5/+3/+2
Melee Bonus: +4 (base) +2 +1 (divine touchstone)
Ranged Bonus: +4 (base) +1 +1 (divine touchstone)
Spell Attack: +1
Saves: +3 to all saves (Warrior) +2 to toughness (Barbarian)

Warrior Abilities
Combat Expertise, Improved Defence, Melee Combat, Master of Battle, Supernatural Attacks, Spell Resistance, Tracking, Masters of Weapons, Extra Attacks (x3)

Sorceress Spells
First Level: Mystical Senses

Heroic/Divine Touchstones 
1st Level: Arcane Power: Wild Shape (Liath was always becoming a salmon in the myths)
2nd Level: Additional +1 to combat
3rd Level: Sorceress level 1: Arcane Power: Arcane Bond (Liath)
4th Level: Divine Smite
5th Level: Great Smite

Barbarian Abilities
+2 to toughness saves, 

Heroic (Divine) Archetype: Protection

Gáe Assail (great spear), Dagger

Wasted Lands Liath & Bodhmal

Ok. This is rather perfect. Again, Ranger had too much magic, and Barbarians too little. But this gives me a nice balance really. She has a barbarian background, but her divine touchstones have given her a bit more magical ability and ones she "earned" on her own. Game-wise, this feels like she was discovering more and more secrets. I have considered trying out an Archer or Divine Warrior, but those concepts, while great, were not a great fit for her.  She is not a "Chosen One" by any stretch even if there are some cool things going on in that class. Save that one for Fionn himself I think.

Getting Liath and Bodhmal together, they are far more than the sum of their parts. Their Arcane Bond is focused on each other, allowing them to boost each other's magic when needed and replacing the Anamchara quality as it is supposed to.  

It is one thing to design this all in mind, it is another to see it working and working far better than you imagined. Seriously, with Wasted Lands, I might never need "D&D" again.  Putting them in Wasted Lands also just feel right.

You can get the Wasted Lands RPG and the NIGHT SHIFT RPG at Elf Lair Games.

Character Creation Challenge

If you want to read more tales of Bodhmal and especially Liath then I highly and enthusiastically recommend Irish Imbas Books.

Psionic Potential

Reviews from R'lyeh -

The year is 2123. The first Leviathan Jumpships have been launched and contact has been made with the extrasolar colonies founded in the previous century using Aberrant technologies and then lost contact with in the subsequent Aberrant War. Some have survived, some have been lost, and some find themselves under attack by Aberrants and alien species. Aberrants remain a constant threat. They attacked Sydney, Australia in 2105 and in 2120, they dropped the Esperanza, the ailing European Union’s space station which it hoped would revitalise its future, on France, leaving both France and Belgium as devastated and corrupted landscapes. The mark of Aberrants can be seen in the Blight, the explosion of an Aberrant in Nebraska, which corrupted everything within 200 KM and spoiled soil fertility within 1,000 KM, ravaging the USA’s agricultural belt and in the resulting chaos, saw a military coup, the establishment of the Federated States of America, and the occupation of both Canada and Mexico. In the bombed-out city of Bahrain, the headquarters of the Aberrants until they were driven from Earth and the Solar System by the Earth Strike Ultimatum. This was issued in 2067 by the Chinese government and forced every Aberrant to leave lest it launch every nuclear missile from the satellite missile platforms under its control. This ended the Aberrant War and the Nova Age. For the Aberrants had not always been monsters. From the 2020s until the 2050s, they were Novas, powerful superhumans who transformed societies, technologies, and the planet, enabling exploration and settlement throughout the Solar System and beyond. Then they turned on Humanity, resulting in the Aberrant War. In the wake of the war, the worldwide aid and development organisation known as Æon Trinity has worked alongside the United Nations to help rebuild Earth and a force of individuals with the powers to control their own body and its form, to see into past, present, and future, manipulate technology and the electromagnetic spectrum, alter energy and mass, control kinetic energy, heal, contact and read the minds of others, and even teleportation. They are Psions.

Each Psion possesses a primary Aptitude. There are eight Aptitudes, each one associated with a psi order or organisation. When this latent Aptitude is detected, he is approached by its associated order and his psionic abilities transformed from latency into full use by being placed in a Prometheus Chamber, a device which will activate his psionic abilities. Each order possesses a single Prometheus Chamber. The eight orders are The Æsculapian Order, Chitra Bhanu, ISRA (the Interplanetary School of Research and Advancement), the Legions, the Ministry of Noetic Affairs, Orgotek, Nova Força Nacional, and Upeo Wa Macho. The Æsculapian Order focuses on Vitakinesis, biological healing and enhancement, and operates primarily as an international emergency response and aid organisation. Chitra Bhanu studied the relationship between energy and matter, Quantakinesis, including noetic and Quantam powers. Quantam powers are what lay behind the abilities of first the Novas and then the Aberrants, whereas the abilities of the Psions are connected at the subquantum level. It was the study of Quantam powers and rumoured connection to Aberrants which led to the eradication of Chitra Bhanu Order. Members of ISRA are Clairsentients whose study of the past, present, and future is put to use helping each other and humanity. The Legions is a military organisation which uses Psychokinesis to help protect humanity from Aberrant and extraterrestrial threats. The Ministry of Noetic Affairs is an Order of telepaths that is also an independent division of the Chinese government, which studies the mind and provides humanitarian aid and research, often in pursuit of utopian ideals. The Sudamerican-based Nova Força Nacional is an environmentalist order whose members employ Biokinesis to control and alter their body and form, often to radical effect. Orgotek is a corporation in the fascist Federated States of America, which specialises in electronics and biotech, but also Electrokinesis, the ability to control technology. Upeo Wa Macho—Swahili for ‘the horizon’ is an Order of teleporters, its members capable to travel vast, even interstellar distances. In the wake of the eradication of Chitra Bhanu, Upeo Wa Macho expected to be targeted next and its members vanished from the Solar System, only having returned in the last six months. They are often distrusted by the other orders.

This is the setting for Trinity Continuum: Æon. Published by Onyx Path Publishing, it is update of the Trinity, originally published by the White Wolf Game Studio in 2000, the first of the three roleplaying games set in the Trinity Universe. The others being Aberrant and Adventure!, both set earlier in its timeline. Trinity Continuum: Æon is not a standalone roleplaying game and requires the rules in the Trinity Continuum Core RulebookTrinity Continuum: Æon takes the cinematic action of the Trinity Continuum Core Rulebook and expands it fully into the realms of Science Fiction and psionic powers. On its own, the Player Characters in the Trinity Continuum Core Rulebook are exceptionally skilled characters known as ‘Talents’. It is entirely possible to play a Talent in the setting of Trinity Continuum: Æon and such a Player Character would have certain advantages, being unexpectedly skilled when everyone’s focus is upon Psions. For the most part though, the Player Characters will be Psions.

A Player Character—or Psion—in Trinity Continuum: Æon has the same stats and the same creation process as in the Trinity Continuum Core Rulebook. For his Society Path, a Psion will typically choose his Order, which will also allow Order specific Edges to be chosen, but there is a new Origin Path: Oceanian (for Player Character originating in subaquatic settlements and societies) and new Role Paths which include Off-Earth Colonist, Spacer, and Space Military. The penultimate step in character creation is the application of the Psion Template, which provides a Psion’s Aptitude, Psi Trait, and Modes. Psi Trait is a Psion’s psychic strength, representing both the dice to be added to the pool for activating the Psion’s abilities, the number of Psi points used to activate and power abilities, and more. The typical beginning Psi trait is two, or three for the Quantakinesis and Teleportation Aptitudes. This can be raised as high as six or seven during long term play, which would be equal to a very powerful Psion or a head of one of the orders, or Proxies as they are known. Each Aptitude has three Modes, the actual powers that the Psion will be using. For example, Translocation, Transmassion, and Transportal for Teleportation and Psychometry, Psychlocation, and Psychocognition for Clairsentience.

Activating a psionic ability requires a roll of a dice equal to the Psion’s Psi Trait and the Mode rating. The default Difficulty is one Success to activate an ability, but this can go up or down depending on the Mode rating. This even enables a Psion to use a higher Mode ability that he does not yet have, but at a greater difficulty, with abilities lower the Psion’s current Mode ability will be easier to activate. The Psi Trait determines the duration, range, and radius of an ability, but can be boosted with Psi points. Favouring one ability or Mode over another can lead to psionic dysfunction and odd quirks of personality. However, it does give an advantage with the favoured Mode whilst levying a penalty upon the use of the other Modes. Other rules cover connections with people and objects and co-operating in the use of psionic powers. The rules in Trinity Continuum: Æon also cover hacking as well as a wide range of technology, including hardtech and biotech, all the way up to spaceships and starships of various sizes.

The Science Fiction of Trinity Continuum: Æon is intended to be positive. It is inspired by Babylon 5 and The Tomorrow People, Childhood’s End by Arthur C. Clarke and Julian May’s Galactic Milieu series, and the Mass Effect series of computer roleplaying games. It provides a wealth of detail in terms of its background, which takes in a hundred years’ worth of history, details of the major powers and nations of the early twenty-second century, the remaining seven Psion Orders, the various extra solar colonies, the threats faced by mankind both within the Solar System and beyond. Not only is the background and setting detail immensely readable, but it is also immensely playable because of the differences between its various locations and organisations. It is in these differences where the brilliance of the background comes to the fore. They provide numerous options in terms of the games and campaigns that can be run within the future of the Trinity Continuum: Æon. The fascist Federated States of America with economic underclass, high crime rate, and a police response based on the economic status is perfect for a campaign of Cyberpunk style espionage. The Lunar colony of Olympus is perfect for future crime stories. The extrasolar colonies are intended for Space Opera, whilst miliary Science Fiction is perfect for the Chinese colony of Khantze Lu Ge, where Aberrants have invaded. The remains of France and Belgium are suitable for post-apocalyptic scenarios. Campaigns involving The Æsculapian Order focus on search and rescue missions, emergency response, and the politics of non-governmental aid, ISRA on secret missions to protect humanity, the Legions on military operations, Ministry of Noetic Affairs on intrigue and politics, Nova Força Nacional on espionage and small-scale operations—criminal, guerilla, or military, Orgotek on engineering projects, conducting counterterrorism missions for the Federated States of America government, investigating Aberrant cults, and Upeo Wa Macho on exploration and travel. It is important to note that the membership of each order does not solely consist of Psions with just the order’s associated Aptitude. Those with other Aptitudes can belong too. It is also possible to have a campaign with freelancers or even with the Player Characters from a variety of Orders, but working for the humanitarian agency, Æon Trinity, and that would lend itself to a variety of different scenarios and campaigns.

For the Storyteller, there is a discussion of the various genres possible with Trinity Continuum: Æon, and how to create optimistic scenarios and evoke the themes of the Trinity Continuum universe. These are Hope, Sacrifice, and Unity—the latter in particular for Trinity Continuum: Æon. There is good advice on handling discipline and rank in military campaigns, for example, if tunning a campaign based around the Legions, either discuss it with players and embrace it, run campaigns based on covert operations, or simply keep it more cinematic in style. There is advice too on how to incorporate Talents into a campaign. The Storyteller is also given stats and details of a wide range of NPCs and threats, including aliens and Aberrants. Lastly, there is a section for her eyes only on the secrets of the Trinity Continuum: Æon. It includes a projected timeline too for the setting, enabling the Game Master to plot out scenarios and events as her campaign progresses. Including this information is both generous and useful, as it really helps the Game Master understand the setting and thus create better scenarios and campaigns.

Physically, Trinity Continuum: Æon is very well written and easy to read. It is decently illustrated throughout, and really the only issue might be that the book’s map could have been better produced.

Trinity Continuum: Æon is a great expansion for the Trinity Continuum Core Rulebook. The Psionic abilities are not too complicated and are easy to use, but it is the background which really shines through. It is engaging and detailed, whilst at the same time offering a wealth of detail to bring into play and almost mini-settings in which to run the different genres of Science Fiction. Overall, Trinity Continuum: Æon is pleasingly optimistic in its outlook and generous in the types of Science Fiction games it can support.

Best of... 2015 Gongfarmer’s Almanac

Reviews from R'lyeh -

Before the advent of the internet, the magazine was the focus of the hobby’s attention, a platform in whose pages could be news, reviews, and content for the roleplaying game of each reader’s choice, as well as a classified section and a letters page where the issues of day—or at least month—could be raised and discussed in chronically lengthy manner. In this way, such magazines as White Dwarf, Imagine, Dragon, and many others since, came to be our community’s focal point and sounding board, especially a magazine that was long running. Yet depending upon when you entered the hobby and picked up your first issue of a roleplaying magazine, you could have missed a mere handful of issues or many. Which would have left you wondering what was in those prior issues. Today, tracking down back issues to find out and complete a magazine’s run is much easier than it was then, but many publishers offered another solution—the ‘Best of…’ magazine. This was a compilation of curated articles and support, containing the best content to have appeared in the magazine’s pages.

1980 got the format off to a good start with both The Best of White Dwarf Scenarios and The Best of White Dwarf Articles from Games Workshop as well as the Best of Dragon from TSR, Inc. Both publishers would release further volumes of all three series, and TSR, Inc. would also reprint its volumes. Other publishers have published similar volumes and in more recent times, creators in the Old School Renaissance have begun to collate and collect content despite the relative youth of that movement. This includes The Gongfarmer’s Almanac which has collected community content for the Dungeon Crawl Classics Roleplaying Game since 2015 and Populated Hexes Monthly Year One which collected the content from the Populated Hexes Monthly fanzine. The ‘Best of…’ series of reviews will look at these and many of the curated and compiled titles from the last four decades of roleplaying.


The 2015 Gongfarmer’s Almanac was published in 2016. It is the first of several annual compilations of the fanzine, the Gongfarmer’s Almanac, created by dedicated fans of Goodman Games’ Dungeon Crawl Classics Roleplaying Game (and later Mutant Crawl Classics Roleplaying Game – Triumph & Technology Won by Mutants & Magic, the spiritual successor to Gamma World) published by Gongfarmer’s Local #282. Both the creation of the individual issues and the compilations of Gongfarmer’s Almanac are volunteer-led and both the individual issues and the compilations are available in different formats. This includes being available for free as PDFs and then as inexpensive softbacks and paperbacks. So, in the case of the 2015 Gongfarmer’s Almanac, which was created and compiled by the members of the Dungeon Crawl Classics Google+ Community, that is over three hundred pages of content that the Judge can pick and choose from for her campaign. This includes new Classes, spells and rituals, monsters, treasure, Patrons, adventures, campaign material, and more. All of it optional, but all of it worth looking at given its obvious value for money.

However, the volunteer-led nature of the 2015 Gongfarmer’s Almanac is not without its consequences. Although the layout of the compilation is decent enough, the organisation is not as straightforward as it could be. The compilation is organised and numbered as individual issues, rather than as a whole, and the individual entries vary in length. The individual issues though, are organised thematically, so the first issue is dedicated to Classes and spells, the second to monsters, treasures, and Patrons, the third to scenarios, and so on. This, plus the repeated inclusion of the table of the contents does help the reader navigate her way around the compilation. It should also be noted that the physical quality of the compilations are not of the highest quality, which in part, is due to the low cost. Lastly, the 2015 Gongfarmer’s Almanac contains not five issues as stated in the initial individual sections, but a total of six.

The ‘PC Classes’ opens with Julian Bernick’s ‘Assassin’, which mixes the Thief’s stealth skills and backstab ability with the ‘Gift of Venom’, which forces the defendant to save versus Poison, but if failed, can have various effects, including being weakened, inflicting extra damage, and even death. In addition, the Assassin can also assassinate a totally surprised opponent! The ‘Dervish’ by Edgar Johnson is a holy warrior, Neutral by alignment, but highly religious, specialises in the use of one weapon, and mixes in a lot of different abilities taken from the Paladin, Ranger, and Thief Classes. This quite a focused and strong Class. ‘Gold and Glory Beyond the Grave Un-dead PC’s in DCC RPG’ by Taylor Frank gives options for playing undead characters such Ghost, Skeleton Warrior, and even a Vampire. These cross over in the Chaotic Alignment, even evil, and so are suited to some campaigns more than others. Reid ‘Reidzilla’ San Filippo’s ‘The Luchador’ is drawn from the author’s Umerica setting, blessed by the Bueno-god El Santo, patron of monster slaying wrestlers, channelling the hope Luchadores channel of their peoples and their indomitable will through outlandish mystical masks to empower their ancient, unarmed fighting techniques. They have Mighty Deeds of Wrestling including for acrobatic strikes, blinding attacks, choke out, demoralising taunts, and more. It is a fun all-action, brawling Class. Lastly, David Baity’s ‘The Sword Monger A DCC Optional Class’ is very clearly inspired by the film, Highlander, presenting sword-wielding warriors who can be killed by decapitation and when they kill one of their own, they gain a portion of his Hit Points and kill enough of them will improve stats. This makes them quite powerful. Overall, this is interesting mix of new Classes, some of which may well be too powerful or radical for some campaigns.
‘Rituals & Spells’ gives several spells such as Blood Splash, a First Level Wizard spell by Reece Carter, in which the caster cuts himself and sprays at opponents to inflict damage, whilst Terry Olson’s Temporary Creation is a First Level Cleric in which the caster draws upon his deity’s power to temporarily create semi-divine, though ordinary items. Vacuity by Chris Fassano is a Third Level Wizard spell which draws all of the air out of the target’s lungs and at its most powerful creates a black hole which leads to a different world. This is an interesting mix and spellcasters can have some fun with them.

The first of the items of treasure is ‘Items to Die For’ by Kyle Turner. These are a trio of interesting magical items, all nice and easy to use, like the Harrow, a bow of gnarled, polished bone that does no damage, but renders a particular body part broken and useless on a hit, but on a critical miss does the same to an ally, whilst Yi’ao, the Flame is a burning iron sword that never goes out, requires a marble scabbard(!), and burns its wielder. Jordan Smith’ ‘Objects of Wonder from the Ruins of Glittergus’ offers a handful of items like the Eye of Occultation and the Crown of the Ape King, whose background in the Swamp Kingdoms of Jersey and the scattered lands of Brokendyn, all suggest a post-apocalyptic origin, but they all still feel magical rather than technologically derived, but all are engaging described, whilst ‘Pelagian Equipment’ by Bruce Clark, describes two items that part of the domain of Pelagia, the Sea Goddess. One is Pelagia’s Holy Vestments, robes that grant faster swimming and an entanglement—in seaweed, of course—power that needs to be rolled for, the other a Portable Jellyfish which can be thrown like a grenade for electricity damage! ‘The Wall of Kovacs’ is a transient wall of various materials which can appear anywhere, again and again. Created by bygrinstow and inspired by the work of Goodman Games regular artist, Doug Kovacs, it causes Chaotic transformations in those who touch it, so the players and their characters are likely to come to fear and curse its presence.
The Patrons are all fully written up with spells patron gifts. Randall D. Bailey Jr.’s ‘Ghrelin’ is “The Demon Lord of Hunger and Starvation…” who “cares about nothing but consuming.”; bygrinstow’s ‘The Great Ebony Hand’ details as inscrutable a Patron as you could imagine, since you can talk to and invoke the Great Ebony Hand, but it never talks back. It can though provide a protective, ghostly hand, spells that allow communication via sign language, poke doom at a target, and so on; and ‘Patron: Hecate’ by Doyle Wayne Ramos-Tavener describes a patron of witches who sends nightmares, can raise the dead, and so on. This is a dark version of Hecate and witch-type characters, and highly suitable for NPCs and grimdark campaigns, but unfortunately feels incomplete with the inclusion of the one spell.
‘Volume 3: Adventures’ contains fives adventures of varying quality. They begin with Clint Bohaty’s First Level adventure, ‘Hemlock Bones Mystery Adventure #1: The Coal Snoot’. Inspired by the works of Sherlock Holmes, the Player Characters are hired by the brilliant and annoying wizard, Hemlock Bones, to help him solve a locked room murder. In other words, they do the work and he takes the credit. It is all set-up—quite detailed set-up—which the Player Characters have to solve. This is very much left open and so will take a fair bit of work for the Judge to run as is. The format, with a Sherlock Holmes-style NPC present, has the potential to overbear the efforts of the Player Characters, but the advice on handling him is decent, mostly keeping him offstage. Peter Mullen’s ‘The Marvelous Myriad Myconid Caverns’ is for Third and Fourth Level Player Characters is actually marvellous, a series of caves and tunnels off the River Yimmer in the Endless Dungeons of Acererak. There are touches of whimsy and strangeness to the encounters with Morse Trolls who tap out messages across the dungeon, gremlin dungeon punks, Sergeant Luggbodduggo, a Nail-head Hobgoblin on a fishing trip, a monstrous troglodyte chief armed with the Gorgosaurus Sword—a dinosaur in weapon form! Accompanying the scenario is a lovely map and this really is a charming dungeon which creates a world of its own, not only the best of the five dungeons in the 2015 Gongfarmer’s Almanac, but amongst the best of the content in the compilation.
‘May Flowers’ is a Zero Level Funnel by Daniel J. Bishop. The uncovering of an icon of the ancient Chaos goddess, Flos Tenebrarum, the Flower of Darkness, unleashes the sudden flowering of strange predatory plants. Essentially, it turns a farmer’s field into a garden-themed dungeon, a deadly one at that, and if it feels somewhat one-note in that theme, much of the joy of the adventure is going to come from Zero Level Player Characters live and die in the course of dealing with the newly grown problem. Just as with other Zero Level Funnels. Jon Hook’s ‘Tomb of the Thrice-Damned War Witch’ is a deadly, tomb-raiding adventure for Fourth Level Player Characters, built to contain the spirit of a powerful war witch in ages past. Relatively short, it is full of puzzles and traps and the sort of adventure in which things are best well left alone. The war witch’s treasures are powerful, especially if a Player Character is a Warrior of Chaotic alignment, but if not, there is a wand capable of creating portals large to transport soldiery and siege engines across vast distances which could be useful. Otherwise, even the author describes entering into the tomb as a fool’s errand.
Lastly, ‘The Worm Cult of Laserskull Mountain’ by Noah Stevens mixes a range of genres—Science Fiction, the post-apocalyptic, and fantasy—to create an adventure site ready to be scaled and adapted to the Player Characters. Laserskull Mountain is where the people of sector bring their dead to be interred by the Embalmers and eulogised by their dirge-singing Crystaloid Computer, but it has been recently invaded by Worm Cultists who are digging down in search of the Humming Egg and then occupied by the Android Enchantress as a forward operating base in her war against the Cyberlich, whose attack is imminent… It will require a fair degree of effort upon the part of the Judge to prepare, since she will need to provide all of the stats. Otherwise, this is nicely detailed and awaits the right spot in the Judge’s campaign to be placed.

The fourth, fifth, and subsequently, sixth part of the 2015 Gongfarmer’s Almanac all fall under the label of ‘Rules & Campaign Miscellany’. This consists of content that does not fit under any of the other categories given in the earlier volumes, which include setting content, general articles, and more. Roy Snyder’s ‘Black Blood Pass – A Mini-Gazetteer’ describes a nearly impassable pass through mountains, fallen to ruin since the Demi-Lich Rj’nimajneb~Yor’s forces to occupy the Fang, the fortress dominating the pass. The Demi-Lich is fully detailed, including its abilities and magical items, alongside location descriptions and hooks. It is a pity that it is a ‘Mini-Gazetteer’, since there is plenty of scope for expansion and more detailing. A map perhaps would have been useful to help the Judge develop the lengthy location further. ‘Chirumancy’ by James MacGeorge offers an alternative to healing magic of the Cleric, Chirurgeons, who as the masters of the arts of dark surgery, seal wounds with carcinomas, replace lost limbs with those taken from corpses, and worse. There are side effects though, beginning with a persistent cough or chronic incontinence and going all the way to seizures and tumours! Another problem is that the newly attached body parts may not match those lost, due to either Species or gender! This is delightfully grim, a bloody, inconsistent counterpart to the sterility of divine healing magic.
There is a set of tables by Tim Callahan to create non-traditional haunted and doomed locations with ‘Crawling Castle of Grumblethorn and Other Architectural Horrors’; an actual ‘The Gongfarmer’s Almanac’, a calendar by Doyle Wayne Ramos-Tavener to add omens, events, and Wizard and Cleric spell check modifiers day-by-day to a campaign or serve as a model for the Judge’s own; a table of events and encounters by Kane Cathainm ‘Tales of Travels, Trials, & Chance Meetings’, to role on between adventures to make the Player Characters’ lives interesting; and ‘The Virtual Funnel: Making Higher Level DCC RPG Characters with Real Class’, Paul Wolfe’s solution for creating the backstory to Player Characters created at higher Level. This starts with the Zero Level Character Funnel and takes them up Level by Level to the Player Character’s starting point. A very useful set of tables which could easily have found itself in the Dungeon Crawl Classics Companion if there were such a thing for the roleplaying game. There is even another scenario, ‘The Demon’s Conscripts’, a mid-Level affair in which the Player Characters encounter foreign soldiers who have been partially possessed by demons. Again by Paul Wolfe, these are Samurai, and includes stats for various Japanese monsters and martial weapons, alongside an interesting situation.
And then, the ‘Master Zine Index’ lists every adventure, gadget or gear, magical item, monster, NPC, Patron, ritual or spell, rules, rumours, and campaign seeds, and anything else to have appeared in the nine or so fanzines then in print! It was an amazing undertaking in 2015. It would be a daunting task almost a decade on in 2024!
Physically, the 2015 Gongfarmer’s Almanac is rough around the edges and has cheap, pulp quality to it. There is very much the feel of the fanzine to its pages, both in terms of presentation and quality of content. There is though, nothing wrong in this, for there is a wide variety of content and none of it is presented in a less than readable fashion. Rather that anyone expecting something more polished will be disappointed.
The likelihood is that the Judge is never going to use all of the content of the 2015 Gongfarmer’s Almanac, but there is very likely going to be something its pages that she will find useful or she can adapt or incorporate into her campaign. It is a medley of ideas, monsters, adventures, options, treasures, gods, and much more. The 2015 Gongfarmer’s Almanac was an impressive collation in 2016 and if it has been outclassed by the volumes in the series that followed, it was still an incredible, fan-driven undertaking that captured the imaginations of Dungeon Crawl Classics fans at the time.

Character Creation Challenge: Bodhmal for Wasted Lands

The Other Side -

 As Casey Kasem used to say, "The hits keep coming."  Though when I say it, I usually mean something bad. And I do today as well. Lost another friend this past week, Rebecca Joanne Ashling. She had some health problems, but her death is still a bit of a shock.  Rebecca and I had known each other for about 22+ years. We talked a lot online and she was a huge fan of my witches and modern horror stuff. In particular, she loved my takes on Willow and Tara. She often provided me some critiques on various builds and let me know about new games that she thought I would like. It still feels a bit unreal since I still half expect to get a text from her when this post goes live.  So today's and tomorrow's characters are for her.

Today, I want to start with the druidess Bodhmal.

I am choosing her for all the reasons Rebecca would have liked. Bodhmal has a long history in my games, and her character helped drive my vision of NIGHT SHIFT and thus influenced The Wasted Lands. This version is a "conversion" of sorts of D&D 4th Edition, a game we both enjoyed and continue to enjoy. Plus, and maybe most importantly, Bodhmal, while a mythological figure from Irish myth, was also my "Willow" stand-in. Since I did her main antagonist (and grandfather), the Dark Druid, yesterday, she would be good for today. 

Bodhmal character sheets

Bodhmal for the Wasted Lands

Bodhmal is not a goddess. Nor will become one. She is, though, a very important figure of the Fenian Cycle of Irish myth and legend. Because of this she fits rather well with the central conceits of the Wasted Lands.  I also wanted to try out another Druid, but one with a bit more mysticism about them. Or to be blunt, a druid that is becoming something akin to a witch.  She is the "last common ancestor" of Druids and Witches.

Like Fear Dorich, Bodhmal has been worked up for the Buffy the Vampire Slayer RPG, D&D 5e, Castles & Crusades, Blue Rose 2nd Edition, my Pagan Witch class, and today's experiment, D&D 4e.

D&D 4e had some nice quirks that allowed me to get to the version of Bodhmal I liked. I have to admit, Wasted Lands works even better.

The Druidess Bodhmal nic TadghBodhmal nic Tadgh

Class: Sorceress (Druid, Witch or Ban Drui)
Level: 10
Species: Human
Alignment: Light
Background: Scholar

Strength: 10 (+0) 
Agility: 10 (+0) 
Toughness: 14 (+1) 
Intelligence: 14 (+1) N
Wits: 18 (+3) A
Persona: 11 (+0) N

Fate Points: 1d10
Defense Value: 8
Vitality: 42
Degeneracy: 0
Corruption: 0

Check Bonus (A/N/D): +5/+3/+2
Melee Bonus: +2 (base) 
Ranged Bonus: +2 (base)
Spell Attack: +5
Saves: +7 to Spells and Magical effects (Sorcerer & Scholar)

Sorceress Abilities
Arcana, Arcane Powers (4): Enhanced Senses, Arcane Bond (Liath), Wild Form, Telepathic Transmission

Sorceress Spells
First Level: Armor of Earth, Glamour, Mystical Senses, Sleep
Second Level: Animal Summoning, Conjure Flame, Invisibility, Subtle Influence
Third Level: Cure Disease, Dark Lightning, Staves to Snakes
Fourth Level: Befuddlement, Forest Walk, Plant Speech
Fifth Level: Miasma of Creeping Death, Telekinesis

Heroic/Divine Touchstones 
1st Level: Psychic Power: Supernatural Senses 
2nd Level: Additional Spell: Bless
3rd Level: Spirit Guide: Cait Sith
4th Level: Magical Recovery
5th Level: Grant Spellcasting

Scholar Abilities
1st Level Spell: Create Light

Heroic (Divine) Archetype: Knowledge

Staff, Dagger

Wasted Lands Druids & Witches

I like this version of Bodhmal. She has her druid side and can take on a wild shape, but that is not the most important part of her character. She also sees everything. Mystical, Supernatural, and more. She can talk to animals and plants. She even has some offensive spells when she needs them.

More to the point, her connection to Liath is there via the Arcane Bond. 

I can see this Bodhmal as a druid who began a line of pagan witches. Liath is even there as her Cowan or witch guardian. This is perfect in my mind. I wish you all could feel this; how perfect of a fit she is for my concept of her. This is much better than any other system I have done. 

You can get the Wasted Lands RPG and the NIGHT SHIFT RPG at Elf Lair Games.

Character Creation Challenge

A Mining Mystery

Reviews from R'lyeh -

One of the great things about The One Ring: Roleplaying in the World of Lord of the Rings, the second edition of the acclaimed The One Ring: Adventures Over the Edge of the Wild published by Free League Publishing is The One Ring Starter Set. Why do you ask? Well, because it lets us roleplay members of the Hobbit community whom we not normally encounter. Drogo Baggins, Esmeralda Took, Lobelia Bracegirdle, Paladin Took II, Primula Brandybuck, and Rorimac Brandybuck, in many cases the parents or relations of three of the Hobbits who would form part of the Fellowship of the Ring decades later. Under the direction of the scandalous Bilbo Baggins, the quintet went off and had adventures of their own in the Shire, whilst at the same time The One Ring Starter Set presented the Shire for the roleplaying game itself. Sadly, the five adventures had to come to close and with it the chance to play those characters again. Fortunately, s available a number of sequel adventures, including Landmark Adventures, that can be run as part of, or after, the events of The One Ring Starter Set, or simply added to an ongoing campaign for The One Ring: Roleplaying in the World of Lord of the Rings if it is being run in or around The Shire. The Ghost of Needlehole proved to be a sharp little ghost story, whilst the Mines of Brockenbores takes the Player-heroes to the far north of the Shire to inspect a mine!

The Mines of Brockenbores takes place in the northern part of the Shire’s Eastfarthing, in the hilly region of Scary. It is here that much of the ore that the Hobbits of the Shire need for their metal goods and implements is mined. Of course in the future, it is also from here that Fredegar Bolger will lead a band of Hobbit rebels when ‘Sharkey’ takes control of the Shire during the War of the Ring. That though, is in the future and many years before that happens, before even Fredegar Bolger and his friends were born, the mines were the source of a mystery! This is a strange sickness which is besetting the miners, which the owner of the mine, Erling Goldworthy, is keeping quiet until his profits are threatened and he puts out the call for any party of adventurous Hobbits (or outsiders) who are willing to explore the mines and eradicate what he describes as an “Infestation of Rats”.

The bulk of the adventure will see the Player-heroes exploring and skulking through the mine. There is relatively little for them to explore or discover, the main one being the cause of the strange sickness, being tunnels full of bioluminescent mushrooms, but the other being something dark and dangerous lurking in newly uncovered caves. There are plenty of opportunities to gain Shadow Points—if only temporary ones—in confronting the thing, a tough prospect for even a group of standard Player-heroes, let alone a group of Hobbits like those from the The One Ring Starter Set. However, ‘The Nameless Thing’ described in the adventure is not the only threat present in Mines of Brockenbores. This is other threat is slightly connected to Lobelia Bracegirdle and its involvement may have an effect on her outlook on life if she is a Player Character.
The Mines of Brockenbores is neatly presented and is well written and its short length means that it is quite easy to prepare for a session.

New scenarios for The One Ring: Roleplaying in the World of Lord of the Rings and especially for use in conjunction with The One Ring Starter Set, are always going to be welcome. Yet the Mines of Brockenbores is not as good a Landmark adventure as the previous The Ghost of Needlehole. It is too straightforward, not quite enough mystery in comparison. Plus the Mines of Brockenbores is a tough little encounter for The One Ring: Roleplaying in the World of Lord of the Rings. Potentially too tough for an ordinary band of Hobbits, forcing them as it does, to confront a nameless thing long out of Middle-earth’s past. Consequently, letting the Rangers of the North know about it might be the safer course of action, but of course, Hobbits are, famously, brave in pinch, and if they can defeat it, they should be well rewarded.

Friday Fantasy: The Haunted Hamlet & other hexes

Reviews from R'lyeh -

The Haunted Hamlet & other hexes is an anthology of four locations and scenarios, of which one is the eponymous ‘Haunted Hamlet’. Each location combines a fantastic mixture of whimsy and weirdness, menace and mystery, and distinct usefulness. The latter because each of the four locations is not just a single location, but also a single hex, complete and separate from the other three. The Game Master can take any one of the four hexes and not so much drop it into her campaign, but neatly and tidily pull out a hex from her own hexcrawl and slot one of the four back in its place. After that, all the Game Master has to do, is add a few rumours to arouse the interest of her players and their characters to get them to visit and investigate. For example, the hexes can be used in conjunction with other books by the publisher such as Woodfall, Willow, and The Toxic Wood, or any one of the four hexes or adventure locations in The Haunted Hamlet & other hexes would make for easy additions to Populated Hexes Monthly Year One or the Dolmenwood setting from Necrotic Gnome. Then again, any one of the four could be run on their as a separate scenario, each one offering sufficient play for two or three sessions or so. All are written for use with Old School Essentials, Necrotic Gnome’s very accessible update of the Moldvey/Cook and Marsh version of Basic Dungeons & Dragons, which means that not only is The Haunted Hamlet & other hexes equally as mechanically accessible, it is also easily adapted to the retroclone of the Game Master’s choice.
The Haunted Hamlet & other hexes is written by the Lazy Litch and was published following a successful Kickstarter campaign as part of ZineQuest #3. It begins in a slightly odd fashion with several sets of tables, one for ‘Random Treasure’—Basic, Advanced, and Rare—which can be rolled on as the Player Characters discover treasures during play; another for ‘Random Weather Conditions’—Basic Weather, Extreme Weather, and Natural Disasters; and then encounter seeds for both day and night, before the introduction. This sets the play style for all four hexes, that ideally play should be Player Character led according to their goals, that Player Characters gain Experience Points from finding treasures and making discoveries rather than simply killing monsters, that monsters are not balanced according to Player Character Level, and that in encouraging players to be clever and creative, that both roleplaying and meta-gaming is also encouraged. The latter is something of an oddity, a type of behaviour rarely encouraged in roleplaying in general since it can lead to players taking advantage of the situation. However, judicious application can lead to clever and interesting play. Then, The Haunted Hamlet & other hexes into its first hex, but it is not that of ‘The Haunted Hamlet’ of the title, adding to the oddness of the fanzine’s beginning. In addition, there is no table of contents which would tell the reader where it is, so it is disconcerting, at least initially.

‘The Gold Mine’ is the first hex in The Haunted Hamlet & other hexes. This details a great crack in the earth which has recently opened. It has been occupied by the forces of Lord Bleak of the Black Mountain, who are guarding it and forcing miners to extract the gold discovered below. The militia occupy a fort above where the ore is processed by alchemists, descending only to collect the ore and punish any delays in output. Below the fortress lies four quite different mining levels, each occupied by a different species. The upper mines by Mole people, the lower mines by subterranean Gnomes, the Antkin mines by the Antkin—the original dwellers of the mines and caves, and below that, the Overdark lies unoccupied except for strange pillars and fungal trees. The maps are presented in isometric fashion, the individual level descriptions coded in increasing darker shades of grey. At the end is a short timeline of events and a handful of hooks to get the Player Characters involved. These include them being incarcerated in the mine, being hired to break a criminal out or sabotage the mine, and so on. Even if the Player Characters do nothing, events will play out and the situation at the mine will be entirely different. There is a sense of oppression and things waiting to happen here.

Darker still though, is the second hex, ‘The Ladder Inn’. It describes a lakeside inn noted for the ladder descending into the waters of the lake. Treasure is rumoured to be found at the bottom of the ladder and the lake, and many an adventurer has passed through, expressing an interest in the mystery of lake and ladder, perhaps taking up the offer of potions of water breathing being sold by a stranger. Some pass on the offer, but others are never seen again. The inn, its owner and the stranger are all nicely detailed and there is lots going on at the inn over the course of the few days that the Player Characters stay there. The situation at the inn has a fairy tale-like quality to it, being a story of greed and oppression wrapped up in a mystery. A nice touch is that again, the areas underground—in this case, under the lake—on presented on a black background so that the Game Master is accorded the oppressive nature of the lake’s black waters… ‘The Ladder Inn’ is an enjoyably busy little location that intrigues with its odd situation—that of a ladder leading down into a lake—and then builds on that intrigue to deliver a dark little mystery with just a tinge of sadness.

Combine an overly ambitious wizard’s apprentice gone rogue, a strange fusion device, and a bale of hats, and what you have is ‘The Hat Cult’s Hideout’. The fusion device is used to combine one animal with another or a being with an animal, and all of the hats are magical. The wizard’s apprentice has formed a cult around him and its members not each get a magical hat, but have been gleefully experimenting with the fusion device, resulting in a rash of missing villagers and animals and then strange creatures lurking in the woods around the cave where the cult has its base. The cult itself is not evil, necessarily, just proud, misguided, and unaware of the dangers its research and its experiments might—and actually will—unleash on the surrounding area if left unchecked. It needs a few magical hats and the Game Master will need generate some magical creatures from the table given, such as an unstable giant snail with the head of a horse and 50% chance of exploding. As with the other hexes, there is a table of rumours, a list of reactions to the actions of the Player Characters, and timeline of events, which will drive the encounter. ‘The Hat Cult’s Hideout’ is also quite a tough little encounter, but this is not an encounter that need be solved with violence much in keeping with the introduction to The Haunted Hamlet & other hexes.

The last of the four entries in The Haunted Hamlet & other hexes is the eponymous ‘The Haunted Hamlet’. Where the motivations have been greed, loneliness, and pride for the situations in the other three hexes, here it is a combination of fear and evil. If the Player Characters descend into the valley of Wolvendale and its lonely town, they find themselves trapped and assailed by angry ghosts. The former leaders of the town committed a heinous act which condemned their lives and those of the villagers and the latter want their revenge. In order to escape the situation, the Player Characters must explore each of the few remaining buildings in the town, each one occupied by the ghosts of its former leaders and attempt to solve a puzzle that will force those ghosts to confront their action and its consequences. The problem is that the Player Characters are not necessarily going to know that they need to solve a problem. It is weird and creepy and there is an impending sense of doom and urgency as ghosts lurk and wounds fester, but lacks the hook to put the Player Characters onto the first step of the mystery. With an adjustment and perhaps a clue or two and the ‘The Haunted Hamlet’ will be a decent encounter.

Finally, the back cover of The Haunted Hamlet & other hexes details another location, the village of ‘Orgul’. This inverts the roles that evil monsters typically play in Dungeons & Dragons-style roleplaying game with the village being a refuge for reformed monsters who have pacifists after being forced to serve a dark lord. There is a table of random events to beset the village, but otherwise, this is hex ready to play with the players’ expectations and add characterisation to what are normally regarded as monsters to kill.

Between all of this, The Haunted Hamlet & other hexes includes a set of digest-sized cards. In turn, they depict and detail a band of adventurers in the service of the Spore Lord, stealing the treasures of other adventurers and attempting to raid dungeons before other adventurers get there; Heart String Knights are undead knights who died on their given quests, but are duty bound to complete before they can move and take great affront when others complete their quests; table of random NPCs and potions; a pair of hirelings; and the Sky Merchant, a floating vendor and emporium which can descend from the sky to sell goods and items at almost any time in the wilderness or on the road. There is a good mix of the whimsy and the usefulness to all of this, though it is actually independent of The Haunted Hamlet & other hexes just as the hexes in the fanzine are independent of each other and any particular setting.

Physically, The Haunted Hamlet & other hexes is mostly done in black and white, but there are touches of grey here and there, judiciously used to highlight certain sections. It is well written and organised, and the maps and artwork are all excellent. There are a couple of layout issues which have caused crashes with the text, so the PDF version may need to be referred to.

As in Woodfall, the author of The Haunted Hamlet & other hexes has already proven himself capable of combining the whimsical and the weird to great storytelling effect. With The Haunted Hamlet & other hexes, the author succeeds with the majority of the fanzine’s content. The first three of its hexes are easy to use and can just be slotted into the Game Master’s campaign with only minor adjustment. The fourth hex, though, requires development to work effectively. The three other hexes are excellent adventure locations, ‘The Ladder Inn’ and ‘The Hat Cult’s Hideout’ in particular. Overall, The Haunted Hamlet & other hexes is a good, but not quite great resource of ready-to-play content for any Game Master.

Kickstart Your Weekend: Maximum Mayhem Dungeons #8: Funhouse of the Puppet Jester

The Other Side -

 Mad genius Mark Taormino is back with another Maximum Mayhem Dungeon!

Maximum Mayhem Dungeons #8: Funhouse of the Puppet Jester

Maximum Mayhem Dungeons #8: Funhouse of the Puppet Jester


What can I say here? Mark does great work, and these adventures are always fun.

Click, check it out and pledge!

Mark: I am going to need a bigger box for the adventures now!

Magazine Madness 28: Senet Issue 8

Reviews from R'lyeh -

The gaming magazine is dead. After all, when was the last time that you were able to purchase a gaming magazine at your nearest newsagent? Games Workshop’s White Dwarf is of course the exception, but it has been over a decade since Dragon appeared in print. However, in more recent times, the hobby has found other means to bring the magazine format to the market. Digitally, of course, but publishers have also created their own in-house titles and sold them direct or through distribution. Another vehicle has been Kickststarter.com, which has allowed amateurs to write, create, fund, and publish titles of their own, much like the fanzines of Kickstarter’s ZineQuest. The resulting titles are not fanzines though, being longer, tackling broader subject matters, and more professional in terms of their layout and design.

Senet—named for the Ancient Egyptian board game, Senetis a print magazine about the craft, creativity, and community of board gaming. Bearing the tagline of “Board games are beautiful”, it is about the play and the experience of board games, it is about the creative thoughts and processes which go into each and every board game, and it is about board games as both artistry and art form. Published by Senet Magazine Limited, each issue promises previews of forthcoming, interesting titles, features which explore how and why we play, interviews with those involved in the process of creating a game, and reviews of the latest and most interesting releases.

Senet Issue 8 was published in the summer of 2022. If the editorial in the previous issue talked about the reach of boardgames, the editorial in this issue looks at how they can be more welcoming and how we can all be more accepting of newcomers to the hobby. This is a theme that will be later explored in the issue in ‘The Storyteller’, an interview with designer Nikki Valens which includes a discussion of reflecting and accepting wider cultural diversity in board games in both terms of design and play, whilst in the regular column, ‘How to Play’, the Meeple Lady gives some direct advice on being more welcoming to newcomers. The latter is the more useful and immediate of the two articles, but both are good pieces and together with the editorial show where we can be better.

‘Behold’ is the regular preview of some of the then-forthcoming board game titles. As expected, ‘Behold’ showcases its previewed titles to intriguing effect, a combination of simple write-ups with artwork and depictions of the board games. There are some interesting titles here, such as Autobahn, a game about building the German motorway network both collectively and competitively, but as public servants rather than entrepreneurs and London Necropolis Railway, which explores the city of London’s funeral railway service to Brookwood Cemetery. This is a fascinating aspect of Victorian history and culture and its attitude to death which is here presented as something that can be explored in play.

‘Points’, the regular column of readers’ letters, covers a number of different topics, but in the main, they continue the issue’s inclusivity theme, highlighting the lack of diversity in terms of boardgame designers and the difference in focus given to major designers versus minor designers. There is scope here for future issues to cover more of the latter, so we shall see whether that idea is followed up on. In ‘For Love of the Game’, Tristian Hall continues his designer’s journey towards the completion and publication of his Gloom of Kilforth. In previous issues he explored how the game became a vehicle for roleplaying and storytelling, used the mechanics to bring the game and its background to life, marketing options, and dealing with feedback and criticism about a game’s design, world-building and immersion through text and art, and the benefits of historical research, but this time, he examines the use of music in boardgames. In the main, he discusses how music can be used to enhance a game through its thematic and immersive effects. In roleplaying, this is both well known and fairly well explored, but less so when it comes to playing boardgames. Certainly, it works for roleplaying games, which are by design intended to be immersive, whereas for boardgames the degree of immersion is arguably not as deep, primarily because of the immediacy of the rules and mechanics, but also perhaps because there is a greater need to be concentrating on the rules? Of course, he ties this into the fact that there is a soundtrack for Gloom of Kilforth, and this is only a light discussion, so the subject might well benefit from a more detailed article.

Senet follows a standard format of articles and article types and Senet Issue 8 is no exception. One explores a theme found in board games, its history, and the games that showcase it to best effect, whilst another looks at a particular mechanic. In addition there are two interviews, one with a designer, the other with an artist. The theme article in the issue is science and board games. In ‘The Appliance of Science’, Matt Thrower explores the difficulties and perils of designing a science-themed boardgame. The primary peril is that of being overly or obviously educational, which can be seen in the Victorian game designs which offer a lot of scientific trivia without much in the way of game play. Fortunately, as game play has improved hand-in-hand with game design, so that modern designs such as Wingspan and Terraforming Mars can include a high degree of scientific content alongside their engaging game play. The article draws some interesting parallels between the wargame and the science-themed boardgame, especially when it comes to designs based on biology and dealing with aspects such as biodiversity and evolution, with different species competing for space. The article does not solely focus on biologically-themed board games, but it would have been useful if it had showcased more boardgames.

The mechanic discussed in the issue is that of social deduction. ‘Trust No One Suspect Everyone’ by Alexandra Sonechkina explores the relatively short history of the social deduction game, beginning with its interesting origins in the Soviet Union, at the Moscow State University, as the game, Mafia. Of course, the idea has its own origins in the children’s game, ‘Murder in the Dark’, but in boardgames, they really became popular with The Resistance, but in coming more up to date, hits some classics such as BattleStar Galactica and Ultimate One Night Werewolf. It highlights the emotional involvement of the format since it sets up players to feel at first a sense of paranoia and suspicion, and then the even stronger feelings of vindication if the mole or spy or Cylon (in the case BattleStar Galactica) is uncovered or of betrayal if we have failed to unmask him and he has been successful in undermining our efforts. The most recent iteration of the format discussed is Psychobabble, a Lovecraft-inspired game of dream deduction that does not rely upon betrayal or lies, one of the criticisms of the genre. This perhaps points to the potential in the format, which often feels achingly familiar from one design to the next.

The artist interviewed in ‘The Sky is the Limit’ is Andrew Bosley. Illustrator on designs such as Everdell, Tapestry, and Vivid Memories, there is an otherworldliness, even a sense of whimsy, to his artwork, that pulls the viewer into vistas he depicts. Unlike previous interviews with artists, ‘The Sky is the Limit’ does not delve too deeply into Bosley’s background, instead concentrating more on the various projects he has worked on and how they developed. Nevertheless, this feels a much briefer interview than in previous issues, and there is no pullout of his artwork as in previous issues. Bosley’s artwork is beguiling and makes you want to look at the games where each appears and see the world they show in play. The designer interviewed in the issue is Nikki Valens in ‘The Storyteller’. The interview discusses the designer’s shift from creating expansions for Fantasy Flight Games’ H.P. Lovecraft-themed games to creating—in line with the theme of the issueIt has almost become a cliché to

something more welcoming of a diverse audience. So there is a distinct cultural difference to what they were doing before and what they are doing now, with designs like Artisans of Splendent Vales, the contrast being a fascinating read.

‘Unboxed’, Senet’s reviews includes a review of Origins: First Builders, a dice placement game, the engagingly thematic Caper: Europe, and the thoroughly strange Eyelet, which involves threading coloured shoelaces through holes in a double-sided board. Given the anticipation it was treated with in Senet Issue 7, it is no surprise that Crescent Moon is this issue’s top choice. It is an asymmetrical area-control game whose theme is the five factions and their differences of the Abbasid Caliphate. It is also a big game in that it needs four or five players and over two hours playing time. As in previous issues, the reviews section here is a good mix and the reviews are all useful and informative.

Rounding out Senet Issue 8 are the regular end columns, ‘How to Play’ and ‘Shelf of Shame’. For ‘How to Play’, Meeple Lady being the inclusive theme of the issue to a close with extremely good advice on how to ease and welcome new players into the hobby. Throughout, she makes good points and the advice is excellent. This includes actually saying hello, avoid using boardgame jargon, treating everyone the same as you would expect to be treated, and of course, being kind. This is article that really everyone should read and the roleplaying hobby certainly deserves its own version. In ‘Shelf of Shame’, Stella Jahja and Tarrant Falcke of Meeple University pull a game of their shelf that they own, but never played. Their choice is Cuba, a design from 2007, which they find surprisingly playable, simple, but brutal. The upshot is that the team plans to explore forgotten designs from the noughties. There is an enjoyable sense of a story being told here and is one of the most interesting ‘Shelf of Shame’ entries to date.

Physically, Senet Issue 8 is very professionally presented. It looks and feels as good as previous issues of the magazine.

It has almost become a cliché to state that as with previous issues, Senet Issue 8 offers a good mix of articles, interviews, and reviews, but it does. Its articles feel more expansive than in previous issues, with ‘Trust No One Suspect Everyone’ on social deduction games and ‘The Appliance of Science’ on science-themed boardgames, in particular, standing out. With Senet Issue 8, the boardgame magazine maintains its high standard of informative and interesting articles.

Character Creation Challenge: Fear Dorich for Wasted Lands

The Other Side -

 I got to thinking about these experiments, and I realized that I had yet to try converting a druid. I am a huge fan of druids, both as a concept and as a character class, with the 1st Ed AD&D one near the top of my list. I have done more than a few Bards, but no druid yet.

This also got me thinking about which Druid to use. I have plenty, including a few that have never seen "print" on these pages. But in the end, I am opting for an atypical druid. I am going to build Fear Dorich, the Dark Druid. 

Dark Druid Sheets

Fear Dorich has a history in my games. I stated him up once for Castles & Crusades for a previous Character Creation Challenge, and he was the main antagonist of the Buffy adventure The Dark Druid. He is a great character with quite a lot of history with me. 

Fear Dorich, and that is not his name, It means "Dark Man," is or was a normal Druid. But in my games he is fighting the rising tide of Christianity. So he has taken it upon himself to keep the worship of the new God to a minimum by killing all the new worshipers. It is a losing battle, we all know, but that is the character I am playing here.  So he is not about grabbing what power he can to achieve those ends.

Fear Dorich, the Dark DruidFear Dorich, the Dark Druid

Class: Sorcerer
Level: 5
Species: Human
Alignment: Dark
Background: Animistic

Strength: 12 (+0) 
Agility: 16 (+2) 
Toughness: 14 (+1) N
Intelligence: 18 (+3) N
Wits: 17 (+2) A
Persona: 18 (+3) 

Fate Points: 1d8
Defense Value: 8
Vitality: 25
Degeneracy: 0
Corruption: 1

Check Bonus (A/N/D): +3/+2/+1
Melee Bonus: +1 (base) 
Ranged Bonus: +1 (base)
Spell Attack: +3
Saves: +4 (+2) to Spells and Magical effects (Sorcerer), +2 to Persona saves, -2 to magic saves if far from a source of Radiance

Sorcerer Abilities
Arcana, Arcane Powers (2): Wild Form, Shadow Walk

Sorcerer Spells
First Level: Armor of Earth, Bless, Restore Food and Water
Second Level: Beguile Person, Invoke Fear
Third Level: Dark Lightning

Heroic/Divine Touchstones 
1st Level: +1 to combat, Scimitar
2nd Level: Precognition Power

Animistic Background
Animal Summoning 1
Speak with Plants and Animals

Heroic (Divine) Archetype: Death


Wasted Lands Druids

This is Fear Dorich early into his career of killing members of the new faith. He already has a 1 point of corruption, and I am expecting a lot more.

Wasted Lands does an excellent job with druids; to be honest, you just have to choose your arcane powers and divine touchstones well.

He also fits in well to something else I am working on, but maybe more on that next week or even later down the line.

You can get the Wasted Lands RPG and the NIGHT SHIFT RPG at Elf Lair Games.

Character Creation Challenge

Character Creation Challenge: Nida for Wasted Lands

The Other Side -

 I want to get some more Forgotten Realms this month, and this has me thinking about my *other* native Forgotten Realms character, Lady Nida. But maybe before she was a "Lady."

When I did stats for Nida a while back for AD&D 2nd Ed, I wanted her to be a combination of the witches that I didn't play back then: a Witch of Hala and a Witch of Rashemen. To be a witch of Hala, though, you have to start out in a non-spell-casting class. Fine! I wanted her to start out as a rogue/thief beforehand anyway, so that works. I also knew that Nida, along with Sinéad, were going to be part of a party of characters.  Playing Sinéad, though, in Baldur's Gate 3 changed some of my ideas about her.  So now some of these ideas that don't work as well for Sinéad are going over to Nida. 

Nida Sheets

I want to focus on her Rogue/Thief/Renegade side for this build in Wasted Lands. She has some magic already, which might be the reason Sinéad joins up with her band of adventurers, and also why Sinéad has part of her hair shaved off and wears a lot of black leather; she is emulating the friend she met when she first left home.  Maybe I'll even use a "Quantum Cat" version of Johan as the party's cleric. It would be a different version of course, but maybe the same as my Baldur's Gate 3 run.  Note: I DO have a Baldur's Gate 3 version of Nida as well, but I want to try out something different for her in another run, maybe.

But for now, her job is to be a bad influence on Sinéad. 


Class: Renegade
Level: 4
Species: Human
Alignment: Twilight
Background: Sorcerous (Grew up in Rashemen)

Strength: 11 (+0) 
Agility: 16 (+2) A
Toughness: 16 (+2) 
Intelligence: 17 (+2) N
Wits: 13 (+1) 
Persona: 18 (+3) N

Fate Points: 1d6
Defense Value: 5
Vitality: 23
Degeneracy: 0
Corruption: 0

Check Bonus (A/N/D): +3/+2/+0
Melee Bonus: +2 (base) 
Ranged Bonus: +2 (base) +2
Spell Attack: +0
Saves: +3 vs Death effects (Renegade), +2 to Persona saves (Sorcerous background)

Renegade Abilities
Improved Defence, Ranged Combat, Stealth Skills, Climbing, Danger Sense (1-3), Perception, Vital Strike x3, Read Languages, Stealth Skills

Stealth Skills
Open Locks: 30%
Bypass Traps: 25%
Sleight of Hand: 35%
Sneak: 30%

Heroic/Divine Touchstones 
1st Level: Arcane Power: Detect Thoughts
2nd Level: Luck Benefit 1d6

Sorcerous Background
Bonus Arcane Power: Precognition

Heroic (Divine) Archetype: Magic

Dagger, Leather Armor, thieves tools

Wasted Lands Renegades as AD&D Thieves

Nida here is not "Lady Nida" yet, but she is a good thief. In fact, the Wasted Lands Renegade stacks up well to the AD&D thief. Now, if I were in a min/maxing mood, I could have given her Sage and used the divine touchstones to improve her thief's skills. But that didn't ring true to who I think this character is. While she grew up in Rashemen, she is not a sage. She doesn't have spells just yet, but she will stop being a thief soon and switch over to being a Sorceress or Witch.

I'll come back to both Nida and Sinéad and whatever other characters I come up with for my Forgotten Realms exploration.

You can get the Wasted Lands RPG and the NIGHT SHIFT RPG at Elf Lair Games.

Character Creation Challenge

Character Creation Challenge: Kersy the Sea Witch for Wasted Lands

The Other Side -

 Both the Wasted Lands and the "I" of D&D BECMI offer paths to godhood and/or immortality.  While the Immortal rules have some, well, issues they are still a fascinating glimpse into one possible end game for D&D characters.

The path to immortality is better defined in the pages of the Wasted Lands, but no less complicated for the character (the player has an easier time understanding). Indeed, there are very, very few characters that can make it to immortality. One of my own immortal characters, Johan I, got his forever-ever-after as a Saint. 

But I do have another immortal character, one that "went through the hoops" in BECMI to get there. Granted, not a Player Character but rather an NPC.  The Witch Kersy.

Kersy's character sheets

When my characters meet Kersy for the first (and likely last) time she is already an Immortal. She is from the adventure, M1 Into the Maelstrom, so I guess that makes her Bruce Heard's character, but even he admits she is just a thinly veiled version of Circe. That's where I come in. 

Kersy's Background

In the module, we are introduced to a nascent Immortal, Kersy.  She is using her human guise as a 30th-level magic User, and she is the ruler of the Island of Turkeys.  If you think she sounds a lot like Circe and her Island of Pigs, then you are correct.  But.  Doing some deeper research into Kersy gives me a stranger tale.   Over at the Vaults of Pandius, they have expanded on her background a bit more. 

She is described as the distillation of the would-be immortal Koryis's own unwanted thoughts, urges, and feelings.  

Koryis is the Immortal Patron of Peace.  While on his epic quest, he sought to purge himself of evil in impure thoughts. He was successful, and that "impurity" manifested itself as Kersy.

At least, that is what his mythology says. 

We learn from M1 that she is a "beautiful maiden" and a "30th level magic-user." But other details are scant. From the Vaults of Pandius, we learn that she is beautiful with long raven-black hair and amber-colored eyes.  She is the Patroness of Witchcraft and Charms.  Certainly, she is more than just some cast of skin of evil.

She is also described as having "milky-white skin" (boring!), but I have been looking for an excuse to use Vanessa Williams as a witch since 1997. 

Back in 2020 I got her stated up as a 31st level Witch, just on the cusp of her own immortality.

Today I am going to try her out as a starting witch with Immortality very, very far away. Now, in canon Kersy likely started out "life" as a 31st level witch or whatever it was that Koryis was. But here I recast her as a lower level witch and working her way back up to power. She has no idea who or what she is save she is drawn to the sea and to Koryis, whom she both hates and loves. 

Once again, I can only see a young Vanessa Williams as Kersy. Halle Bailey (from the live-action Little Mermaid) would also be great.

Kersey, the Sea WitchKersy, the Sea Witch

Class: Sorceress (Witch)
Level: 14
Species: Human
Alignment: Twilight
Background: Sorcerous

Strength: 12 (+0) 
Agility: 16 (+2) 
Toughness: 14 (+1) 
Intelligence: 18 (+3) N
Wits: 17 (+2) N
Persona: 18 (+3) A

Fate Points: 1d10
Defense Value: 1
Vitality: 60
Degeneracy: 1
Corruption: 1

Check Bonus (A/N/D): +6/+4/+2
Melee Bonus: +2 (base) 
Ranged Bonus: +2 (base)
Spell Attack: +7
Saves: +7 (+8) to Spells and Magical effects (Sorcerer), +1 to all saves

Sorcerers Abilities
Arcana, Arcane Powers (5): Beguile, Detect Thoughts, Enhanced Senses, Pre-Cognition, Subtle Influence

Sorceress Spells
First Level: Arcane Darts, Beast Speech, Command, Predict Weather, Sleep
Second Level: Beguile Person, ESP, Invoke Fear, Paralyze Person
Third Level: Breathe Water, Cure Disease, Curse, Dispel Magic
Fourth Level: Befuddlement, Control Temperature, Illusory Landscape, Metamorphose Other
Fifth Level: Comand Winds, Dominate Other, Summon Elemental
Sixth Level: Evoke Weather, Invisible Servant, Part the Seas
Seventh Level: Mass Metamorphosis, Widdershins Dance

Heroic/Divine Touchstones 
1st Level: 1st Level Spell: Glamour
2nd Level: Control Water, Minor
3rd Level: Mode of Movement: Water Walk
4th Level: Magical Recovery
5th Level: +1 to all checks, attacks, and saves
6th Level: Immunity to Spell damage
7th Level: Increased Glamour

Heroic (Divine) Archetype: Magic, Witchcraft

Wand, Bracers of Defence

Wasted Lands as D&D BECMI

If I were to ever run a pure BECMI game again, I would use Wasted Lands as part of it. Much like Hyperborea yesterday, BECMI and Wasted Lands feel right together.

Kersy, here in this version, makes for a great Sea Witch and growing in her power on her track to immortality. For these reasons I gave her a Heroic/Divine touchstone every other level. 

You can get the Wasted Lands RPG and the NIGHT SHIFT RPG at Elf Lair Games.

Character Creation Challenge

Character Creation Challenge: Tanith Winters for Wasted Lands

The Other Side -

 It's still cold outside. So another winter-themed character is needed, and nothing is more winter than the Winters family of witches and my current character, Tanith Winters.

Tanith is a great character to test for Wasted Lands. For starters, I have been playing her in both D&D/OSR clones and for three editions of Hyperborea. I also have used her in NIGHT SHIFT as part of the modern versions of the Winters family.

Tanith Winters sheets

Wasted Lands and Hyperborea have similar DNA and can be used to play very similar sorts of games. The biggest difference between them setting-wise is that the Wasted Lands takes place in the distant past, and Hyperborea is in the far future.

Both games are solid in their Old-School sensibilities and feel. Both games are a lot of fun for that Dark Fantasy mixed with horror overtones with more than a little influences of Howard, Lovecraft, and Smith. 

Tanith WintersTanith Winters

Class: Witch (Sorcerer) 
Level: 12
Species: Human (Hyperborean)
Alignment: Neutral
Background: Barbarian

Strength: 10 (+0) 
Agility: 12 (+0) 
Toughness: 14 (+1) N 
Intelligence: 16 (+2) N
Wits: 12 (+0) 
Persona: 16 (+2) A

Fate Points: 1d10
Defense Value: 5
Vitality: 53
Degeneracy: 0
Corruption: 0

Check Bonus (A/N/D): +5/+3/+2
Melee Bonus: +1 (base) 
Ranged Bonus: +1 (base)
Spell Attack: +6
Saves: +5 to Spells and Magical effects (Sorcerer), +2 to Toughness saves (Barbarian), +1 to Cold (Touchstone)

Sorceress Abilities
Arcana, Arcane Powers (4): Familiar: Owl Psychic Power: Cryokinesis, Enhanced Senses, Supernatural Senses

Sorceress Spells
First Level: Arcane Darts, Chill, Protection from Good/Evil, Armor of Ice
Second Level: Create Wated, Cool Metal, Lock, Unlock
Third Level: Slow, Dark Lightning, Dispel Magic, Curse 
Fourth Level: Control Tempature, Life Drain, Control Ice
Fifth Level: Blight, Elemental Wall
Sixth Level: Invoke Weather, Disentergrate

Heroic/Divine Touchstones
1st Level: +1 Saves vs. Cold
2nd Level: +1 attacks w/ Cold
3rd Level: Magical Recovery
4th Level: Defense Cold
5th Level Ray: Ray of Cold
6th Level: Cold Immunity

Heroic (Divine) Archetype: Winter

Familiar: Snowy Owl, "Beira."

Cloak of Winter

Wasted Lands & Hyperborea

Both the Wasted Lands and Hyperborea scratch a similar itch for me. I would have to say that I can play many similar games with both games. The tenor is different enough that playing the same sorts of adventures do feel different.

I'd love to try out a set of adventures, maybe even featuring the Winters family, in both Wasted Lands and then millions of years later in Hyperborea. 

Character wise, this version of Tanith is great. Hyperborea has a few more choices in spells than Wasted Lands, but there is also a big difference in size of the rule books. Granted, the spells are also largely interchangeable.  


You can get the Wasted Lands RPG and the NIGHT SHIFT RPG at Elf Lair Games.

Character Creation Challenge

Character Creation Challenge: Jassic Winterhaven for Wasted Lands

The Other Side -

 It is frigid outside. But we are in the middle of winter, so I guess that is expected. It did get me thinking about a few of my winter-themed characters. So let's start this one off with one of my favorites, Jassic Winterhaven, the gnome bard/warlock.

Wasted Lands has rules for using characters other than the proto-humans of the Dreaming Age. I have done some elves and half-elves, but let see what we can do with a gnome.

Jassic Winterhaven sheets

Jassic here is a bit of fun character. In D&D 4e he was a test run of the hybrid class rules of a Bard and a Warlock.  Later on he became a more traditional Bard/Warlock multiclass in D&D 5e. Both worked remarkably well and loved how well Bard and Warlock work with each other.  I did do this in Baldur's Gate 3, but not as Jassic.

Wasted Lands does not have a proper Warlock class. Night Shift does. Also, neither game has a true bard. But there is the Sage, which so far has played very Bard-like.

So, who is Jassic, and how should I re-build him in Wasted Lands? Taking the Sorcerer and saying he has magic but needs to play an instrument to use it is easily done. No extra rules are needed. Sage would cover his languages and his lore and even grant his some extra spells as well as some Renegade/Rogue abilities. So that is all great. Perform? Well, that is a sort of Persona check. Bardic inspiration? Ah, that one is trickier. But let's see what I can do with some Heroic Touchstones.

Jassic WinterhavenJassic Winterhaven

Class: Sorcerer / Sage
Level: 4/2
Species: Gnome
Alignment: Light 
Background: Gnome

Strength: 12 (+0) 
Agility: 12 (+0) 
Toughness: 12 (+0) 
Intelligence: 14 (+1) N
Wits: 16 (+2) N
Persona: 18 (+3) A

Fate Points: 1d8
Defense Value: 6
Vitality: 23
Degeneracy: 0
Corruption: 0

Check Bonus (A/N/D): +4/+2/+1
Melee Bonus: +0 (base) 
Ranged Bonus: +0 (base)
Spell Attack: +2
Saves: +3 to Spells and Magical effects (Sorcerer), +1 to Wits and Persona saves (Gnome)

Sorcerer Abilities
Arcana, Arcane Powers (2): Beguile, Precognition

Sorceress Spells
First Level: Arcane Darts, Beast Speech, Prestidigitation
Second Level: See Invisible, Unlock

Gnome Abilities
Night Sighted

Sage Abilities
Languages (14), Lore, Suggestion, Mesmerize Others, Renegade skills at level 1

Sage Spells
First Level: Chill Ray

Heroic/Divine Touchstones
1st Level: Bonus Skill: Performance
2nd Level: Luck benefit
3rd Level: Additional Luck
4th Level: Magical recovery

Heroic (Divine) Archetype: Wanderer

Shortbow, shortsword, leather armor, 

Wasted Lands Bards

For starters, suggestion helps with some Bardic abilities. The Luck Benefit from the Heroic touchstones also gives a good replacement for Bardic Inspiration. I can have him take it again at higher levels for more use in the day.

I'd have to play this character some more to see how he works out. 

You can get the Wasted Lands RPG and the NIGHT SHIFT RPG at Elf Lair Games.

Character Creation Challenge

Deities & Demigods II Updates, 2024 Update

The Other Side -

Jupiter It Sunday night. I have tomorrow off which is good because it is like -9° F with a  wind chill of -31° outside right now. I said I was not going to complain about the cold this year, but this is testing my resolve.

Instead of freezing my ass off, I am poking at my Deities & Demigods II.  I have all the text in the layout, but I am in a quandary.  I love the work I have done on it, but I can't in good conscience sell it anymore or even give it away for free using AI-generated art. 

I am going still play around AI art for personal fun, but not for publishing this particular project. 

This is an issue since the Black Forest Mythos has two dozen gods and a dozen or so monsters. I need to find some art.  I really don't want to spend a ton on art and not see a return on it. I am fine not making a profit for this sine I was doing it for fun (and potentially for free) but I would like to recoup any money spent on art now.

So. Trying to figure out my next steps.

Character Creation Challenge: Kelek for Wasted Lands

The Other Side -

 One more magical character. This time, I want to do Skylla's partner in crime, Kelek the Cruel.

Kelek is a fun character. He was the only Dungeons & Dragons action figure I ever purchased when they were new, except for special edition ones that came out later/recently. And I have used him in a few games. In particular, he is the main bad guy in my War of the Witch Queens

Kelek character sheets

Now Kelek, in my games, has a bit of orc somewhere in his bloodline. So he gets better than expected Constitution/Toughness scores and has slightly pointed ears.  In Baldur's Gate 3 I managed this with carefully editing the half-orc facial features. 

In BG3 and D&D 5 he is a Sorcerer. So he gets magic on the fly. I am able to do this in Wasted Lands by having him take the Street Mage or Hedge Mage arcane power. Like Skylla he is a Persona (Charisma) based caster but his sorcery is different than her witchcraft. He is also one level higher at 7.  

Old hands at D&D B/X or BECMI will note that a 6th-level Magic user has the level title of "Warlock," and a 7th-level Magic user has the title of Sorcerer. Works out here as well. 

Kelek the CruelKelek

Class: Sorcerer
Level: 7
Species: Human* (Orc-men)
Alignment: Dark
Background: Sorcerous

Strength: 15 (+1) 
Agility: 10 (0) 
Toughness: 14 (+1) 
Intelligence: 15 (+1) N
Wits: 13 (+1) N
Persona: 17 (+2) A

Fate Points: 1d8
Defense Value: 5
Vitality: 32
Degeneracy: 0
Corruption: 0

Check Bonus (A/N/D): +4/+2/+1
Melee Bonus: +1 (base) 
Ranged Bonus: +1 (base)
Spell Attack: +4
Saves: +3 to Spells and Magical effects (Sorcerer) +1 to Toughness saves (Orc-men).

Sorcerer Abilities
Arcana, Arcane Powers (3): Street Mage, Enhanced Senses (magic), Detect Thoughts

Sorceress Spells
First Level: Arcane Dart, Command, Read Languages, Sleep
Second Level: Beguile Person, ESP, Unlock
Third Level: Concussive Blast, Fly

Heroic/Divine Touchstones
1st Level: First Level Spell: Chill Ray
2nd Level: 

Heroic (Divine) Archetype: Magic

Robe of Protection, Staff of Sorceries

Wasted Lands Magic-users

Skylla and Kelek

Class-wise, Skylla and Kelek are the same class. At least that is how they are in the Wasted Lands. Consequently, this is also how they were in D&D Basic. Both were Magic-users. It has just been the last few years where they have been different things, warlock and sorcerer respectively.

Just like Basic (and OD&D and AD&D) you make them feel different by how you play them.

Wasted Lands adds an additional level of arcane powers; this is the first split. By given Kelek Streer or Hedge Mage we free him from the need of spell books. Though it also means that his big desire of stealing Ringlerun's spell book is sort of lost. For Skylla I give her the arcane power of innate magic to allow her to use Arcane Darts more, a she would an Eldritch Blast. 

I can further separate them with a few choice Divine Touchstones.  Simplicity is the key to flexibility here. 

You can get the Wasted Lands RPG and the NIGHT SHIFT RPG at Elf Lair Games.

Character Creation Challenge

Character Creation Challenge: Skylla for Wasted Lands

The Other Side -

 Continuing some magic characters, I also want to do one that I have meant to do since Wasted Lands came out. 

Skylla is a character I have talked about a lot here. She is one of the old LJN Dungeons & Dragons figures (who never got a proper figure), was an NPC in the Shady Dragon Inn, and was to appear in the D&D Cartoon. I was talking about her for years before she came back into popularity. Not only have stated her up for various D&D-like/OSR RPGs, I also have her in an "evil run" in Baldur's Gate 3.

While she is a D&D-owned character, I have done quite a lot with her here, and a comparison should be made.

Skylla character sheets

Since I am using Skylla and Kelek together in both Baldur's Gate 3 and my War of the Witch Queens (and Witchlight), I am going to do them both here. Both are magic user, but I also want to highlight their differences.

First up. Skylla.

Skylla is often depicted as a 6th-level Magic-user; this makes her level title "Warlock," which is often how she is described. I my posts on her I have used a variety of classes, but most often a witch. For the purposes of this post I am going to keep her at 6th level.  In the D&D 5e version of her she has Warlock as her class and this is what I went with in Baldur's Gate 3.

Wasted Lands only has a Sorcerer class. So I'll need to make some tweaks to her and Kelek (who will also be a Sorcerer) to make them feel different. 


Class: Sorceress
Level: 6
Species: Human
Alignment: Dark
Background: Sorcerous

Strength: 9 (0) 
Agility: 11 (0) 
Toughness: 14 (+1) 
Intelligence: 12 (0) N
Wits: 15 (+1) N
Persona: 17 (+2) A

Fate Points: 1d8
Defense Value: 5
Vitality: 28
Degeneracy: 0
Corruption: 0

Check Bonus (A/N/D): +4/+2/+1
Melee Bonus: +1 (base) 
Ranged Bonus: +1 (base)
Spell Attack: +3
Saves: +2 to Spells and Magical effects (Sorcerer) +2 to Intelligence saves (Sorcerous background).

Sorcerer Abilities
Arcana, Arcane Powers (2): Innate Magic: Arcane Dart, Begulie Person

Sorceress Spells
First Level: Arcane Dart, Glamour, Gout of Flame
Second Level: Beguile Person, Magic Lock, Paralyze Person
Third Level: Dark Lightning, Dispel Magic

Heroic/Divine Touchstones
1st Level: First Level Spell: Mystic Senses
2nd Level: 

Heroic (Divine) Archetype: Magic

Robe of Protection, Staff of the Demon, Necromancies of Thay tome. 

Wasted Lands as D&D 

Early on in the Framingham, MA test trials of the anti-Breast cancer drug Tamoxifen it became so obvious that the drug was effective given the obvious differences in the two sets of participants (experimental vs. control) that even though it was a double blind study everyone knew the the drug was working, and working well. They stopped the study and put all the participants on Tamoxifen. 

That is where I am at now in this experiment. 

I am going to say I can emulate any sort of D&D-like experience with Wasted Lands.

Tomorrow, with Kelek, I'll focus less on this obvious point and more on how to emulate different sorts of spellcasters.

You can get the Wasted Lands RPG and the NIGHT SHIFT RPG at Elf Lair Games.

Character Creation Challenge

Double Hubris

Reviews from R'lyeh -

Manticore is a scenario for Traveller. It takes place on the world of Pysadi in the Aramis Subsector of the Spinward Marches Sector and involves an investigation into a runaway girl and her connection to a zealous religious cult on a nearby world. It ideally requires the Player Characters to have basic training in both weapons and vacc suit, and if they do possess a starship, that it should be capable of Jump-2. The scenario includes a set of eight pre-generated Player Characters, four of which between them have the skills necessary to operate a starship as well as one of them owning an S-Type Scout. However, one of the problems with this is that the Player Characters are expected to to own a merchant ship of some kind and certainly a vessel capable of carrying cargo. Both the mechanics and the plot of Manticore are straightforward enough that running it using TravellerClassic Traveller, or Cepheus Deluxe Enhanced Edition are all easy enough to do.

Manticore is written by Carl Terence Vandal and is a sequel of sorts to The Phoenix Initiative, which ended with the Player Characters being recruited as agents in the service of Duke Norris and his family. It is not though, a direct sequel, but rather a thematic one as it deals with the misuse of advanced science. Alternatively, it can also be run as a standalone affair. It begins with the Player Characters on Aramis in the Spinward Marches Sector, spending a little of their recent profits on a night out when they approached by a girl asking for money. Soon after this, she is approached by two men who attempt to abduct her, but she seems able to deal with them in a smart fashion. Their encounter is timely, if not for the Player Characters, then for a local Imperial agent who recruits them with gentle threats of menace. The Imperial Agent informs the Player Characters that the girl, Maxine, has recently fled from the nearby world of Pysadi, an an agricultural world governed by the strict ‘Mother Church’. The two men who attempted to abduct her were zealots of the Mother Church. The Imperial Agent will also tell the Player Characters that the Mother Church has entered into an agreement with an independent military organisation called ‘Manticore’, to launch an invasion of Zila, a neighbouring world on religious grounds and so bring it into the fold of Mother Church. Maxine and her family was being held by Manticore. The Imperial Agent wants the Player Characters to confirm the existence of the invasion plan, the links between Mother Church and the military organisation, and whether or not the Imperial representative on Pysadi, Baron Sir Mikhail Lentreth, is supporting the plan or being held hostage by Mother Church.

Getting to Pysadi will prove easy and the Imperial Agent will even provide goods that merchants on the planet will want to buy. Pysadi is a TAS Amber Zone due to its theocratic government and high law levels, which bans firearms and blades—and worse, alcohol. (In fact, the given reason for the invasion of Zila is that some of the agricultural exports from Pysadi are being fermented into alcohol!). Other than that, the Player Characters have relatively easy freedom of movement on the planet and what they will quickly discover is that everyone on the world is aware of the invasion plan and fully supportive of it. They do not know the exact details, of course, but can point to the rocket being prepared on its launchpad at the starport with no little pride and expectation. In technological terms, the rocket is confirmation that Mother Church has outside help as it is incapable of constructing it using the means available on Pysadi.

The Player Characters have several avenues of investigation. These include locating the Manticore compound, getting a closer look at the rocket, discovering the plans for the invasion of Zila, and determining the degree to which Baron Sir Mikhail Lentreth is involved in the plan. Some information is relatively easy to find, especially given the openness of the members of the Mother Church about the forthcoming invasion, but the Player Character will still need to conform this. Much of this involves stealth and breaking into various buildings, although some paperwork can be obtained to gain access to certain areas. Ultimately, the Player Characters will want to stop the invasion. Which means stopping the rocket. This can be done from the ground, but the security around the rocket is very tight, or it can be done after the rocket has launched. This sets up an exciting chase from Pysadi to the Jump Point as the Player Characters attempt to rendezvous with the invasion rocket, which it turns out, is actually a Jump Rocket and is fitted with a Jump Drive. Once in close proximity, they are to board and capture the vessel and its crew, which leads to showdown with the villain of the piece and a firefight or brawl in the cramped quarters of the rocket.
There are a number of situations which the scenario does not address. What happens if the Player Characters simply decide to launch their starship and use its weapons to destroy or damage the rocket on its launchpad? What if they fire at the unarmed rocket during the chase? Can they sabotage it that way? What happens if the rocket makes it to the jump point and gets away? In the first case, this would also mean firing on the starport, which is Imperial territory—and this is before the number of possible casualties is considered, and in the second, firing on an unarmed vessel would be seen as an act of aggression. If the rocket gets away, the Game Master will have to develop this possibility herself.

The Game Master is given a decent amount of support to help her run the scenario. This includes details and map of the world, Pysadi, the Mother Church and its headquarters, the Manticore compound, and details and deckplans of the invasion rocket. There are a couple of items of new equipment, the Concealed Power Holster and the Hand Needler, which will enable the Player Characters to circumvent the high law level on Pysadi. The last part of the scenario includes a section of Library Data, which is decent enough, but not all of the information is useful and there is some information missing, such as that on Manticore.
The scenario is not without its issues. One is with the NPC, Maxine. She is underwritten, the Game Master needing a little more detail than is given about since her involvement underlies the whole scenario. What becomes clear over the course of the scenario is that she has been genetically enhanced and if the Player Characters do confront the Manticore contingent aboard the rocket ship as the scenario lays out, they will discover that its commander is too. He is a tough opponent and it is suggested that if the Player Characters cannot deal with him, then Maxine can. Which undermines the Player Characters’ agency in what is a climatic encounter. Another issue is that Manticore is underwritten as a presence in the scenario. It lurks in the background and the Player Characters never really have a chance to encounter it and its operatives until very late in the scenario. It does not help that the motivations and background to Manticore are left unexplained. Lastly, the connection between Manticore and The Phoenix Initiative is underplayed, both terms of the background to the scenario and the fact that the Player Characters may have Imperial connections already as a result of playing through the latter scenario.
Physically, Manticore is an improvement on the earlier, The Phoenix Initiative. It is tidier and the world map is better, but it does need another proofing pass. The artwork is decent though.
Manticore is a much better and more interesting scenario than the previous The Phoenix Initiative. It is also better written and organised and so easier to run, but it does leave the Game master with a number of unanswered questions which she will probably have to answer herself. Otherwise, Manticore is a decent scenario which explores what happens when pride goes too far and someone takes advantage of it.


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