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#Dungeon23 Tomb of the Vampire Queen, Level 12, Room 22

The Other Side -

 This large opening leads to the grand burial chambers of the Vampire Queen herself. There is a flight of stairs going down, opening to a large chamber.

Room 22

The chamber has five exits: two to the left, two to the right, and one ahead.  

Between the party and these exits are a hundred or so skeletons

This chamber has 6d20+10 skeletons that will rise up and attack.

The Empty Chair: R. Michael Grenda

The Other Side -

R. Michael "Evil" Grenda Well. I didn't expect to be doing this today. I just got word that my old High School and College DM, R. Michael Grenda, died yesterday.  The cause of death is unknown, but it is suspected it was a heart attack.

I have mentioned him here many times, usually not by name, I don't name people unless they have explicitly said it was fine. But we began playing in my early high school days. We met via our school's theatre group. Yeah, we were both theatre kids. We bonded over our shared love of D&D and the fact that we both owned TRS-80 Color Computers

He had his world, based mainly on the World of Greyhawk and I had mine, based on the Known World, or what would later be known as Mystara. And we would go back and forth between these worlds. Eventually, we would merge them and he made a map for it that I would eventually lose and then much, much later find the Mystoerth map I still use today. We played chess together often, had similar tastes in fiction, and discovered computer games together.

When I left town to go to University, he eventually followed me there. He was a computer science major and would eventually end up working with databases for the State of Illinois (which is as much archaeology as it is computer science) and met his future wife while we were all at school together. His wife (then his girlfriend) introduced me to Gopher sites and even this new thing called the World Wide Web.

Much of what happened in our games lives on in my work here.  The "Big Bad" of my Buffy campaign "The Dragon and the Phoenix" was Yoln Shadowreaper, one of his NPCs. The entire background of TDaTP was my big War of the Dragons, which was our world-ending battle before college.

Our "D&D on the Computer" game BARDD was largely written by him. When I6 Ravenloft came out I bought it and then made him run it. Back in college, we even did the "Dreams of Barovia" campaign where the characters shifted from one reality to the next, with him running House on Gryphon Hill and me running the original I6. I ran my first test of my witch class with him and we tried out his Riddle Master, Beastmaster, and Shadowmaster classes.

We had met up recently, back in July, and that was great. We had not seen each other in a long time. Family, jobs, kids. You know the story.  I hate to say it, but when his wife called me last night, I was not 100% surprised. I thought he looked a little unwell. But hell, we are all in our 50s now. None of us look "great."  

I have not quite processed it all yet, to be honest.  I owe a lot of my my current writing to him and the games we played. Thought we might roll some dice one more time, but I guess not.


I'll end with him flipping me off at a party a bunch of us were at in college. He would have found it funny.

#Dungeon23 Tomb of the Vampire Queen, Level 12, Room 21

The Other Side -

 A secret door here is similar to the one in Room #18 to Room #19.  Finding that one makes finding this one easier; an extra 1 (on a d6), a +16% (d%), or +3 (on d20).

Room 21

This room contains Treasure Types A, G, and H. There is also a sword +3 here. The sword and all the treasure here is cursed. Removing any of it from this room results in the possessor needing to make a saving throw vs. Magic or begin losing 1 point per turn to a random ability: d6 1=Strength, 2=Intelligence, 3=Wisdom, 4=Dexterity, 5=Constitution, 6=Charisma. To stop the drain the items must be returned to this room.  

Only magic can restore ability loss. 

The Dragon #28, Vol 4.2

D&D Chronologically -

Cover by Dean Morrissey

What’s new
  • The Dungeon Masters Guide is out!
  • New column – Up on a Soap Box
  • Full board game – The Awful Green Things From Outer Space
The Dungeon Masters Guide
  • Extensive Q&A with Gygax about the DMG
  • It’s an attempt to give more structure to the game to avoid the craziness OD&D could lead to and allow campaigns to go longer without the players becoming too powerful too quickly (ha, rather different to 5e)
  • He doesn’t envision there being a lot of supplements like OD&D – the 3 books will be sufficient – there may be a second edition but it will be a long time in the future
  • And female dwarves have beards
  • And a bunch of comments by a panel of people involved in its creation – mostly about which sections they like the most
Sorcerer’s Scroll
  • Gygax delves into the evil alignment, particularly what it means to be lawful vs chaotic or neutral
  • The Politics of Hell – a half real-world mythological/half made-up account of the history of hell
  • A Short Course in D&D – describes an experience of teaching D&D to 55 people and the logistics involved
  • Six Guns and Sorcery – Allen Hammack gives a character conversion table between Boot Hill and AD&D, both from and to
  • Fantasy Smith’s Notebook – a new column about miniatures – in this one reviewing various manufacturers
Up on a Soap Box
  • Conventions: The manufacturer’s view – Gygax gives a good overview of the various costs vs profits an exhibitor can expect – basically it costs a lot but that’s the price of exposure
  • Level Progression for Players and Dungeon Masters – a way of scoring yourself – x amount of XP for DMing a campaign, for having a character die etc and then being able to say something like I’m a level 4 DM and a level 7 player, one of those nice ideas that will never take off
Giants in the Earth
  • Leigh Brackett’s Eric John Stark
  • Lord Dunsany’s Welleran
Bazaar of the Bizarre
  • Len Lakofka gives us Potions of Forgetfulness, Rings of Silence, Horn of Hadies, Chime of Warning, Book of a Magic User, Leomund’s Plate and Cup, and Apparatus of Spikey Owns (!?)
Dragon’s Bestiary
  • Slinger
Out on a Limb letters
  • Various rants about D&D that aren’t worth detailing

The Dragon #27, Vol 4.1

D&D Chronologically -

Cover by Thomas Canty – you can’t beat a knight on a horse!

What’s new
  • New Dragon title logo! The logotype would essentially remain the same till #274, albeit with lots of variations including a change to a 3D style in #225
  • At the start of volume IV, Kask takes a look back at what they’ve achieved with the Dragon and what plans they have – more Tom Wham games, contests, more colour, layout re-designs, etc
Sorcerer’s Scroll
  • Guest column by Bob Bledsaw from Judges Guild about what they’ve done to help D&D with all their playing aids
  • Brief report by Gygax on Cangames ’79 – says it was great
  • A quick look at Dwarves
  • Elementals and Philosopher’s Stone – creates some sort of 18 sided thingy that adds more elements such as dry, cold, etc and the corresponding elementals
  • Mythos of Africa – you know the drill
Giants in the Earth
  • Alan Garner’s Durathor
  • Fritz Leiber’s Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser
  • Edgar Rice Burrough’s John Carter of Mars
Bazaar of the Bizarre
  • Gygax – Bag of Wind and variants
Dragon’s Bestiary
  • The Horast
Out on a Limb letters
  • Rebuttal to the harsh LOTR movie critique in #25
Ads of note
  • Best of The Dragon – on sale at at GenCon XII (August) and shipped by mail Sep 1

The Official AD&D Coloring Album

D&D Chronologically -

This sure is an odd product. You can read a bit about the background here: https://2warpstoneptune.com/2013/11/25/the-story-of-troubador-press-an-interview-with-malcolm-whyte/

If that doesn’t work, try the archived version.

The book is initially a bit confusing. On each double page spread there are 3 sections – a full page illustration, and then a facing page with a top half that has a story that goes along with the illustration, and a bottom half that has rules for a dungeon game you can play by yourself. What is confusing and gradually becomes apparent is that the story and the game have absolutely nothing to do with each other!

The story has the party coming across all the biggest monsters in D&D, including Tiamat. The adventure has none of that.

The adventure is called, prosaically, “Adventure In The Dungeon”. There’s a map in the middle and some very basic rules about how to move and fight the monsters in each room. The connection to the AD&D rules is by the thinnest thread. There’s even a monster that doesn’t appear anywhere else – the Iron Skeletons of Grusyin.

Anyway, the story is fairly silly. A lot of it is taken up with descriptions of the monsters, mainly the colours of all their parts so that you know how to colour between the lines in the, shall we say, serviceable illustrations.

I guess the next attempt to capture the young market would be the D&D cartoon.

Date Information

Well on Goodreads, someone has put June. In the interview linked above, Malcolm Whyte mentions that shortly after it was published, James Dallas Egbert went missing, which was on August 15, 1979. So June and July are likely. I’ll happily go with June.

The Dragon #26, Vol 3.12

D&D Chronologically -

Cover by Roger MacGowan

What’s new
  • New assistant editor Gary Jaquet. Joe Orlowski has moved on to TSR Hobbies as GenCon Co-ordinator from TSR Periodicals
  • Reintroduction of Featured Creature as The Dragon’s Bestiary
  • New Giants in the Earth column by Lawrence Schick
  • New column Bazaar of the Bizarre – new magic items/spells etc
Sorcerer’s Scroll
  • Gygax talks history, saying the act of role playing (separate from specific rules) had been a part of wargaming for years before D&D, some history about the Lake Geneva Tactical Studies Association, the C&C Society, etc. Gygax’s sand table sounds awesome. And then finally the history on the publication of D&D and supplements. He then goes on to talk about how AD&D is a different game – whereas D&D is wild and woolly and can be used in all sorts of crazy loose ways, AD&D is meant to be much stricter and have more rulings about how things work, reducing grey areas. This will mean players can move from group to group more easily and tournament play can be more easily judged.
  • Deck of Fate – basically using a Tarot deck as a Deck of Fate and the results that will happen to a PC for each card
  • D&D Meets the Electronic Age by Rick Krebs who wrote Gangbusters – basically a description of his group using BASIC to do things like roll dice and determine hit success and even provide simple text adventure stuff like “You are standing in an east west corridor. Which way?”
Design Forum
  • Putting together a party on the spur of the moment – Gygax discusses quickly creating a party, for example at a convention, and gives a bunch of tables to generate said party – unlike a lot of these random table articles, this one is actually good
  • The Thief: A deadly annoyance – some suggestions for players of thieves to do more than just climb walls and pick pockets
  • Hirelings Have Feelings Too – bunch of considerations to not treat hirelings as just dumb yes-men
  • Notes from a Very Successful D&D Moderator – awful article by an awful puffed up DM who ends it all by wishing his players -8 on their saving throws – what a douche-bag
  • Chinese Undead – various special vampires and such
  • Another View of the Nine-Point Alignment Scheme – a table showing a bunch of things and the alignment’s approach to them – eg whether someone of that alignment would use poison
  • Strength comparison table – extending the strength table down to 0 and up to 27
Giants in the Earth
  • Jack Vance’s Cugel the Clever, Karl Edward Wagner’s Kane, Talbot Mundy’s Tros of Samothrace
Bazaar of the Bizarre
  • Overly detailed instructions on how to create a lich
Dragon’s Bestiary
  • The Barghest

The Dragon #25, Vol 3.11

D&D Chronologically -

First cover by Phil Foglio!

What’s new
  • Editorial notes that although the letters column has been revived, it’s already in serious doubt of continuing due to lack of submissions
  • Not a lot of D&D in this one – lots of Gamma World and other stuff
Sorcerer’s Scroll
  • Gygax discusses why character generation in D&D doesn’t have random tables for social class – basically it will be highly dependent on the DM’s campaign – the setting, government etc, so it’s not sensible to have generic tables
  • As an example campaign setting, the World of Greyhawk gets a mention – which wasn’t published till August 1980, one and a half years later
  • He mentions that the DMG is practically finished! He thanks a bunch of people
  • An article categorising orcish miniatures from various manufacturers
  • Varieties of Vampires – a whole bunch of variations from the real world to spice up your campaign
  • To Select a Mythos – some suggestions for creating your campaign setting
Out on a Limb letters
  • Critique of the new (animated) Lord of the Rings movie – pretty harsh!

Understanding Dungeons & Dragons

D&D Chronologically -

This was a 4 page promotional flier given to retailers.

More info and a screenshot can be found on The Acaeum.

I’m including this here for completeness even though I haven’t read it.

Date Information – Early 1979

I’m placing this in April for no particular reason.

The Dragon #24, Vol 3.10

D&D Chronologically -

Cover by Elrohir (Ken Rahman)

What’s new
  • now combined with Little Wars again going forward
  • Though only 48 pages, not 56, due to paper costs
  • Out on a Limb letters column makes its debut
  • Joe Orlowski leaving the mag to become convention director for TSR and Gary Jaquet replacing him
Sorcerer’s Scroll
  • Melee in D&D – a fairly lengthy but good and comprehensive article reiterating that D&D combat is not meant to be a realistic simulation but instead an abstraction that’s sufficient enough to make it somewhat realistic and also fun without getting bogged down. Gygax also notes that Jean Wells and Lawrence Shick have joined the TSR Design Department
  • Featured Creature #2 – winners announced – low number of entries means they won’t run the competition again – 1st place to Robert Charrette and Erol Outs gets an honourable mention
  • The Society for Creative Anachronism – Allen Hammack tells of his experiences (with photos) attending an SCA event – it’s not just about whacking other people with fake swords!
Design Forum
  • Keeping the Magic-User in his Place – DM advice of ways to nerf magic-users if they’re too powerful
  • In Defense of Extraordinary Characters – a rebuttal against the odd criticism that high level characters are unrealistic – they’re called games people!
  • Chinese dragons – alters and expands what’s given in Gods, Demi-Gods & Heroes
  • Another look at Lycanthropy – a bunch of extra rules – if you like that kind of thing
  • Narcisstics – another one of those really bad humourous monster things
  • Psionics Revisited – ugh – when will it ever end?! – this is a bunch of new powers as far as I can tell
  • Disease – random charts for duration and symptoms
  • The Ramifications of Alignment – an attempt to add extra delineations within the alignments and descriptions of gods that would be appropriate for these – eg Law is further split into things like Harmony, Justice, Knowledge, War, etc
Out on a Limb letters
  • Several criticisms of various articles and a bit of defensiveness on the part of the editor in response

The Dragon #23, Vol 3.9

D&D Chronologically -

Cover potentially done by DCS according to this.

What’s new
  • Back to 32 pages as the last standalone Dragon magazine not combined with Little Wars
  • Not a lot in this issue due to large page count given to fiction
Sorcerer’s Scroll
  • Gygax – random tables for generating lower plane creatures – as indicated, this was included almost verbatim as Appendix D in the DMG, although the article version has some drawings
  • Editorial about conventions, particularly Origins and how it seems a bit of a mess in terms of how it’s administered
  • A short article by Gygax about the growth of RPGs at the Annual Hobby Industry Convention and Trade Show
  • Notes on the weight of armor – it’s not as heavy as you may think in real life
  • Damage Permanency – random tables for damage to create permanent impairments to characters – with an editor’s note that this should not be used in D&D!
  • Dungeons & Prisons – a short article suggesting how a DM can use prisons to get rid of high level characters
  • Mind wrestling – a kind of board game marker thingy variant for handling psionics

The Dragon #22, Vol 3.8

D&D Chronologically -

The image in the bottom left is by Steve Swenston. Otherwise the cover is a complete mess.

What’s new
  • Now 56 pages! Because…
  • They’ve combined The Dragon and Little Wars into one magazine
  • Sneak peek at the DMs Guide! – editorial notes it’s coming out in August at Gencon
  • The First Assassins – real historical stuff
  • Bad to Worse – Gygax reviews some amateur magazines – he completely ridicules them – maybe deserved but this kind of thing is so small minded and petty and not worthy of inclusion in the Dragon
  • And another comment by Gygax on a review of the Players Handbook in Strategy & Tactics – sigh – get over yourself Gary!
  • International DM Search – a massive list of DMs and campaigns
  • D&D – what it is and where it’s going – first in an ongoing series – finally a decent article – has interesting data about printing numbers of early D&D – talks about putting out the simplified Basic Set and mentions that newer sets will have a module instead of geomorphs. Funnily, he says he’s not interested in always coming out with new and improved editions every so often and considers AD&D will be somewhat done and final with maybe small alterations here and there. New material will come in the forms of modules etc. Also speculates that there will be computerised D&D in the future.
  • First Invitational AD&D Masters Tournament results – using a scenario called “The Quest for the Holy Grrale” (sic) which they say will be published by TSR – though as far as I can tell, they never did. A who’s who of players
  • DM’s Guide sneak peek – descriptions of magic items from the G&D modules, attack matrices, assassin, saving throw and psionic tables
  • The Nomenclature of Pole Arms – by Gygax – this was surprisingly readable and interesting!
Ads of note
  • Ad for B1 – In Search of the Unknown!

The Dragon #21, Vol 3.7

D&D Chronologically -

Cover by Paul Jaquays – bit sketchy but pretty decent

What’s new
  • An adventure! – The Hall of Mystery by Don Turnbull – I actually don’t think it’s all that great
  • There’s an error on the cover. It says Vol III No 6 but it’s actually No 7
  • The Other Humorous Side of D&D – an anecdote from a player about a really bad/ridiculous DM
  • A bunch of tables to come up with fancy titles for characters like “The Captain General, His All Triumphant Magnificance, The Duke Rogor, The Colossal, Destroyer of Evil”
  • Monty Strikes Back – just doesn’t interest me
  • Although not D&D related, it’s worth mentioning there’s an extensive article about “Rail Baron” by Gary Gygax
Design Forum
  • An article suggesting you spice up your monsters by just picking a real world creature and fancying it up – eg giant scorpion
  • An article that’s basically a rogues gallery of NPCs with interesting descriptions and motivations to add flavour to your campaign
  • Inflation in D&D – characters got too much gold? Just inflate the prices of things! Whatever floats your boat I guess
  • How To Counter Foretelling Spells – DM tricks to deal with powerful characters
  • Sensible Sorcery – how to put some limits on spell research
  • The Silmarillion! The reviewer, T Watson, is fairly enthusiastic but with notes of caution about how dense it is.
Ads of Note
  • Ad for S1 Tomb of Horrors!

Coming in 2024: Thirteen Parsecs

The Other Side -

 You know how I have lamented how I never have found the perfect sci-fi RPG?  Well. That all might be changing.

Thirteen Parsecs

13 Parsecs


Thirteen Parsecs: Adventures Beyond the Solar Frontier is the latest tabletop role-playing game project from Elf Lair Games, producers of Night Shift: Veterans of the Supernatural Wars and Wasted Lands: The Dreaming Age. It forms the third of our trilogy of core games - we've given you modern and fantasy, and now we bring sci-fi to the forefront with the same rules, completely customizable and ready for you to build exactly the type of science fiction gaming you want. As always, it's your game your way when it's Powered by O.G.R.E.S.!

I am so excited for this.  I have been dying to work on a solid sci-fi game since forever.

A bit of background, I think I have mentioned in the past that prior to switching gears to become a psychologist I had actually started out in physics, and astrophysics in particular. I got to a point in calculus where I just stopped understanding it, so I had to switch. BTW this makes my former Actuary (with degrees in math) wife laugh her ass off all the time. 

So it will be wonderful to put all this knowledge I have about astronomy, space, and science to good use.

Launch is not till later in the year, but Jason is already working out all sorts of great things. I hope to resurrect Space Truckers, get some more mileage out of Dark Star (formerly BlackStar), and more.

So please sign up and watch for more details!

#Dungeon23 Tomb of the Vampire Queen, Level 12, Room 20

The Other Side -

 On the other side of Room 12-17 from Room 18 is another set of stairs to an ornate tomb.  This one belongs to the Vampire Queen's Majordomo, the Dwarf Fizko.

Room 20

Fizko was in charge of the household of the Vampire Queen. She rewarded his faithful service by turning him into a Death Knight.

Death Knight

Armor Class -1 [20]
Hit Dice 12+36 (90hp)*****
Attacks 2 × weapons (1d10+4) + Special
THAC0 6 [+13]
Movement 120’ (40’)
Morale 12
Alignment Chaos
XP 5,900
Number Appearing 1 (1)
Treasure Type None

The Dwarf Fizko is a supernaturally strong Death Knight.

He attacks with a great mattock +3 that he can use to hit twice per round.  He can summon 2d6 Haugbui twice per day.

As a death knight, he has the powers and spells of a 12th level anti-Paladin.  His "lay on hands" ability causes damage instead of healing.

Fizko is fanatically loyal to the Vampire Queen, whom he believes is a Goddess and he swore his oath to her.

#Dungeon23 Tomb of the Vampire Queen, Level 12, Room 18

The Other Side -

 This giant area (Room 13) has three exits. One on each side of the room and one ahead. The first on the left is Room 18.

Room 18

This ornate tomb is found at the bottom of a flight of stairs.  The doors are locked but can be picked.

This is the tomb of Dortya, the handmaiden to the Vampire Queen. 

She is a 10 HD Vampire. She has Boots of Speed, Bracers of Defence AC +3, and a sword +2 / +3 vs. Clerics.   Her tomb has Treasure Type F x3.

Her only task is to keep people away from her queen.

#Dungeon23 Tomb of the Vampire Queen, Level 12, Room 17

The Other Side -

 This section of the larger area is the home to the graves of the Queen's Elven sacrifices.  Rising from the graves are Grave Terrors, the halfling undead. 

Room 17

Grave Terror are halfling wights.

Grave Terror

Armor Class: 5
Hit Dice: 3d8+6 (31 hp)
Movement: 90" (30")
Attacks: 1 claw or weapon (+2 to hit, 1d6+2 damage)
Special Attacks: Fear aura, Spectral Blades
Special Defenses: Immune to sleep, charm, and hold spells
Saves: As 3rd level Fighter
Morale: 12 (Fanatic)
Treasure: Nil (grave goods destroyed with their undeath)
Alignment: Chaotic Evil

These creatures were warriors among the halflings until they were cursed to undeath.  They had high Strength and Constitution scores while alive (16+ each) and were formidable fighters.

They attack with a claw or a rusty sword for 1d6+2 points of damage. They can also summon a spectral blade to attack another opponent at the same level of proficiency. 

These undead creatures have Aura of Fear that acts like the spell Fear 15' Radius.  They are immune to sleep, charm, and hold spells. They are turned as Ghouls.

[Free RPG Day 2023] Root: Hacksaw Dell Quickstart

Reviews from R'lyeh -

Now in its sixteenth year, Free RPG Day for 2023 took place on Saturday, June 24th. As per usual, Free RPG Day consisted of an array of new and interesting little releases, which are traditionally tasters for forthcoming games to be released at GenCon the following August, but others are support for existing RPGs or pieces of gaming ephemera or a quick-start. Thanks to the generosity of David Salisbury of Fan Boy 3, Fil Baldowski at All Rolled Up, and others, Reviews from R’lyeh was able to get hold of many of the titles released for Free RPG Day, both in the USA and elsewhere.


Published by Magpie Games, Root: The Tabletop Roleplaying Game is a roleplaying game based on the award-winning Root: A Game of Woodland Might & Right board game, about conflict and power, featuring struggles between cats, birds, mice, and more. The Woodland consists of dense forest interspersed by ‘Clearings’ where its many inhabitants—dominated by foxes, mice, rabbits, and birds live, work, and trade from their villages. Birds can also be found spread out in the canopy throughout the forest. Recently, the Woodland was thrown into chaos when the ruling Eyrie Dynasties tore themselves apart in a civil war and left power vacuums throughout the Woodland. With no single governing power, the many Clearings of the Woodland have coped as best they can—or not at all, but many fell under the sway or the occupation of the forces of the Marquise de Cat, leader of an industrious empire from far away. More recently, the civil war between the Eyrie Dynasties has ended and is regroupings its forces to retake its ancestral domains, whilst other denizens of the Woodland, wanting to be free of both the Marquisate and the Eyrie Dynasties, have formed the Woodland Alliance and secretly foment for independence.

Between the Clearings and the Paths which connect them, creatures, individuals, and bands live in the dense, often dangerous forest. Amongst these are the Vagabonds—exiles, outcasts, strangers, oddities, idealists, rebels, criminals, freethinkers. They are hardened to the toughness of life in the forest, but whilst some turn to crime and banditry, others come to Clearings to trade, work, and sometimes take jobs that no other upstanding citizens of any Clearing would do—or have the skill to undertake. Of course, in Root: The Tabletop Roleplaying Game, Vagabonds are the Player Characters.

Root: The Tabletop Roleplaying Game is ‘Powered by the Apocalypse’, the mechanics based on the award-winning post-apocalyptic roleplaying game, Apocalypse World, published by Lumpley Games in 2010. At the heart of these mechanics are Playbooks and their sets of Moves. Now, Playbooks are really Player Characters and their character sheets, and Moves are actions, skills, and knowledges, and every Playbook is a collection of Moves. Some of these Moves are generic in nature, such as ‘Persuade an NPC’ or ‘Attempt a Roguish Feat’, and every Player Character or Vagabond can attempt them. Others are particular to a Playbook, for example, ‘Silent Paws’ for a Ranger Vagabond or ‘Arsonist’ for the Scoundrel Vagabond.

To undertake an action or Move in a ‘Powered by the Apocalypse’ roleplaying game—or Root: The Tabletop Roleplaying Game, a character’s player rolls two six-sided dice and adds the value of an attribute such as Charm, Cunning, Finesse, Luck, or Might, or Reputation, to the result. A full success is achieved on a result of ten or more; a partial success is achieved with a cost, complication, or consequence on a result of seven, eight, or nine; and a failure is scored on a result of six or less. Essentially, this generates results of ‘yes’, ‘yes, but…’ with consequences, and ‘no’. Notably though, the Game Master does not roll in ‘Powered by the Apocalypse’ roleplaying game—or Root: The Tabletop Roleplaying Game.

So for example, if a Player Character wants to ‘Read a Tense Situation’, his player is rolling to have his character learn the answers to questions such as ‘What’s my best way out/in/through?’, ‘Who or what is the biggest threat?’, ‘Who or what is most vulnerable to me?’, ‘What should I be on the lookout for?’, or ‘Who is in control here?’. To make the Move, the player rolls the dice and his character’s Cunning to the result. On a result of ten or more, the player can ask three of these questions, whilst on a result of seven, eight, or nine, he only gets to ask one.

Moves particular to a Playbook can add to an attribute, such as ‘Master Thief’, which adds one to a character’s Finesse or allow another attribute to be substituted for a particular Move, for example, ‘Threatening Visage’, which enables a Player Character to use his Might instead of Charm when using open threats or naked steel on attempts to ‘Persuade an NPC’. Others are fully detailed Moves, such as ‘Grab and Smash’. When a Player Character wants to smash through some scenery to reach someone or something, his player rolls the character’s Might in a test. The Move enables the character to reach the target on a hit. However, this is not without its consequences. This can the character hurting himself and the player marking an injury, break an important part of his surroundings, or damage or leave behind a piece of gear. One a roll of 10+, the character suffers one of these consequences; on a roll of 7-9, he suffers two; and on a miss, he smashes but is left totally vulnerable on the other side.

Root: Hacksaw Dell Quickstart is the Free RPG Day 2023 from Magpie Games for Root: The Tabletop Roleplaying Game. It includes an explanation of the core rules, six pregenerated Player Characters or Vagabonds and their Playbooks, and a complete setting or Clearing for them to explore. From the overview of the game and an explanation of the characters to playing the game and its many Moves, the introduction to the Root: The Tabletop Roleplaying Game in Root: Hacksaw Dell Quickstart is well-written. It is notable that all of the Vagabonds are essentially roguish in nature, so in addition to the Basic Moves, such as ‘Figure Someone Out’, ‘Persuade an NPC’, ‘Trick an NPC’, ‘Trust Fate’, and ‘Wreck Something’, they can ‘Attempt a Roguish Feat’. This covers Acrobatics, Blindside, Counterfeit, Disable Device, Hide, Pick Lock, Pick Pocket, Sleight of Hand, and Sneak. Each of these requires an associated Feat to attempt, and each of the six pregenerated Vagabonds has one, two, or more of the Feats depending just how roguish they are. Otherwise, a Vagabond’s player rolls the ‘Trust to Fate’ Move.

The six pre-generated Vagabonds include Laeliana the Arbiter, an experienced Mole mercenary who is looking for the right battles to fight; Jexri the Champion, a Lizard who is devout follower of the Great Wyrm and defender of those who need it; Yates the Envoy, a Toad envoy who works as a diplomat for hire; Mint the Prince, a young Fox trying to live up to the reputation of her mother; Rackham the Thief, a bird thief who has returned to Hacksaw Dell to show off their expertise as a burglar; and Knohadd the Vagrant, a Possum ex-Riverfolk Company captain, who comes with plenty of baggage. All six of these Vagabonds have links to the given Clearing and its NPCs in Root: Hacksaw Dell Quickstart, and all six are complete with Natures and Drives, stats, backgrounds, Moves, Feats, and equipment. All a player has to do is decide on a couple of connections and each Playbook is ready to play.
As its title suggests, the given Clearing in Root: Hacksaw Dell Quickstart is Hacksaw Dell. Its description comes with an overarching issue and conflicts within the Clearing, important NPCs, places to go, and more. The situation in Hacksaw Dell is different to that of most Clearings. Until recently, the Marquisate operated a lumbermill in the Clearing, but this was targeted by the Woodland Alliance and burnt down, only a month ago. An Assembly of Citizens has been established to create a charter to govern the newly freed Clearing, but progress is not fast enough for some. This is includes the Woodland Alliance provocateurs who liberated the Clearing, some of whom want to repeat the action they took in liberating the Clearing and many other citizens who have found succour in the Lizard Cult. Others want to install a prince like they had in the days when the Eyrie Dynasties ruled the Clearing. These four Conflicts make up the plots to be explored and developed in the Clearing and each is fully detailed and includes notes on what happens if the vagabonds do not get involved and leave the Conflict to develop on its own. For the Game Master there is a good overview of the Clearing and notes of where to begin when running the Root: Hacksaw Dell Quickstart and getting the Vagabonds involved. There suggestions also as to how escalate the situation for each of the Vagabonds to draw them further into the ongoing events in Hacksaw Dell.

Physically, Root: Hacksaw Dell Quickstart is a fantastic looking booklet, done in full colour and printed on heavy paper stock. It is well written and the artwork, taken from or inspired by the Root: A Game of Woodland Might & Right board game, is bright and breezy, and really attractive. Even cute. Simply, just as Root: The Pellenicky Glade Quickstart was for Free RPG Day 2020, Root: The Bertram’s Cove Quickstart was for Free RPG Day 2021, and Root: Talon Hill Quickstart for Free RPG 2022, so too Root: Hacksaw Dell Quickstart is physically the most impressive of all the releases for Free RPG Day 2023.

If there is an issue with Root: Hacksaw Dell Quickstart it is that it looks busy and it looks complex—something that often besets ‘Powered by the Apocalypse’ roleplaying games. Not only do players need their Vagabond’s Playbooks, but also reference sheets for all of the game’s Basic Moves and Weapon Moves—and that is a lot of information. However, it means that a player has all of the information he needs to play his Vagabond to hand, he does not need to refer to the rules for explanations of the rules or his Vagabond’s Moves. That also means that there is some preparation required to make sure that each player has the lists of Moves his Vagabond needs. Another issue is that the relative complexity and the density of the information in Root: Hacksaw Dell Quickstart means that it is not a beginner’s game and the Game Master will need a bit of experience to run Hacksaw Dell and its conflicts.

Ultimately, the Root: Hacksaw Dell Quickstart comes with everything necessary to play and keep the attention of a playing group for probably three or four sessions, possibly more. Although it needs a careful read through and preparation by the Game Master, Root: Hacksaw Dell Quickstart is a very good introduction to the rules, the setting, and conflicts in Root: The Tabletop Roleplaying Game—and it looks damned good too. For the Game Master who is already running a Root: The Tabletop Roleplaying Game campaign, the Root: Hacksaw Dell Quickstart provides another Clearing that she can add to her campaign with the others available in the proper quick-start for the roleplaying game as well as releases for previous Free RPG Days.


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