
Bri's picture

Davis Hymind or Hindman. Served in Company B, 45Th Georgia Rgt. During the Civil War.  Hindman, D. H. -- Private. Paroled at Kingston, Georgia May 12, 1865. Since he was paroled in May, he would have been with the colors for the surrender at appomattox in April.

Bri's picture

So heres an  ancestor of mine I want to honor with one of my model regiments.

John Hindman (1744-1861) a veteran of the war of 1812. He was a private in the 22 US infantry, eventually promoted sergeant in Cpt. anderson's company of the 22 US Infantry. 

Don't know much else of him except he had a lot of kids, was a widower several times over and moved from South Carolina to Georgia.


Bri's picture

one of the official national treasures stored at the New York Public Library is this flag.  Made for Jack London (yep, Call of the Wild, and San Francisco street gang tough Jack)  by an unknown Korean tailor and displayed by him as he covered the Russo-Japanese war as correspondent in 1909.



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