One Year

This month represents the second year of I've written about it before now, and all of that still applies.

For the next year, I aim to increase the quality and quantity of my own commentary on the hobby, from the gameplay diaries to meta-discussion on the nature of my own nostalgia. There may be more writing about the personal history I have with the hobby, but I also intend to have new experiences to write about.

Yesterday, I successfully implemented private/direct messages between users of this site. It was a feat, but my next sentence may seem like a non-sequitur, so bear with me a moment. 

I sometimes worry about the trap of nostalgia.


It can keep you from advancing, from trying new things, or, while trying new things, keep you from accepting the way newer, more derived things are. The differences become magnified and made larger at the expense of more meaningful things.

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