Not the art I will use for Lilith, but it is cool.
The work continues on my Basic Bestiaries. I spent some time over the weekend working on various Demon Lords, and working on revisions to my stat block that work well for me and any potential readers. This has lead me to an issue I need to resolve.
One of the goals for all my Basic Bestaries is to provide players of whatever version of the Great Game they are playing (pre-2000) and their clones a useful and complete stat block for their games. Another goal was to add what I felt were the best options for new school (post-2000) play. Generally speaking this has worked out well enough with a few extra notes added. But I have come to place where things have gotten messy. That is, how should I denote XP gained.
There are minor differences between all the various clones and even in the versions of D&D itself on how XP should be calculated and/or displayed for defeating a monster.
Let's take an example, the Aglæca from a previous Monstrous Mondays.
Here is the stat block.
Large Humanoid
Frequency: Very Rare
Number Appearing: 1 (1)
Alignment: Chaotic [Chaotic Evil]
Movement: 180' (60') [18"]
Armor Class: 4 [15]
Hit Dice: 8d8**+16 (52 hp)
HD (Large): 8d10**+16 (60 hp)
Attacks: claw, claw, bite
Damage: 1d6+4 x2, 1d8+4
Special: Cause fear, magic required to hit, regenerate 1 hp per round, infravision, sunlight sensitivity.
Size: Large
Save: Monster 8
Morale: 12 (12)
Treasure Hoard Class: XIX [D] x2
XP: 1,750 (OSE) 1,840 (LL)
Ok, a few things first. Items in RED are AD&D/OSRIC and some Swords & Wizardry add-ons to what would be a Basic D&D stat block. Items in GREEN are "new school" add-ons like ascending AC and the XP values for OSE and Labyrinth Lord. I also want to point out one other item I have discussed in the past using different die types for size categories. This is something from D&D 5 (and in the SRD). Not only does it make sense, it also replicates something I was doing in AD&D 1 anyway (though I only used d6, d8, and d10). It helps solve a lot of issues with hp spread and size.
But...there is a consequence of this.
So my issue recently has been one of XP calculation. I want a book that can be used by players of AD&D and Basic D&D, as well as OSE, Labyrinth Lord, Swords & Wizardry, OSRIC, and Basic Fantasy. The trouble is they don't all line up with XP point calculations. And more to the point even something like my Aglæca here is a Large creature, so it's hp, and thus it's XP value, will be greater in AD&D and OSRIC than they would by the book.
What should I do about this?
Solution 1: List Them All
I did this above with just OSE and LL above. It is comprehensive but unwieldy.
S&W CL: 10 / XP: 1400
OSE: 1750
LL: 1840
BF: 1015
B/X: 1250
OSRIC: 1150
Advanced: 1150
The OSRIC and Advanced could be collapsed into one (and should). My d10-based hp calculations do make some of these a little different.
This works, but like I said, it is unwieldy.
Solution 2: The Point Spread
In truth DMs/GMs always tweak their numbers. So why not a point spread? Something like this:
Min: 1015
Mean: 1365
Median: 1250
Max: 1840
Smaller. And provides a nice spread without going into details for each system (though the calculations are from all the systems).
Of course, when I publish, the B/X and Advanced numbers have to be removed.
I am also considering a median value or even a weighted mean. And despite my desire to do so, I doubt I'll add anything like a standard deviation. (ETA: I added the Median)
Solution 3: The Big Table
I could provide a huge table in the end with all the monster and all their XP calcs.
It wouldn't be that difficult since that is already what I have.

It will likely be some combination of "all the above."
Next task. Reorganize the stat-block for easier reading.