...Somewhere in Mantissippi
Polyesterdelphia Prattle-Herald
Anonymous member of the Regiment
Last night the Anneglug Chasseurs bivouaced among the splintered trees of a once fine pear orchard, now devestated by Republican Mammoths. The Wooly beasts have left foul smelling calling cards all over the wreckage. Even more awful are the swollen bug infested carcasses of the beasts. Local Vigilante groups, pushed into killing the monsters to protect thier homes and fields, have triggered the war at last. Two days ago unidentified elements of the People's Army of the People's Democratic Steppe Republic pushed beyond the frontier into Mantissippi. Some of them have dug in for the night only a few dozen yards away from this point. Thier apish crude laughter sits heavy on the crisp night air, and burning pearwood smoke from thier campfires gives a bleak autumnal atmosphere to the theater.
The shooting hasn't started in earnest. There is only lazy shelling of this position. It seems the enemy is disorganized and poorly supplied. Our brave Army of the Expedition is digging in.
These Anneglug Chasseurs are valiant people. We know we may soon face the legions of People's Tanks, and we have little to stop them with but courage. Ours is a light regiment, swift to respond but lacking in heavy weapons. There is one machine gun in the regiment. One anti-tank gun, no bazookas, no mortars. If the enemy presses hard we will have to fall back, But that's our job here, to buy the allies time.
We will do that job. Our blood will be a wall, a hedge, and wading through us will be like swimming in molasses. The Jack-Boots of the People's Army are going to find it hard going as we are in good spirits. There is little fear, and much excitement. Tonight is perhaps the last respite. Dawn will bring the war.
The Freestate will prevail, you at home will make it so. As brave as we Chasseurs are, you must be braver still. It will take sacrifice to stand up to the Mob Dictatorship of our enemy, for they are numerous, viscious, and driven. Freedom and Justice under the guidance of faith will give us a positive conclusion. So work hard, be frugal, and buy war bonds. We will win through your labors.