My favorite Rust Monster. Circa 1970s #toy#chinasaur plastic figure which served as the inspiration for the D&D monster. I’d like to snag more of these someday.
Circa 1970s #chinasaur#toy plastic figure made in Hong Kong (possibly, there’s no indicator of origin, but it is in the same style as the others). #Troglodyte inspiry for D&D.
The ugly, ugly Neo-Otyugh, a D&D monster #toy from LJN toys. Bit of a bendy, actually, with wire embedded in the plastic for some posability (until the wire breaks).
I’m … fond of it. I suppose. It does look like it gives nice hugs.
This is the really deadly (and really ugly) #Grell, another LJN-made D&D monster bendable #toy which likely got little to no respect in the early 1980s.
There’s a lot going for it. Brains, tentacles, and … a beak. The Fiend Folio creature has these features, but the accompanying illustration is better than the effect here, which is sort of brains-on-a-cracker with green extremities.