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DOLLAR GENERAL: Mummy Army & Skeleton Army
Dollar General has a new 10 figure set of mummy soldiers available for Halloween 2018. There are 10 new mummy figures and 10 skeletons (in 8 poses) which have been around for years. The mummies are 54mm and the skeletons are about 45mm. These guys are a little cartoonish, but I like the concept of mummy soldiers. They are only $1 per pack of 10. Excellent price.
I posted pictures of the Skeletons a couple of years ago.

2019 Versions.

I posted pictures of the Skeletons a couple of years ago.
I have been looking for this guy for more than a decade. He showed up on ebay in an otherwise average lot last week. I was all set for an evil bidding war but I was the only bidder. Lucky day!
Based on the other figures in the lot, I would guess that he is original Hong Kong production (as opposed to the PRC marked figures made in mainland China.) Like the brown knights, he would be one of just a very few rare color variations to come from Hong Kong.

Based on the other figures in the lot, I would guess that he is original Hong Kong production (as opposed to the PRC marked figures made in mainland China.) Like the brown knights, he would be one of just a very few rare color variations to come from Hong Kong.
SEARS Catalog Version Dragonriders of the Styx Playset.
I can post pictures of this very rare catalog Dragonriders of the Styx playset thanks to David Pietila. David says it is the Sears version and he should know. This set seems to be missing the dragon, but that does not mean it wasn't included originally. This was David's childhood set. Here is what he has to say about its background:
Greetings,I have found a box of Dragonriders of Styx that has been in storage at my Mother's for years. Apologies for the pics, but the item is 19 hours away from me. I had someone else send my photos. The box has instructions, I believe there is an order form on the other side. My mom had written on the box "If you boys open this again I will return it to the store." The box is a plain mailer, at one time it had a label that was plain as well.

Greetings,I have found a box of Dragonriders of Styx that has been in storage at my Mother's for years. Apologies for the pics, but the item is 19 hours away from me. I had someone else send my photos. The box has instructions, I believe there is an order form on the other side. My mom had written on the box "If you boys open this again I will return it to the store." The box is a plain mailer, at one time it had a label that was plain as well.

This set of 10 soft plastic mythology figures was released as give away prizes in Mexican snack cakes in 2017. The cakes are called Gansitos/ Gansi Premio. The company that makes them is called Marinela. The figures are about 35-40mm tall. They came individually wrapped with a collector card. They are on the small side for toy soldiers. Nice quality.

What the heck are these?
I've had these for years and tried off and on to find out who made them and what they are called, but no luck at all. I think they were made in the 1980s, but maybe the 1990s or both. They are made of rubber and have holes in their butts for pencils. The little dragon is fairly ordinary looking, but the mutant centaur birdman is one of the weirdest figures of all time. So, does anybody know anything solid about these guys?

While we are at it, what are these guys?
PUBLIUS: Dwarves
Publius is a Russian company that makes very high quality, and costly, figures on par with anything else available. These five dwarves are the first fantasy figures from this company (at least that I know of). The big (Dwarf King?) warrior is standing on some rocks which make him 58mm. That is kind of tall for a dwarf.
The other guys look like thieves to me, or am I just profiling? Who else walks around with a lantern and a hand axe? I'm not saying that all dwarfs are criminals. I'm not saying that I would pick up any of these guys hitchhiking at night either. Some of those Lord of the Rings guys were cool. These suckers on the other hand are the old school Norse legends kind of dwarves . . . violent, devious bastards.

The other guys look like thieves to me, or am I just profiling? Who else walks around with a lantern and a hand axe? I'm not saying that all dwarfs are criminals. I'm not saying that I would pick up any of these guys hitchhiking at night either. Some of those Lord of the Rings guys were cool. These suckers on the other hand are the old school Norse legends kind of dwarves . . . violent, devious bastards.
SCS DIRECT: Humans v. Aliens
Yet another new set from SCS Direct: Humans v. Aliens. There are 8 figures each of aliens and human civilians. All but one of the aliens can be used as fantasy monsters. The humans are just the type of civilians I have been searching for to use in zombie set ups. The housefrau ready to do battle with her rolling pin is outstanding.


Love this figure!

More No Name Fun from Russia: Mounted Chaos Knight & Wolf Rider.
The Russians with no name are at it again. These figures are just weird, and I mean that in the best way possible. The wolfman rider comes with either a giant gun arm or a crazy techno mace buzz saw arm. He actually makes a better post-apocalyptic figure than a fantasy figure. He can be a mutant rather than a werewolf. I mean no offence to werewolves. Some of my best friends are werewolves. The evil knight comes with one and two horned versions of his mount (some of my best friends are also evil knights.) They size out to about 45mm scale.

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Short Boxing Day entry.
Our Holiday was pretty good as we hope yours was also. Not really had time for a proper entry, just a few quick notes to keep the posts coming.
The infantry Uniform has been updated and begins issue next month, new features include eliminating the old wool heavy coat in favor of a tunic style, and most importantly an Adrianne splinter helmet. Putees and Trousers are retained and the Mustard webgear.
begining next month all new recruits will enter service in the new uniform style.
Meanwhile the latest from the Fabulouth Armee Aerofleet of the Freestate is another attempt by Dr. Brigham Baccalov to breach the rampart of the Ouroboros Range, the vast ring of mountains that encircles the Ornrian diskworld. Using an army air team, Dr. Bacalov reports having reached dizzying heights of hundreds of meters and still no sign of the barrier relenting. He also reports the mysterious destruction of one aircraft, and the discovery of large footprints in the snow around the wreckage. An Abominable Snowman?
we hope for the safety of the expedition, and eagerly await important discoveries.

Our Holiday was pretty good as we hope yours was also. Not really had time for a proper entry, just a few quick notes to keep the posts coming.
The infantry Uniform has been updated and begins issue next month, new features include eliminating the old wool heavy coat in favor of a tunic style, and most importantly an Adrianne splinter helmet. Putees and Trousers are retained and the Mustard webgear.

Meanwhile the latest from the Fabulouth Armee Aerofleet of the Freestate is another attempt by Dr. Brigham Baccalov to breach the rampart of the Ouroboros Range, the vast ring of mountains that encircles the Ornrian diskworld. Using an army air team, Dr. Bacalov reports having reached dizzying heights of hundreds of meters and still no sign of the barrier relenting. He also reports the mysterious destruction of one aircraft, and the discovery of large footprints in the snow around the wreckage. An Abominable Snowman?
we hope for the safety of the expedition, and eagerly await important discoveries.

exotic Wormwood
Anneglug Chasseurs mustered into service
This morning the trumpet sounded and Colonel Elyard graciously welcomed his new Regiment into existence. The troops made a splendid display marching from the old fort field where they've been bivouacking in tents, down the Rue Latte. The local amateur Umpah band played them through town to the square, and with the cheering we barely noticed the occasional dying cat sounds. The kids were excited and were blowing up brown lunch bags and popping them, like any good holiday.
Colonel Scott Elyard reads the oath and joins in the rousingly patriotic "Clarion of Chanticleer"
a fine looking Regiment of Chasseurs, no?
It was dreadfully cold however, and we were soon envying the heavy wool coats of the NCOs. No matter, It was a thing of beauty to see my hard work, Everyone's hard work come together. With the problems in Wormwood it's clear that one day or other we will need these trained women and men. They've taken up the hard duty and will live a life of toil pain and sweat that makes my more
Military Police on security detail
intellectual efforts pale. but here I am getting carried away. Instead listen to the Colonel's remarks;
“The time is now near at hand, which must probably determine whether Polyestrine Peoples are to be free men or slaves; whether they are to have any property they can call their own; whether their houses and farms are to be pillaged and destroyed, and themselves consigned to a state of wretchedness from which no human efforts will deliver them. “The fate of unborn millions will now depend, under the Gods, on the courage and conduct of this army. This Regiment. “Our own, our country’s honour call upon us for a vigorous and goodly exertion; and if we now shamefully fail, we shall become infamous to the whole world. “Let us, then rely on the goodness of our cause, and the aid of Providence, in whose hands victory is, to animate and encourage us to great and noble actions. “The eyes of all our countrymen are now upon us, and we shall have their blessings and praises, if happily we are the instruments of saving them from the tyranny mediated against them. Let your training sustain you, rely now on one another, go forth, and come back not unless with the laurels of Glory, or the Red Badge of your courage!"
Well, I can't vouch for those being the exact words as from my seat it was Impossible to hear him over the wind, the kids, dogs, trucks, and general chaos, but what I have here is clipped from the venerable Forge Reader I copped at my favorite place on the Rue Latte. Well, the troops are nestled safely in their permanent quarters, the cardboard box with a lable, awaiting the call to defend their Nation, and now I can lay me down to rest of my labours.

“The time is now near at hand, which must probably determine whether Polyestrine Peoples are to be free men or slaves; whether they are to have any property they can call their own; whether their houses and farms are to be pillaged and destroyed, and themselves consigned to a state of wretchedness from which no human efforts will deliver them. “The fate of unborn millions will now depend, under the Gods, on the courage and conduct of this army. This Regiment. “Our own, our country’s honour call upon us for a vigorous and goodly exertion; and if we now shamefully fail, we shall become infamous to the whole world. “Let us, then rely on the goodness of our cause, and the aid of Providence, in whose hands victory is, to animate and encourage us to great and noble actions. “The eyes of all our countrymen are now upon us, and we shall have their blessings and praises, if happily we are the instruments of saving them from the tyranny mediated against them. Let your training sustain you, rely now on one another, go forth, and come back not unless with the laurels of Glory, or the Red Badge of your courage!"
Well, I can't vouch for those being the exact words as from my seat it was Impossible to hear him over the wind, the kids, dogs, trucks, and general chaos, but what I have here is clipped from the venerable Forge Reader I copped at my favorite place on the Rue Latte. Well, the troops are nestled safely in their permanent quarters, the cardboard box with a lable, awaiting the call to defend their Nation, and now I can lay me down to rest of my labours.
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Got some sleep last night so was bright eyed and bushy tailed. polished off the dossier on my desk, then headed to experimental tank factory, actually the old Locomotive plant...several new models were being tooled for production; the new Hussar, Dragoon, and Cuirassier tanks are in pieces and the machine tools are being molded, shaped, cast, ground and finished to cast, stamp, forge, and mill the many parts. Industrial Designers are running on caffeine and excitement right now...they'll be found on deadline day snoozing under their drawing tables. Then it was back to the office to continue updating the Dossiers. being a Dark Poobah of Polyestrine People is always fun and never ever tedious. Thank god I get to see parades. In speaking of which...tomorrow I get to attend a graduation of sorts.
anyhow allow me to leave you this evening with a sheet of paper soldiers in Guapamolotl uniforms... enjoy!
tank Parts undergoing moldmaking

Got some sleep last night so was bright eyed and bushy tailed. polished off the dossier on my desk, then headed to experimental tank factory, actually the old Locomotive plant...several new models were being tooled for production; the new Hussar, Dragoon, and Cuirassier tanks are in pieces and the machine tools are being molded, shaped, cast, ground and finished to cast, stamp, forge, and mill the many parts. Industrial Designers are running on caffeine and excitement right now...they'll be found on deadline day snoozing under their drawing tables. Then it was back to the office to continue updating the Dossiers. being a Dark Poobah of Polyestrine People is always fun and never ever tedious. Thank god I get to see parades. In speaking of which...tomorrow I get to attend a graduation of sorts.

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I never noticed the continent and islands taken together kind of form a dragon shape...it's head, to the right, seems to be biting the Ouroboros Rim. a delightful whimsy...
Anyway I like the street maps of cities like Roach Harbor, old cities change, but not much...

Just tried a Kola Rosa, Imported from
Just tried a Kola Rosa, Imported from Guapamolotl...yum. However I did not spontaneously find a big white clad guy to hold my head over the fountaining bottle...I guess that costs extra. Chocolotl prices are rising because of the political problems in Guapamolotl. Thank Goodness we have the Wormwood dependency; the plantations there made a fine domestic chocolotl, so we can spend our money at home.

Well, the CoC called, and they've stuck me with putting together a Headquarters for the Experimental Tank Lab, College, or Corps, if they decide on a name soon it will help. So I burned midnight oil, and put this HQ together. mostly a recolor of Spanish Civil war paper toys, but with the added piquancy of a set of Timmee Toys inspired "stickers". Enjoy!
and if you just want to print the stickers you can do that. You notice the tiny medals? Those are for sticking on to toy soldiers who earn medals in Warplay.

and if you just want to print the stickers you can do that. You notice the tiny medals? Those are for sticking on to toy soldiers who earn medals in Warplay.

A new map!
Admiral Saltbum stopped by today with an armful of charts to discuss a few new pieces of cartography. We shared some tea and discussed the evolution of big dreadnoughts and submarine chasers... I'll take the tank development problems anyday over the horrors of drowning while you burn and sharks if you survive, but that's just me. Anyway, the point is, he shared Admiral Maywests' new Mappamunda, which I have obtained a copy to share with you. It's a classic North is Up representation of the diskworld, with it's new more accurate rim sketched in. Those mountains go right up to space and keep our air in. I understand the Bhore-Nye Science Institute plans to mount an assault on the rim mountain range using zepplins, I bet that will be quite an adventure! I've heard talk that it would be a good place to put an observatory, above the weather at the very tip of what we can breathe, the edge of space itself. The mind dizzies! well, here's the map. Enjoy.

New arrival via post
So, the War Department released the new Training Circular, and I got my review copy via post today. So I poured a cup of coffee and leafed through it. A few revisions of the uniforms, but nothing we haven't seen already. I'll say it appears to be a boringly useful reference book. Here's a few pics so you can see what I mean.
splash page, features the new version of the White Rooster...in black.
the pink and brown service uniform in glorious black and white
nice out of date paste in page of flags. I'll have to get on them about this
Ah our Maxim gunner is in color...the pink is a bit bright...

The White Rooster of Spunkdumpling

The Oriflamme Banner of the Second Polyester Freestate is; Per Bend Purpure et Rose. Sinister a White Rooster Displayed gripping Pen and Sword. which just means it's Purple over pink with the white rooster on the left. The official flag is always in swallow tailed form, but it's sometimes seen in the rectangle, and, popular in the army, a more square version with the charge centered.
The Polyestrine Kings put enormous effort into creating the pan Poly Postal network, and the sabretache pouch became it's symbol, and by virtue of the role of the state clerks in the Glorious Transformation the badge and emblem of the Freestate as a whole.

News from Brubberband!

There was a clipping today in the paper about the Brubberband Heavy Artillery Regiment. Colonel Oldstash Banghum's boys were getting to fire off the big guns for the Departmental Winter Maneuvers.

It appears that a sham battle was played out with elements of the local garrisons, against the Experimental Armor Force. I'm wondering how that played out... I understand the column had problems with communications and fighting the mud.
an informant in the paper suggests the TKSes did very well, and I bet I'll be hearing that they will be the top choice for arming the Uhlan regiments.
