
This month represents the second year of I've written about it before now, and all of that still applies.

For the next year, I aim to increase the quality and quantity of my own commentary on the hobby, from the gameplay diaries to meta-discussion on the nature of my own nostalgia. There may be more writing about the personal history I have with the hobby, but I also intend to have new experiences to write about.

Bri's picture

I have read many great books in my life; but I used to think War and Peace was probably the greatest novel...better than "the Thousand Hour Day", and much better than "Song of Fire and Ice",  or "Lord of the Rings", not to take away from them,  they are great books, but as much as I like them both, they are pale glimmers from a tarnished candlestick next to the supernova of literature that is the great Sienkiewicz Trilogy.  With Fire and Sword is bar none, the best novel I've read yet.

Bri's picture

so, want to share a bit of the munificence I was showered with this year; so much care was lavished on me, and I am intensly grateful.


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