
Bri's picture

as in, I am now pacing the floor.  I got my map ordered.  I wanted it on vinyl or cloth, but 100 bucks shipping nixed that, so it's going to be on paper at 4 by 6.  I have a sheet of clear vinyl the same size I'll put over it, so I can mark on it with china marker or the like...

As a distraction from recent events, I've elected to participate in this minor challenge to create new characters—one for each day of January—released a few days at a time. For the past six days, I did these characters for Dungeons & Dragons, Basic Edition (Moldvay, 1980).

I rolled 4d6 for stats (discarding the lowest die), but 3d6 (times ten) for determining gold pieces.

January 1st:

Moldvay D&D Basic Rules

Recently I had to go through and apportion which of my father's dice would go to a nephew—himself a gamer—and which I would keep. I opted for some of the oldest dice in Dad's old collection, and will be sharing images of many of them here as I get to it.

Dice from Dad
Bri's picture

Up right now on ebay is the original incarnation of the Britains 4.7in Naval Gun.  this was a model of a Boer War naval gun, and this toy is the early version with a broad flat spring that gave it tremendous shooting power, it was greatly reduced in the later versions with a coil breech spring so as to minimize the physical destruction the gun wrought on metal figures.  In this version it often knocked heads off figures, and of course this is the precise toy that H.G.


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