Art & Illustration

Charles W. Stewart (1915 - 2001)

Monster Brains -

Charles W. Stewart - The Apparition, 1973The Apparition, 1973

Charles W. Stewart - The Hall of Spiders, 1973The Hall of Spiders, 1973

Charles W. Stewart - The Dark Breakfast, 1973The Dark Breakfast, 1973

Charles W. Stewart - Swelter Rehearsing, 1973Swelter Rehearsing, 1973

Charles W. Stewart - On the Way to the Doctor, 1974On the Way to the Doctor, 1974

Charles W. Stewart - The Flood, 1974The Flood, 1974

Charles W. Stewart - Steerpike at Bay, 1974Steerpike at Bay, 1974

Charles W. Stewart - Titus's Tenth Birthday, 1974.Titus's Tenth Birthday, 1974

Charles W. Stewart - The Skeletons, 1974The Skeletons, 1974

Charles W. Stewart - Frontispiece illustration for Uncle Silas, 1947.Frontispiece illustration for Uncle Silas, 1947.

Charles W. Stewart - Cover from "Ghost Stories And Other Horrid Tales" 1997. Cover from "Ghost Stories And Other Horrid Tales" 1997.

Charles W. Stewart - Illustration from "Ghost Stories And Other Horrid Tales" 1997 Illustration from "Ghost Stories And Other Horrid Tales" 1997

Charles W. Stewart - Haunted #1 (March 1963)Haunted #1 (March 1963)

Most artworks found at The Royal Academy.

Stephen Fabian - Illustrations from William Hope Hodgson's "The Dream of X"

Monster Brains -

Stephen Fabian - The Dream of X - Watcher of the South East, 1977Watcher of the South East

Stephen Fabian - The Dream of X - The Watcher of the North East, 1977The Watcher of the North East

Stephen Fabian - The Dream of X - The North West Watcher, 1977The North West Watcher

Stephen Fabian - The Dream of X - The Light, 1977The Light

Stephen Fabian - The Dream of X - South-West Watcher, 1977South-West Watcher

Stephen Fabian - The Dream of X - The Lesser Redoubt, 1977The Lesser Redoubt

Illustrations for "The Dream of X" written by William Hope Hodgson. The novel was originally released in 1912, these illustrations are from an edition published in 1977.

Artworks originally shared here in 2010.

Most artworks found at the Heritage Auctions site.
There isn't much there but Stephen's website can be found here.


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